Solution to Active Shooter Intrusion
Many methods have been implemented to prevent or stop violence of active shooters in public spaces. Some of these measures include security guards, antibullying programs, mediation, policies, physical barriers and metal detectors.
Few of these have been deemed to be effective. The reality is that it takes time for law enforcement to get to the scene to address an active shooter situation.
The Crotega Interior Threat Suppression, Non-Lethal Threat Suppression System is a new innovative interior threat suppression system designed to deter, disrupt, and delay active killers and other threats inside of buildings upon visual recognition of the threat.
The Interior Threat Suppression system can help keep building occupants safe from physical violence brought on by an active shooter.
The Crotega system is a patent-pending rapid-defense, nonviolent solution that can help save lives.
When deployed, the system significantly irritates the senses and debilitates attackers, giving in-house responders and law enforcement time to secure the area and control the situation.
The Interior Threat Suppression system includes warning decals and signage to help prevent violence from an active shooter before it starts.
(Crotega Safety Solutions has developed the first-of-its-kind shooter suppression system. Schools, government centers, convenience stores, military recruitment locations, any building with the company’s Interior Threat Suppression system will have an infrastructure tool to Deter, Disrupt, and Delay active shooters. Courtesy of Crotega and YouTube.)
This international patent-pending system is the first of its kind, with applications in schools, public buildings, commercial buildings, airport terminals, medical marijuana industry facilities, banks, military facilities, and any other facility at risk of violent perpetrators.
Security Solution Overview
Crotega’s security solution is concealed in the ceiling in zones within a building, and is a rapid-defense, nonviolent security solution that can help save lives.
Activated via a system touchscreen, the Interior Threat Suppression releases short bursts of water with nontoxic additives from the ceiling on the source of the threat.
It causes significant irritation to eyes, nose, throat, lungs and skin—virtually immobilizes the perpetrator until In-House Responders intervene or law enforcement arrives.
The Interior Threat Suppression security solution includes warning decals and signage to help prevent violence before it starts.
- Concealed in the ceiling in zones within a building
- Rapidly activated via remote control or touchscreen by trained personnel
- Short bursts of water with nontoxic additives spray from the ceiling on the source of the threat
- Virtually immobilizes the perpetrator
- Causes significant irritation to eyes, nose, throat, lungs and skin
- Results in involuntary eye closure, coughing and breathing discomfort
- Has a pungent odor and stings the skin
- Repuls is Patent Pending
- Interior Threat Suppression System is Patent Pending
Monitoring and Deploying the Interior Threat Suppression System
Crotega’s Interior Threat Suppression user interface consists of one or more POE tethered touchscreen stations located throughout your facility in locations where trained building occupants can quickly respond to an alert.
Each touchscreen is monitored by an employee.
The touchscreen allows the trained building occupants to monitor and visually recognize the threat and deploy the Interior Threat Suppression system for any single zone or multiple zones.
(See a demonstration of Crotega Touch Screen Controls in Action. Courtesy of Crotega and YouTube.)
Crotega’s Interior Threat Suppression is a closed system.
All control connections are hardwired to protect the system from unwanted wireless access by those who would do harm.
- The touchscreen has a two step authorization process which keep the system from accidentally being deployed.
- Remote, manually operated switches, are also located within each zone.
- The manual switches can be activated if needed, which in-turn notifies the touchscreen stations that an intruder has entered the zone.
- Optional gunshot detection devices alert the system without automatic deployment.
- The deployment of the system can only be done from the touchscreen monitoring station.
- The system will control single or multiple zones and is scalable to control entire facilities.
- Multiple facilities, on the same campus, can be controlled providing high quality secure fiber optic connections are available or could be installed.