One of the most pressing issues of our time is keeping the public safe and from harm during acts of terror.
This is especially challenging as protecting life in the public space must occur without disruption.
Amulet® Ballistic Barriers is addressing this most unique challenge by introducing a new paradigm – one where a highly effective, yet ‘invisible’ layer of physical protection, previously unavailable – is integrated seamlessly into public environments.
With the application of Amulet technology, commercial furnishings and interior structures found in airports, schools, hospitals, corporate workplaces, government buildings, houses of worship, movie theaters, retail, and other environments can now also serve to protect life, as these interior elements are instinctively sought for shelter by victims of ballistic violence.
Following several years of collective effort by leading experts from the fields of ballistic science, chemistry, engineering, manufacturing, and security, our team has introduced a new and unique ballistic barrier technology, Amulet.
(Ballistic Furniture Systems introduces bullet resistant furniture for protecting the public where they sit…in the public space. Courtesy of Ballistic Furniture Systems and YouTube)
Thin in profile and light in weight, Amulet is designed to protect life from gun and blast violence, while being uniquely compatible with furnishings typical of commercial environments.
Undetectable Ballistic Protection in Public Spaces

As a result, well-hidden ballistic protection can now be placed within furnishings without impacting the look, feel, or comfort of the host furniture product… delivering virtually invisible protection deep within the public space.
Amulet is not only designed to invisibly help protect by absorbing the impact of bullets and shrapnel, but also works in concert with human behavior.
Should gun violence occur, Amulet performs in ‘real-time’ as events unfold, shielding users as they instinctively ‘duck and cover’ behind commercial furnishings common to public spaces.
Consequently, furnishings and interior structures embed with Amulet can now also serve as a life-saving device that requires no training to use effectively.
(Hear from Jeffrey Isquith, President and CEO of Amulet Ballistic Barriers. Courtesy of Fox 10)
As an example of need, public environments such as airport terminals, offer little physical protection should ballistic violence occur.
By design, most airport environments focus on creating a welcoming, yet transient environment.

With little in the way of interior furnishings, other seating for common areas such as departure gates, there is no significant means of protection should gunfire erupt.
When applied to airport seating, Amulet gives additional purpose to these furnishings, turning them into a formidable sheltering device should the need arise.
“The natural tendency for a person involved directly in an active shooter event is to “duck and hide,” explains Doug Haines, CEO of Haines Security Solutions, a widely respected expert in building design and proponent of incorporating DOD Antiterrorism Strategies, into the design phase of construction, to increase response options & survivability in an active shooter/terrorist act event.
“Ballistic furniture may give them the few seconds they need to survive.”
“After last year’s Ft Lauderdale attack, some airport gate seating began incorporating ballistic barrier technology to offer passengers added protection,” added Haines.
(WARNING: Graphic Video – Esteban Santiago, was arrested following a mass shooting occurred at Fort Lauderdale–Hollywood International Airport in FL, January 6, 2017, which killed five people and injured another six. Courtesy of CBS New York and YouTube. Posted on Jan 8, 2017)
Deadly acts of terror have led government and law enforcement agencies to look beyond traditional security measures and instead embrace innovative new approaches that include protective elements.
As an example, new TSA recommendations, supported by airport ‘stakeholders’, speak to the need for a more holistic approach to airport security, from ‘curbside to gate’.
This new approach identifies the need to integrate meaningful physical protection within the airport structure itself, without visibly impacting the environment… precisely what Amulet does.

Since introduction, Amulet has been embraced by several leading commercial furniture manufacturers.
One of the most innovative is Arconas Corporation (Ontario, Canada), a manufacturer of airport seating.

With a very large presence in the airport terminal environment (users include American Airlines, Southwest Airlines, Virgin Atlantic, and others), Arconas clearly understands the challenges of serving this space.
By embedding Amulet in its most popular airport seating lines, Arconas, like many other well respected commercial furniture manufacturers, can now provide an additional layer of security never-before available.
Protection, that while invisible, has the ability to save lives and prevent injury should ballistic violence occur.
Given the critical need to protect the public, the inclusion of Amulet® technology to the physical security profile of all public venues, is not only important, it is essential.
(See a selection of airport installations completed by Arconas in 2015. Courtesy of Arconas Corporation and YouTube)
The Arconas ‘Flyaway’ seating system with Amulet® debuted in Europe at the International Passenger Terminal Expo in March of this year (Amsterdam, March 14 -16).
It was subsequently unveiled in the United States at the Association of American Airport Executives in Long Beach, CA (May 7-10) and is now being evaluated by several leading international airports.

“Unfortunately, acts of violence in the public space have become an all too common occurrence around the globe,” said Jeffrey Isquith, President and CEO of Arizona-based Amulet Ballistic Barriers.
“Our No. 1 goal is to save lives, and this technology adds a critical layer of protection for the public.”
“Amulet is a 21st Century solution to saving lives and reducing injuries to innocent people.”
“I am also very proud of the exceptional level of collaboration demonstrated between the U.S.-based Amulet technology team and our Canadian alliance partner Arconas,” Isquith said.
The desire to protect life in the public space is truly universal.”

“As the leading designer and manufacturer of furniture for airports and public spaces, Arconas is constantly striving to develop design innovations that are human-focused and meet changing market demands,” said Dan Nussbaum, Arconas President.
“There is demand for this technology, not only in airports, but also in public spaces throughout the world.”
Amulet barrier technology has fast become a key component of the physical security market, which is expected to double in size within the next few years.
Amulet Ballistic Barriers are designed to be uniquely compatible with interior furnishings and exceed U.S. National Institute of Justice as well as UL performance criteria for handgun, rifle and explosive-device threats.
Amulet Protective Technologies, Inc. is the premier manufacturer of ballistic protection for the public space.

Amulet, our award winning ballistic barrier technology, is uniquely designed to be integrated directly into all types of commercial furniture, architectural walls, custom millwork and interior design elements.
Our team is comprised of individuals with expertise in ballistic science and military technology, architectural interior design, construction, commercial furniture manufacturing, and security integration.
Recognized as the new standard of safety by the security industry for innovative technologies, Amulet is specifically designed for OEM or on-site retrofit application.
All materials are bullet-resistant, tested and certified to meet National Institute of Justice (NIJ) and UL752 performance criteria. Amulet® is produced exclusively in the USA utilizing the most current ‘chain-of-custody’ manufacturing processes.
Amulet® Ballistic Barriers in 2017 ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Awards Program
The 2017 ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Awards Program, is organized to recognize the most distinguished vendors of Physical, IT, Port Security, Law Enforcement, First Responders, (Fire, EMT, Military, Support Services Vets, SBA, Medical Tech) as well as the Federal, State, County and Municipal Government Agencies – to acknowledge their outstanding efforts to ‘Keep our Nation Secure, One City at a Time.’
As an ‘ASTORS’ competitor, Amulet Ballistic Barriers will be competing against the industry’s leading providers of Innovative Airport/Aviation Security Solutions.
American Security Today will be holding the 2017 ‘ASTORS’ Awards Presentation Luncheon at 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m, Wednesday, November 15th at ISC East, the Northeast’s largest security industry event, in the Jacob Javits Exhibition Center in New York City.
At ISC East you will have the chance to meet with technical reps from over 225 leading brands in the security industry, allowing you to find out about new products and stay ahead of the competition.
Encompassing everything from Video Surveillance and Access Control to Smart Home Technologies and Unmanned Security, you’re sure to find products and services that will benefit your company and clients.
Good luck to Amulet Ballistic Barriers on becoming a Winner of the 2017 American Security Today’s Homeland Security Awards Program!
To learn more about Amulet Ballistic Barriers, please visit the company’s website at