Navy Enhancing Base Security with Transitioning to DBIDS (… More)

Navy installations began the process of transitioning to the Defense Biometric Identification System (DBIDS) to enhance base access control security in 2015.

As of April 17, the Navy officially began transitioning all vendors, contractors, sub-contractors, suppliers and service providers seeking base access who currently use or qualify for the Navy Commercial Access Control System (NCACS) from NCACS to DBIDS.

The transition applies to installations in the continental United States, Hawaii and Guam.

The transition that is currently underway from NCACS to DBIDS applies to all eligible vendors, contractors, sub-contractors, suppliers, and service providers.

(See DBIDS in Action, at Little Rock AFB. Courtesy of LRAFB PA and YouTube)

Those individuals with Department of Defense (DoD) approved sponsorship to conduct business with the Navy and/or tenant commands aboard a Navy installation, who are not eligible for a common access card (CAC) also may apply for a DBIDS card.

Current NCACS cardholders will have until July 15 to obtain a DBIDS credential at the local base Visitor Control Center.

NCACS cards will no longer be accepted after July 15. Contractors, sub-contractors, vendors and suppliers who do not have an NCACS card will have up to 180 days to obtain their DBIDS credential.

For information on how to obtain a DBIDS credential, go to

DBIDS increases installation security and communications by receiving frequent database updates on changes to personnel/credential status, law enforcement warrants, lost/stolen cards, and force protection conditions.

Navy bannerThe system provides a continuous vetting anytime the DBIDS card is scanned at an installation entry point.

For additional questions, please contact the local base Visitor Control Center.