DroneShield’s DroneGun Tactical product, is now available for purchase to qualified end-users, where lawful*.
DroneGun Tactical provides a safe countermeasure against a wide range of drone models and was designed following comprehensive international military end-user trials.
It allows for a controlled management of drone payload such as explosives, with no damage to common drones models or surrounding environment due to the drones generally responding via a vertical controlled landing on the spot, or returning back to the starting point (assisting to track the operator).

Benefits of DroneGun Tactical Drone Jammer:
- Effective coverage: Allows for an up to 1km coverage, in a wide range of environmental conditions
- Fully Integrated: Battery powered single rifle style solution, one person operation
- Easy to use: no technical training for set up or use required, highly portable design
- Immediate video cease: immediately ceases video transmission back to the drone operator
- Enables investigation: drone remains intact and available for forensic investigation
- Additional Frequency Bands: Option to disrupt multiple RF frequency bands simultaneously (433MHz, 915MHz, 2.4GHz & 5.8GHz)
- GNSS Disruption: Optional GNSS disruption capablity (GPS, GLONASS)
- Protected: Unit supplied packed in custom carbon fibre carry case.
The release of DroneGun Tactical continues to establish the company’s lead in the counter-drone space, which follows on the release of DroneGun MKII™ in late 2017.

Features of New DroneGun Tactical Include:
- No backpack required – the product is entirely self contained within the rifle body, while maintaining lightweight and long effective range (over 1km)
- The addition of 433Mhz and 915Mhz frequencies, to ensure complete effectiveness across drone models
- Ergonomic body and controls
- Further alignment with standard military specifications, including standardized NATO military battery power.
DroneGun Tactical™ is not intended to take the place of DroneGun MKII, but it is designed for users with a different set of requirements than those using DroneGun MKII.
The Company continues to conduct ongoing Research & Development across its product portfolio, and in Q4 2017 received an Australian Government R&D Tax Incentive award of approximately $200,000, as set out in the 4C for the period.
(See the DroneGun MKII in Action. Courtesy of DroneShield and YouTube. Posted on Jun 12, 2017)
Queensland Police Service (QPS) to Use DroneGun During XXI Commonwealth Games
“The QPS is pleased to announce that DroneShield will provide multiple units of its DroneGunTM product to be utilized by Queensland Police Service during the XXI Commonwealth Games in Queensland in April 2018.
Given the developments in unmanned technologies, and the trends in the nefarious uses of such technologies overseas, security agencies and militaries worldwide are faced with the need to provide aerial security at all high profile events, in addition to conventional security.
The Commonwealth Games event is a pre-eminent gathering of approximately 6,600 athletes from approximately 70 countries.
Consequently, security agencies are providing the highest level of security at the event.
(Learn More about the XXI Commonwealth Games. Courtesy of Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games and YouTube)
The QPS is pleased that DroneShield DroneGunsTM will be used as part of counter drone protection during the Games.
The use of this equipment by the QPS is an indication of the Company’s successful track record of protecting mass events, including the most recent 2017 IRONMAN World Championship and the Boston Marathon for three years running.

Importantly, the deployment of DroneGunsTM showcases the capability of the domestic Australian defense industry.
In protecting the community at the April event, the QPS is able to rely on a product developed by an Australian company, that is dedicated to developing a more substantial relationship with a range of Australian federal and state police and security agencies.”

Based in Sydney, Australia and Virginia, USA, DroneShield’s leadership brings world-class expertise in engineering and physics, combined with deep experience in defense, intelligence, and aerospace.
*DroneGun Tactical has not been authorized as required by the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC). This device is not, and may not be, offered for sale or lease, or sold or leased, in the United States, other than to the United States government and its agencies, until such authorization is obtained.