New DHS Cyber Resiliency White Paper Available from Threat Sketch

Threat Sketch is proud to offer a new Department of Homeland Security (DHS) white paper on cyber resiliency available for download from its website.

The white paper was a joint effort between DHS, the IT Sector Coordinating Council (of which Threat Sketch is an active member), and the IT Government Coordinating Council.

Rob Arnold, founder and CEO of Threat Sketch
Rob Arnold, founder and CEO of Threat Sketch

Threat Sketch was built on the belief that a sound risk management plan and business executive involvement in its creation is necessary for a company to survive in this risky cyber landscape. The release of this white paper confirms this conclusion.

The white paper focuses on cyber resiliency, which is a company’s ability to handle and survive cyber attacks.

Because there is no way to protect your company 100% from cyber attacks, preventative measures are important, but it is also important to be prepared to deal with the attacks that happen when your preventative measures fail.

In order to be a cyber resilient company a holistic approach to cyber risk management must be taken.

A Threat Sketch Risk Assessment allows executives to prioritize, budget and actively manage cyber security risk across the organization at a strategic level.

Becoming cyber resilient means gaining an understanding of the cyber landscape and how it affects your company.

Threat Sketch was founded by Rob Arnold after he realized that risk management was a major key to a sound cybersecurity plan, but that the tools available to create a plan were out of reach for many small businesses.

“Not only were the products available too expensive for many small to medium-sized businesses, but many of the small business owners thought of cybersecurity as an IT problem, not a business problem,” says Arnold.

Through Threat Sketch, Rob and his team created a risk assessment that is designed specifically for small to medium-sized businesses at a price they could afford.

A Threat Sketch Risk Assessment gives business owners an extensive, broad look at the threat patterns facing their company.

Threat SketchThis report provides a business owner with the cornerstones for creating a solid, holistic, and comprehensive Cyber Risk Management Plan.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) white paper on cyber resiliency is available for download here.

Threat Sketch is an expert at Cyber Risk Management. We are here to help small to medium sized businesses take control of their Cyber Resiliency.