Injury simulations in remote locations are part of the Grady Special Forces training program.

US Special Forces & Grady Health Train Combat Medics (Multi-Video)

Grady Memorial Hospital is the only civilian hospital in the country that has formed a partnership with the U.S. Army Special Forces to provide additional, formal instruction and preparation for its...

NFPA Fast-Tracks Unified Response for Active Shooter & Hostile Events

A rise in active shooter incidents and the escalating impact of hostile events has prompted the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) to process NFPA 3000, Standard for Preparedness and Response to Active Shooter and/or Hostile Events as a...

Save Lives in Active Shooter Events with the Mobilize Rescue System

By Seth Goldstein, Director of Training & Education at Mobilize Rescue Systems and a career firefighter & paramedic in Upstate New York In light of recent tragic events, organizations across the country are...
Built on the Unreal Engine, the new EDGE training platform allows responders of all disciplines, along with verified teachers and school staff to assume discipline-based avatars and train simultaneously using role-play complex response scenarios. 

DHS New EDGE School Active Shooter Responder & Staff Training (Video)

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Science and Technology (S&T) Directorate, Four-Time Platinum 'Excellence in Homeland Security' Award Winner in the 2017 'ASTORS' Homeland Security Awards Program, has rolled out a...
“Recent worldwide terrorist attacks have demonstrated that the ticketing/check-in areas and security checkpoints of airports are targets of interest for our adversaries,” said William N. Bryan, DHS Senior Official Performing the Duties of Under Secretary for Science and Technology.

DHS S&T & JMU Partner on Aviation Security with Hacking 4 Defense

Students from James Madison University (JMU) will be tackling air travel security issues for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T), a Four-Time Winner of the 2017 'ASTORS' Homeland...
President Donald J. Trump (Image courtesy of Facebook)

President Rolls Out FY19 Budget: Here’s What’s In It (Multi-Video)

The President’s plan to rebuild America America has long been a Nation of builders, President Trump told the country January 30 in his first State of the Union Address. “We built the Empire...
Female genital mutilation/cutting is a federal crime. Anyone who has information about an individual who is suspected of assisting in this crime is urged to call the toll-free ICE tip line at (866) 347-2423 or complete the ICE online tip form or the FBI online tip form. Any involvement in committing this crime is a serious human rights violation which may result in imprisonment and potential removal from the U.S. (Image courtesy of ICE and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)

Help ICE & FBI Fight to Protect Girls & Women from Mutilation (Multi-Video)

Today and everyday, members of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) stand shoulder-to-shoulder with our Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) partners and citizens everywhere to demand the eradication of female genital...

African American History Month & the Bonds of Patriotism (Learn More)

By The White House Both Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass were born in February, giving the Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH) a good reason to choose...
Nearly two years of planning has taken place, largely behind the scenes, to make sure that Super Bowl LII—and the 10 days of events leading up to the kickoff at U.S. Bank Stadium on February 4—is safe and secure. Nothing has been left to chance, not even the weather.

Super Bowl Security: FBI Behind-the-Scenes Look (Includes Multi-Videos)

By the FBI On the wintry streets of downtown Minneapolis, ice crunches underfoot. The wind is whipping, and the temperature hovers in the teens. The weather will be one of the many topics...
FDNY using the patient-tracking technology FLING to capture photos of the ‘injured’. (Image courtesy of the United States Army Armament Research, Development and Engineering Center)

DHS S&T 2017 Joint Grand Central Station Critical Incident Exercise

In the early hours of October 29, 2017, over 200 first responders participated in a critical incident exercise and technology assessment conducted by DHS’ Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) in partnership...