Carbyne Next-Gen 911 Competes in 2018 ‘ASTORS’ Awards (See Video)

With state-of-the-art indoor and outdoor location technology, streaming video calling, and call prioritization, Carbyne is set to be 9-1-1's most important upgrade in more than 40 years.
With state-of-the-art indoor and outdoor location technology, streaming video calling, and call prioritization, Carbyne is set to be 9-1-1's most important upgrade in more than 40 years.

Carbyne, the Platinum Award Winner in the 2017 ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Awards Program for Best Emergency Response for Fed/State/Local Government, is pleased to announce c-All has been nominated to compete in the 2018 ‘ASTORS’ Awards Program.

A multi-awarded national real-time emergency communication platform, Carbyne leads the most advanced public safety technology for emergency infrastructure, acting as the ultimate solution for NG911 (next generation 911).

The company’s ecosystem compiles of advanced IP based call handling system (CPE), full infrastructure and caller solutions.

Acting as the gateway for delivering rich and smart data to Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs), helping call takers analyze and process what is happening in real-time, provide accurate support, slash time to dispatch and ultimately save lives.

(Carbyne, is a complete, end-to-end solution that connects citizens with public safety first responders. Live video streaming and instant location mean that times to dispatch are cut in half. Courtesy of Carbyne and YouTube)

Carbyne systems integrate seamlessly and risk-free into any existing 911 legacy infrastructure, providing you with a system that goes beyond anything the public or private sector has seen before.

The Challenge

Public safety communications have not changed much since the first emergency call made in 1937. 

However, as communications technology has shifted from landlines to smartphones, public safety agencies have been struggling to keep up with the new wave of devices.

For agencies around the globe, many find themselves between a rock and a hard place: they want keep up with the technology, but due to budget constrictions they must plan technological upgrades ten years in advance.

The reality is that the way we communicate shifts rapidly.

IP communications and video chatting have become the standards, and today, public safety agencies are entirely on board with implementing ‘next generation’ solutions.

With state-of-the-art indoor and outdoor location technology, streaming video calling, and call prioritization Carbyne, is set to be 9-1-1's most important upgrade in more than 40 years.
With state-of-the-art indoor and outdoor location technology, streaming video calling, and call prioritization Carbyne, is set to be 9-1-1’s most important upgrade in more than 40 years.

For PSAP’s, ‘next generation’ means IP enabled infrastructure and enhanced communications that include video, GPS, and audio but for many states, cities, and countries there is a roadblock to adopting IP solutions.

Apps-olutely Not:

Often, to gain the full benefit of IP communications, citizens needed to download a third-party app.

For those in crisis situations, as many who call emergency services are, they need assistance immediately.

Eyal Elyashiv (at left), and Amir Elichai (at right), CEO and Founder of Carbyne and Reporty Homeland Security, receiving Carbyne’s 2017 ‘ASTORS’ Leadership & Innovation in Homeland Security Award at ISC East.
Eyal Elyashiv, Carbyne COO (left), and Amir Elichai, CEO (right), receiving the 2017 ‘ASTORS’ Leadership & Innovation in Homeland Security Award at ISC East.

For Carbyne, as a technology company, they knew that an app was only a stop-gap.By the time a user has reached the app store, whatever event they’re witnessing is over, and they need an ambulance, police, or fire service.Having to download an app to talk to 911, even if it provides a more accurate location or the ability to stream video, is an almost impossible task.

They knew that it would be nearly impossible to circumvent the hard-wired three digits 911 (or 999, 112, 000, or others) that connect us with first responders.

So Carbyne set their Dev team a task to completely overhaul emergency communications so that citizens can stream video direct to 911 without an app.

c-All by Carbyne, the future of emergency communications
c-All by Carbyne, the future of emergency communications


The Future of Public Safety Communications

c-All is the first of its kind technology that brings the next generation of 911 to the public without the need for any application.

By simply dialing 911 from your smart phone, with the help of the c-All technology:

  • Your call will be transformed to a smart Carbyne call
  • Forwarding live video streaming from your incident
  • Together with your exact location (including indoor) to the PSAP on the other side
  • Helping call takers analyze and process what is happening in real-time
  • Provide accurate support
  • Reduce operational costs
  • Slash time to dispatch and ultimately save lives
c-All is Carbyne's technological marvel that allows any smartphone calls, entering the call center through a regular dial-up, to transform into an enhanced call.
c-All is Carbyne’s technological marvel that allows any smartphone calls, entering the call center through a regular dial-up, to transform into an enhanced call.

The c-All technology doesn’t require the user on the other side to download an app, while the use is seamless and easy to operate for both sides.

For the first time in history, citizens can easily open a streaming live video directly to emergency services along with their exact location, and the ability to discreetly text with first responders, NO APP REQUIRED.

Call centers can now provide more accurate and immediate help, without the need for Telco integration.

But what does this mean?

Primarily, they’ve brought Next Generation 911 to everyone.

Thanks to Carbyne’s new technology and ecosystem, any modern smartphone can now instantly provide an accurate location from the GPS chip, streaming video, AND text with 911.

Carbyne, 2017 ‘ASTORS’ Platinum Award Winner for ‘Best Emergency Response for Fed/State/Local Government’- a multinational company providing emergency calling services across the globe, has positioned itself as the distributors of near-future technology that easily integrates into the existing systems that emergency services already use.
Carbyne, 2017 ‘ASTORS’ Platinum Award Winner for ‘Best Emergency Response for Fed/State/Local Government’- is
a multinational company providing emergency calling services across the globe, with near-future technology that easily integrates into the existing systems that emergency services already use.

Carbyne has been deployed on almost every continent around the globe, and they’ve picked up some key insights and even more fascinating statistics.

When using streaming video, a 911 Call Takers’ understanding of what’s happening on a scene increases, times to dispatch decrease, and less time is spent dealing with qualifying questions such as “where are you?” and, “what’s happening?”

c-All is the first of its kind technology that brings the next generation of 911 to the public without the need for any application.
c-All is the first of its kind technology that brings the next generation of 911 to the public without the need for any application.

All of this adds up to less time being spent on the phone, a faster response time by first responders, and fewer resources used (which means fewer tax dollars spent).

Carbyne at a Glance

Carbyne (previously Reporty), founded in 2014, offers a leading Next-Generation 911 platform providing a comprehensive, digitized ecosystem for citizens, responders and Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs).

Team Carbyne at the 2017 'ASTORS' Homeland Security Awards Presentation Luncheon at ISC East in NYC
Team Carbyne at the 2017 ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Awards Presentation Luncheon at ISC East in NYC

Carbyne’s advanced platform acts as the gateway, delivering rich data from smart devices to PSAPs and emergency call centers, giving them the tools to prioritize call urgency and dispatch the right vehicles and resources – significantly reducing emergency response time and costs.

The company is shaping the new global standard for public safety, using the most cutting-edge technology to pinpoint the location of an emergency event – down to a one-foot radius, even within a building – and provide citizen callers the power to livestream any incident in real-time, ultimately saving lives.

Carbyne is led by a team of entrepreneurs and technological experts, with experience in top security and public safety organizations, with offices in New York, Mexico, and Kiev, with headquarters in Tel Aviv.

Carbyne Competes in 2018 ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Awards Program

AST focuses on Homeland Security and Public Safety Breaking News, the Newest Initiatives and Hottest Technologies in Physical & IT Security, essential to meeting today’s growing security challenges.

2017 ASTORSThe 2018 ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Awards Program, is organized to recognize the most distinguished vendors of Physical, IT, Port Security, Law Enforcement, Border Security, First Responders, (Fire, EMT, Military, Support Services Vets, SBA, Medical Tech) as well as the Federal, State, County and Municipal Government Agencies – to acknowledge their outstanding efforts to ‘Keep our Nation Secure, One City at a Time.’

As an ‘ASTORS’ competitor, Carbyne will be competing against the industry’s leading providers of Innovative Mobile Technology Products.

To Learn More about the ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Awards Program, see 2017 ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Award Winners Honored at ISC East.

The 2017 ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Awards Presentation Luncheon
The 2017 ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Awards Presentation Luncheon

Over 100 distinguished guests from National, State and Local Governments, and Industry Leading Corporate Executives from companies allied to Government, gathered from across North America and the Middle East to be honored from disciplines across the Security Industry in their respective fields which included representatives from:

  • 2018 ASTORSThe Department of Homeland Security
  • U.S. Customs and Border Protection
  • The Department of Justice
  • The Security Exchange Commission
  • State and Municipal Law Enforcement Agencies
  • The Royal Canadian Mounted Police
  • Leaders in Private Security

American Security Today will be holding the 2018 ‘ASTORS’ Awards Presentation Luncheon to honor Nominees, Finalists and Winners on November 14, 2018 at ISC East 2018 in New York City.

Nominations are now being accepted for the 2018 ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Awards at

To find out more about how Carbyne’s national real-time emergency communication platform can help you enhance your 911 center, please visit

For ‘ASTORS’ Sponsorship Opportunities and More Information on the AST 2018 ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Awards Program, please contact Michael Madsen, AST Publisher at: or call 732.233.8119 (mobile) or 646-450-6027 (office).