The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T), a Platinum Award Winner in the 2018 ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Awards Program, has awarded a total of nearly $3.5 million in funding to three new research and development (R&D) projects designed to improve the threat detection capabilities of current X-ray technologies for checked baggage systems.

“The emergence of homemade explosives has placed many challenges on aviation security screening,” said William N. Bryan, Senior Official Performing the Duties of the DHS Under Secretary for Science and Technology.
“S&T is making important investments in technology that could be leveraged into the next generation of checked baggage screening equipment.”
“We are addressing current, ongoing, and upcoming capability gaps with a three-pronged approach utilizing the continuous transition of hardware, software, and knowledge,” said S&T Checked Baggage Program Manager, Sharene Young.
“If successful, these projects will significantly improve operational efficiency and security effectiveness for TSA baggage screening operations,” said Eric Houser, Acting Director of the Analysis and Requirements and Architecture Divisions for the Transportation Security Administration (TSA).
(Learn More. Dialog begins at .45 seconds. Courtesy of DHS Science and Technology Directorate and YouTube. Posted on Jul 17, 2018.)
The three project contracts were awarded under Broad Agency Announcement HSHQDC-17-R-B0003, which was issued in December 2016.
The solicitation consisted of three task areas:
- Focusing on improving X-ray technologies for bag screening systems
- Developing advanced algorithm technologies for checked and carry-on baggage, and
- Focusing efforts to refine non-Commercial Off the Shelf long-term device technology
The following groups and their projects are the funded BAA awards:
Capture LLC, of San Diego, CA
- Capture LLC was awarded $1,168,773 to develop an automated threat detection algorithm for improved detection of prohibited items such as guns and knives.
- Capture will use a deep learning 3D convolutional neural network approach to enhance algorithm development.
- The goal is to deploy the automated threat recognition (ATR) algorithm on the TSA’s checkpoint computed tomography (CT) systems.
- A new ATR will help screening efficiency and will help improve detection of threats.
DxRay/Rapiscan, of Northridge, CA
- DxRay/Rapiscan was awarded $817,444 to produce 12 large field-of-view, high-output count rate X-ray imaging arrays with high spatial and energy resolution which can operate at room temperature and be manufactured cost effectively.
- Developing this detector technology will help eliminate false positives in primary screening lanes by adding inline X-ray diffraction (XRD).
- XRD can resolve false positives, but is time consuming and expensive due to the current need for cryogenically cooled detectors to achieve the required resolution.
- This new technology directly addresses issues by delivering a better detector with better resolution that can be added in series to existing primary lanes.
EV Products, of Saxonburg, PA
- EV Products was awarded $1,498,676 to improve high-speed coded-aperture X-ray scatter imaging (CAXSI) screening to stream-of-commerce rates.
- The project focuses on high-speed data acquisition and maximizing the count rate through the detector module without compromising other capabilities.
- This will allow X-ray machines to be more efficient, with both better detection and lower energy needs.
- Higher efficiency means easier detection of threats with a possibility of increased throughput.
These projects will be managed by the DHS S&T Checked Baggage Program, which supports TSA requirements to improve overall detection and false alarm performance for explosives detection system technologies.
(Learn More. ScreenADAPT, developed by S&T in coordination with the Transportation Security Administration, is a training resource that helps security screeners improve their threat detection skills. In this video, S&T’s program manager explains how ScreenADAPT uses eye-tracking capability to help trainees understand areas for improvement and dynamically adjusts to their individual training needs. Courtesy of DHS Science and Technology Directorate and YouTube. Posted on Mar 5, 2018.)
DHS S&T in the 2017 ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Awards Program

The Annual ‘ASTORS’ Awards Program is organized to recognize the most distinguished security vendors, and government/public safety agencies, as the nation continues to respond to escalating threats from home and abroad.
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security Science (DHS) and Technology Directorate (S&T) took home Four 2017 ‘ASTORS’ Platinum Awards for ‘Excellence in Homeland Security’ at ISC East in New York City.
The innovative solutions being implemented to meet those threats has led to tremendous growth in the field of Homeland Security, and to this awards program for recognition of the key contributors to our nation’s security.
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T)
- Enhanced Dynamic Geo-Social Environ (EDGE) Virtual Online Training for First Responders Open at No Cost to All U.S. First Responders Agencies, Across Disciplines for Coordinated Response to Critical Incidents
- Excellence in Homeland Security
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T)
- Resilient Tunnel Plug (RTP) to Strengthen Mass Transportation Critical Infrastructure from Disruptive Flood Events
- Excellence in Homeland Security
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) First Responders Group (FRG)
- Flood Apex Program, Applying New & Emerging Technologies to Improve Community Resilience from Flood Disasters, Reduce Fatalities and Property Loss
- Excellence in Homeland Security
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) Homeland Security Advanced Research Projects (HSARPA)
- Surface Transportation Explosives Threat Detection (STETD) on Developing the Capacity to Detect Potential Threat Items Throughout Rail and Subway Systems Without Alerting the Subject or Negatively Impacting the Speed of Travel
- Excellence in Homeland Security

Over 100 distinguished guests from National, State and Local Governments, and Industry Leading Corporate Executives from companies allied to Government, gathered from across North America and the Middle East to be honored from disciplines across the Security Industry in their respective fields which included representatives from:
- The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T)
- U.S. Customs and Border Protection
- The Department of Justice
- The Security Exchange Commission
- State and Municipal Law Enforcement Agencies
- The Royal Canadian Mounted Police
- Leaders in Private Security
Nominations are now being accepted for the 2018 ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Awards at https://americansecuritytoday.com/ast-awards/.
American Security Today will be holding the 2018 ‘ASTORS’ Awards Presentation Luncheon to honor Nominees, Finalists and Winners at ISC East on Wednesday, November 14th, 2018, in New York City.
For ‘ASTORS’ Sponsorship Opportunities and More Information on the AST 2018 ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Awards Program, please contact Michael Madsen, AST Publisher at: mmadsen@americansecuritytoday.com or call 732.233.8119 (mobile) or 646-450-6027 (office)
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