A U.S. military helicopter has crashed in western Iraq with seven service members on board, U.S. officials said Thursday.
A defense official confirmed to Military Times that an HH-60 Pave Hawk crashed in Anbar Province near the town of Qaim in Iraq.
The helicopter, which used by the Air Force for combat search and rescue, was not under fire and was on a routine route to move the helicopter from one location to another, the official said.
The U.S. Air Force footprint has shrunk since Iraq announced that ISIS has been driven from all major Iraqi cities but maintained a presence at Al Asad for training, the official said.
(On Friday, US Central Command said that all personnel aboard a US military helicopter carrying American service members were killed in a crash in western Iraq. Courtesy of Wochit News and YouTube. Posted on Mar 16, 2018)
Officials said that rescuers were responding to the location, but other details were not yet available. It’s not clear if there were any survivors.
Rescue teams are responding to the scene of the downed aircraft at this time, Capt. AnnMarie Annicelli, a spokeswoman for Air Forces Central Command, said in a statement to Air Force Times.
Further details will be released when available, she said. An investigation will be initiated to determine the cause of the incident.
The U.S.-led coalition battling Islamic State insurgents in Iraq and Syria have an outpost in Qaim, which is located near the Syrian border.
The anti-ISIS campaign accelerated through much of last year, as coalition and Iraq forces battled to take back a string of cities and towns.
(Learn More about the Mission of HH-60 Pave Hawks. Assorted GoPro Footage of partnered exercise with Afghan Air Force. Footage includes: Aerial footage from HH-60G, ground exercise(s), golden hour, firing mini-gun out of HH-60G, HH-60G take-offs/landings, PJ’s doing armed combat training, firing rifles. This work, 83rd ERQS – B-Roll Package 3 – September 2016, by SrA Robert Dantzler, identified by DVIDS, is free of known copyright restrictions under U.S. copyright law. Courtesy of Military Footage and YouTube. Posted on Nov 25, 2016)
Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi declared victory over ISIS in Mosul in July.
In the following months Iraqi forces retook a handful of other ISIS-held towns including Tal Afar in August, Hawija in September and Qaim in October.
In November, Iraqi forces retook the last Iraqi town held by ISIS — Rawah, near the border with Syria.
The U.S.-led coalition has continued to work with Iraq and Syrian Democratic Forces to shore up the border region to make sure that foreign fighters and insurgents can’t move freely across the region.
Senior reporter Stephen Losey and Pentagon bureau chief Tara Copp contributed to this report.
Original post https://www.airforcetimes.com/flashpoints/2018/03/15/us-helicopter-crashes-in-western-iraq/
(Learn More. Interview with HH-60 Pilot Josh Simpson from the 305th Rescue Squadron. Courtesy of Air Force Reserve and YouTube. Posted on Jul 11, 2016)
Editor’s note: Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of the brave service members killed, and our condolences to the U.S. Air Force. Our nation is safer for your service, and we are grateful for each man and women who proudly wears our nations uniform.
“Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”