The FAA Administrator’s Fact Book is Back & On Line

The Administrator’s Fact Book has returned, and it’s available as a PDF on-line.

Years back, one of the most popular FAA documents was a little white book that contained invaluable information about the FAA and air transportation.

Through pages upon pages of tables, graphics, and other materials, a story was told of how U.S. aviation works.

Entitled The Administrator’s Fact Book, the monthly publication was unfortunately discontinued in 2012, but has returned and will eventually be converted into a digital format.

The document contains sections on aviation safety, air traffic, airports, aircraft, industry, commercial space transportation, pilots, general information, and FAA resources.

(Point of Interest – Learn More. Bowman Tower Controller Rebecca Goff came to the aid of pilot in an emergency situation – he was out of gas and needed to land quickly. Courtesy of the Federal Aviation Administration and YouTube)

The wide variety of materials presented can range from the FAA’s annual budget, to airspace incident rates – from the number of people flying to the numbers of commercial space transportation launches and unmanned aircraft systems (UAVs).

Much of the data, prior to the posting of Fact Book, could be found in various locations on the website, but today, the Fact Book materials and data are largely located in one location on the FAA website.

In addition, the data is sourced for accuracy and dated as to when the materials were last amended.

Officially, the document is intended to be updated monthly, however, some data, such as the FAA budget for example, is displayed yearly.

There is however some information, such as certain numbers relating to Unmanned Aircraft Systems, or drones, that may actually be presented in a monthly format.


It is the FAA’s hope that with the return of The Administrator’s Fact Book, you will use this valuable aviation resource.