The all-new CH-53K has flown more than 1,200 test hours and is in the midst of a rigorous test program to ensure it is ready to serve both domestically and abroad, enabling the Marines and militaries worldwide to move troops and equipment at higher altitudes , quicker and more effectively than ever. (Courtesy of Lockheed Martin)

USMC to Receive 12 Sikorsky CH-53K Heavy Lift Helicopters (Multi-Video)

Sikorsky, a Lockheed Martin company, will build 12 production CH-53K King Stallion helicopters under a new $1.13 billion contract from the U.S. Navy, as part of the 200 program of record...

Orolia Chosen for FAA Air Traffic Control System Timing Technology

Orolia, the world leader in Resilient Positioning, Navigation and Timing (PNT) solutions and Platinum Award Winner for Two Consecutive Years in the Annual ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Awards Program, have been selected to support...

DHS S&T to Host Cutting-Edge Biometric Technology Systems

Balancing speed and security at checkpoints, like airports, is essential to ensuring safe, reliable travel. Many of these checkpoints are increasingly using biometric technology to improve speed and reliability, and while recent...
Using biometric eGates, which will recognize international travelers by their face, the platform will allow them to board their aircraft in seconds, matching the live faces with previously enrolled and stored images, with no need for them to present either passports or boarding passes at the gate. (Courtesy of Vision-Box)

JFK Airport T1 & Vision-Box to Roll Out Facial Recognition Boarding

New York’s John F. Kennedy (JFK) Airport Terminal One Group and Vision-Box are modernizing passenger processing have signed a cooperation agreement roll out one of the largest biometric boarding airport platforms...
An investigation into the Boeing 737 Max aircraft uncovers a history of issues with one component being blamed for two deadly crashes which killed a combined 346 people. (Courtesy of YouTube.)

Boeing Left Airlines, FAA in Dark on Alert Linked to 737 Crashes (Videos)

May 5, 2019 – In Breaking News – Bloomberg Boeing Co. knew months before a deadly 737 Max crash that a cockpit alert wasn’t working the way the company had told buyers of...
Raytheon's mobile high energy laser looks out into a wide-open sky. The company's advanced high power microwave and high energy laser engaged and defeated dozens of unmanned aerial system targets in a recent U.S. Air Force demonstration.

Raytheon HPM & HEL Technologies to Protect Ground Troops from UAS

Raytheon's advanced high power microwave (HPM) and mobile high energy laser (HEL) systems successfully engaged and defeated multiple unmanned aerial system targets during a U.S. Air Force demonstration. Mature HPM and HEL...
Integrated Biometrics FBI-certified fingerprint sensors play an important role in border and immigration control around the world as fixed, standalone implementations and when integrated into mobile or multimodal systems (tablets, kiosks, etc.).

CBP Selects IB’s Kojak Fingerprint Scanners to Process Border Entries

Integrated Biometrics, has been selected by the US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to purchase the company’s Kojak livescan 10-fingerprint scanner for deployment to more than 5000 workstations within the United...
Since 2002, Global Elite Group has been working diligently in the airport setting to ensure the smooth deployment of new regulations while delivering a superior security product to airlines and airways. Aviation partners rely on Global Elite Group to meet the demand of addressing aviation security in a changing world by anticipating emerging threats, researching trends and ensuring regulatory compliance.

Global Elite Group Competes in 2019 ‘ASTORS’ for Airport/Aviation Security

Global Elite Group, a premier provider of Aviation Security (AVSEC) services, and Platinum Award Winner recognized in Two Consecutive Annual 'ASTORS' Homeland Security Awards Programs Programs, is delighted to announce the...
Casia providing the “eyes and brain” for drones, to enable missions Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS). (Courtesy of Iris Automation)

Casia Turnkey Collision-Avoidance for Commercial Drone Industry (Videos)

Iris Automation has officially launched Casia, the first commercially available computer vision detect-and-avoid solution to enable Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) operations for autonomous vehicles. Casia detects other aircraft, and utilizing...
HALO systems use step-change X-ray diffraction technology to specifically identify materials hidden inside bags and personal electronic items. (Courtesy of Halo X-ray Technologies Ltd)

DHS S&T Awards $1.6M to Improve Airport X-ray Scanning Capabilities

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T), recently recognized in the 2018 'ASTORS' Homeland Security Awards Program, has awarded a $1,656,206.00 contract to Halo X-ray Technologies Ltd (HXT),...