Decatur PD to Leverage LE Info Sharing with Evaluation of COPsync

The Decatur Police Department in Illinois will conduct an evaluation of the COPsync Network™.

The COPsync Network is an advanced communication and information sharing system that protects citizens from violence and domestic terrorism.

Community and officer security is increased with advance warnings of dangerous people and real-time notification of crimes in progress.

(Learn More about the real-time, cross-jurisdictional communication COPsync provides to increase officer and community safety. Courtesy of COPsync and YouTube)

The COPsync911™ threat-alert system safeguards schools and keeps America’s children safer and protects other high-risk targets such as courthouses, government buildings and energy infrastructure.

Decatur City Manager Timothy Gleason
Decatur City Manager Timothy Gleason

COPsync’s systems can save minutes when seconds count, save lives and protect citizens and communities.

Decatur City Manager Timothy Gleason stated, “One of the most important functions of city government is providing for the safety of residents and visitors.”

“The City of Decatur is committed to exploring products and services which could potentially enhance our ability to do so.”

“I place a high priority on both the safety and accountability of my officers. Any product that could potentially improve both of those things, as well as give us the ability to share information with other agencies and jurisdictions more quickly, is worth looking into,” continued Decatur Police Chief James Getz.

Decatur PD Sergeant Christopher Copeland
Decatur PD Sergeant Christopher Copeland

“In the coming weeks, we will be conducting an intensive evaluation of the COPsync product, involving numerous officers and supervisors across all shifts, to determine how it meets the needs of the Decatur Police Department,” noted Sergeant Christopher S. Copeland.  

“The COPsync product has a number of features we are interested in, particularly with regard to officer safety and ease of use.”

Mr. Ronald A. Woessner, CEO of COPsync commented, “Decatur is proud to call America’s heartland home, but its reach is undeniably global.”

“Forbes ranked Decatur second in the country for having a thriving agri-business economy, while Business Facilities magazine ranked the Decatur area third for logistics hubs in the nation, a place where nearly $1 billion in capital investment is planned or underway in the region.”

“COPsync is proud to partner with the city of Decatur for this evaluation.”


COPsync, is a technology company that connects law enforcement officers across the nation, so they can communicate and share mission-critical non-adjudicated information in real-time.

This saves officers’ lives and keeps the public safer; helps law enforcement officers catch criminals and stop child kidnappings, vehicle thefts, bank robberies and other crimes in progress; and arms the nation’s law enforcement officers with needed information so they can help defend against terrorism.