K-12 School Firearm Statistics Everyone Should Know (Multi-Video)

In 2018, there were 82 school shooting/firearm incidents in the United States, the highest there have ever been since 1970. Now, read the rest of the K-12 school shooting/firearm statistics.

By Campus Safety

The Naval Postgraduate School‘s Center for Homeland Defense and Security (CHDS) released a K-12 school shooting database project as part of their Advanced Thinking in Homeland Security program.

They found the need for accurate, detailed information on this subject was paramount.

The database documents every instance a gun is wielded, fired, or a bullet hits school property for any reason, regardless of the number of victims, time, day of the week, or reason.

You can find the entire database here.

(In this overview, Desmond O’Neill and David Riedman describe the K-12 School Shooting Database, a project of the Advanced Thinking in Homeland Security (HSx) program. The K-12 School Shooting Database research project is a widely inclusive database that documents each and every instance a gun is brandished, is fired, or a bullet hits school property for any reason, regardless of the number of victims, time, day of the week. Courtesy of Center for Homeland Defense and Security Naval Postgraduate School and YouTube. Posted on Oct 15, 2018.)

K-12 School Shooting Statistics

  • There have been 1,300 school shooting incidents since 1970.

  • 2018 had the greatest number of incidents since 1970, with 82 recorded incidents. The next highest year was 2006 with 59 incidents.

  • 2018 was the highest year for the number of victims killed, including the shooter, with 51 killed.

  • California, Texas and Florida are the top three states in the U.S. with the most incidents.

  • 669 incidents occurred outside on school property and 588 occurred inside the school building.

  • Most school shootings occurred in the morning.

Incidents by State (Courtesy of Center for Homeland Defense and Security Naval Postgraduate School)
Incidents by State (Courtesy of Center for Homeland Defense and Security Naval Postgraduate School)

The CHDS provided all of their K-12 school shooting statistics in graphs, tables and charts.

We put together a slideshow of these graphs for you to view here. 

K-12 School Shooter Statistics

  • In 691 incidents, the shooter was a current student at the school.

  • In 1,130 incidents, there was one shooter.

  • The shooter was male in 1,129 incidents and female in 57.

  • There were 29 incidents where the shooter was a police officer/SRO.

  • In 861 incidents, the shooter targeted specific victims.

Original post https://www.campussafetymagazine.com/safety/k-12-school-shooting-statistics-everyone-should-know/

(In this Viewpoints, Desmond O’Neill and David Riedman discuss the development of the K-12 School Shooting Database, a project of the Advanced Thinking in Homeland Security (HSx) program. Courtesy of Center for Homeland Defense and Security Naval Postgraduate School and YouTube. Posted on Oct 15, 2018.)

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New DHS: K-12 Guide for Preventing & Protecting Against Gun Violence