APERIO Systems, a company that provides the last line of defense for protecting industrial control systems and increasing resilience against cyberattacks, has been nominated in the 2017 ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Awards Program.
The recent attack on Ireland’s Electricity Supply Board, together with the attack on the Wolf Creek nuclear power plant, are the canaries in the mine – and they just died.
(Hackers thought to be working for a foreign government have reportedly infiltrated the computer networks of power plants across the United States. according to an urgent joint report issued June 28 by the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI, Security specialists have been responding to attacks at various nuclear power and energy facilities since May. Courtesy of Wochit News and YouTube. Posted on Jul 6, 2017)
Energy infrastructure – literally the cornerstone of western economies – is being targeted and is highly-vulnerable.
The next attack – and there is no doubt there will be a next attack – may well not stop at disrupting digital systems.
Rather, attackers are realizing that they can cause actual physical damage to critical infrastructure and – more chillingly – to the population.
A hacker seeking to cause critical and lasting damage to critical infrastructure must hide all evidence of intrusion and malfunctions by forging physical sensor data.
APERIO Systems’ patent-pending Data Forgery Protection™ technology is the first cybersecurity solution that detects artificial manipulations of industrial process data, enabling operators to take real-time corrective action without service disruption to ICS.

Detecting and alerting operators when their system is lying to them, it’s like a polygraph for process data.
It reconstructs the real values of the forged operational data and reverts to its original state in real time establishing unprecedented operational resilience.
Using advanced proprietary algorithms, Data Forgery Protection™ identifies unique fingerprints in reported signals in order to detect injection of new synthetic data, replays of past data and real-time transformation of process data.
This enables an immediate response as it alerts and pinpoints the attacked equipment and forged process data.
APERIO Systems secures critical control systems with the last line of defense against internal and external cyber threats and malicious actors.
APERIO Systems uses statistical physics and state-of-the-art machine learning techniques to detect operational data forgery attempts and reconstruct the true state of industrial control systems in real time.
APERIO Systems enables unprecedented resilience and operational integrity for critical infrastructure such as power plants, water and waste control, manufacturing, oil and gas, energy, transportation, pharma, and food and beverage.
APERIO Systems in 2017 ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Awards Program
The 2017 ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Awards Program, is organized to recognize the most distinguished vendors of Physical, IT, Port Security, Law Enforcement, First Responders, (Fire, EMT, Military, Support Services Vets, SBA, Medical Tech) as well as the Federal, State, County and Municipal Government Agencies – to acknowledge their outstanding efforts to ‘Keep our Nation Secure, One City at a Time.’
As an ‘ASTORS’ competitor, APERIO’s Data Forgery Detection Technology will be competing against the industry’s leading providers of Innovative Cyber Critical Infrastructure Solutions.
American Security Today will be holding the 2017 ‘ASTORS’ Awards Presentation Luncheon at 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m, Wednesday, November 15th at ISC East, the Northeast’s largest security industry event, in the Jacob Javits Exhibition Center in New York City.
At ISC East you will have the chance to meet with technical reps from over 225 leading brands in the security industry, allowing you to find out about new products and stay ahead of the competition.
Encompassing everything from Video Surveillance and Access Control to Smart Home Technologies and Unmanned Security, you’re sure to find products and services that will benefit your company and clients.
Good luck to APERIO Systems on becoming a Winner of the 2017 American Security Today’s Homeland Security Awards Program!
Click here to learn more about the Data Forgery Detection Technology, or please visit the company’s website at http://www.aperio-systems.com/.