Carbyne, U.S distributors of Reporty technology, and a competitor in the 2017 ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Awards Program for 9-1-1 Emergency Communication Technologies and Services, received a special visitor on Monday when Ehud Barak, former Prime Minister of Israel, popped in to admire the new offices, state-of-the-art demo suite, and greet new staff members.
Ehud Barak, Prime Minister of Israel from 1999-2001, has spent a lifetime in various roles in the Israel Defense Forces, including as the Chief of Staff, and the Israeli political establishment.
During his time in the Israeli military, he participated or oversaw numerous operations that are studied by military historians and tacticians to this day.
As Prime Minister, Barak participated in the Camp David peace summit and was the architect of the withdrawal from Southern Lebanon.
Barak, who was one of the first investors in Reporty and sits on its board, marvelled at the newly installed demo unit in the New York offices.
“The technology behind Reporty is living and breathing. It will always work no matter what market, device, or system a city has,” said Barak.
“In the few short years that Reporty has been in operation, we have evolved our ecosystem so that it transcends any one device, even without a mobile application.”
“We are embedding ourselves across the landscape of technology.”

“Phones, computers, wearables, smoke detectors, and almost anything you can think of is going to be a part of our solution and is going to be the backbone of any call made to 9-1-1 and 3-1-1,” added Barak.
On the newly opened offices, Barak joked that they had a “corporate feel but a start-up soul.”
Amir Elichai, President of Carbyne, echoed Barak’s sentiments about the demo suite and the new offices.
“We’ve deployed currently in half a dozen countries around the globe and have pilot programs running in even more.” Elichai said.
“There are thousands upon thousands of calls made with Reporty every single day.”
“Reporty is a state-of-the-art solution that has passed every single test that governments and citizens can throw at it.”
“We are the only product out there that can boast such a wide-range of success, which saves so many lives across the globe.”
(Reporty brings our clients and users into the next generation of communication between the public and those that have sworn an oath to help them. Reporty is designed to be the global standard for event reporting. With the click of a button anyone can get the help they need anywhere. Courtesy of Reporty – The social safe city, and YouTube)
The demo suite, recently installed in the New York City office, gives users a greater comprehension of the uniqueness of Carbyne’s ecosystem: the C2I, CRM, Call Taker, and Machine-learning algorithm for automatic prioritization of incoming calls.

“We connect directly into the public safety infrastructure” Elichai explained.
“We’re not an app that claims to do so much and then does very little, our technology is sitting right next to the dispatchers.
“By integrating with first responders, we ensure that we get the right location, that the video-streaming will work, that the call prioritization will work and this marriage of our technology and Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) is why we can do so much for emergency services at such a low price.”
“Each part of our ecosystem plays a critical role,” added Elichai.
“The C2I helps prioritize the most important calls, the call-taker gives dispatchers an unmatched overview of everything happening at the scene of an event.”
“The CRM archives and dates all calls for retrieval, and our machine-learning algorithm is the secret ingredient that makes Reporty the best solution out there for first responders and city services.”
Carbyne, which has been in talks with a number of State governments and police agencies, touts the combination of video-streaming and instant location as the reason that they can so effectively reduce times to dispatch and save cities money.
“When it comes to this technology,” added Barak, “we are talking about the tip of the spear. There is nothing out there that matches this, and Reporty is always innovating, upgrading, and making sure that it’s a better product each day.”
(Learn How to Use the App. Courtesy of Reporty – The social safe city, and YouTube)
A single, unplanned moment can impact an entire city.
From a massive blackout to a freak storm, a bank robbery to a multi-car pileup; all governments know that no day is normal and that you can never predict what each day will bring.
For your citizens, who count on the services that you provide, it is crucial to have a continued line of communication with their government.
During an emergency, it is equally critical for you to be able to locate and connect with those who are in danger or need to know to avoid it.
Communication breakdown is one of the most common features of a disaster or terror attack and can lead to significant casualties.
To avoid this, it is imperative to have a system in place that can weather the storm of natural or manmade events.
Securing and maintaining critical infrastructure is a vital aspect of government.
Carbyne, with Reporty technology, allows your citizens to quickly and easily report to emergency and civil services in the wake of everything from a terror attack to a fallen tree.
Each Reporty call instantly reveals both the location of the event and streams video from the scene, giving dispatchers an overview of the entire situation.
Thanks to Carbyne’s unique method of dispersing data, the network infrastructure is not only secured but safe from crashing or overloading, as occurs in the event of terror and mass casualty scenarios.
For those who arrive first on the scene, information is the most important resource you can get but often those who have witnessed a crime, attack, or medical emergency are unsure of the key details or suffering from shock.
What first responders need is an unbiased recount of what happened and how.
For dispatchers, simply locating someone is a Herculean task and takes critical minutes during an emergency.
Bidding and rebidding cell phone providers can often lead to inaccurate or incomplete location information and can send first responders in entirely the wrong direction.
(Reporty’s interactive live map will show you all the report’s around you, from your friends and from fellow Reportyers. Tap on each report to view more info about it, so you could get the full picture of your surroundings and know if it’s safe or whether you should stay away. Courtesy of Reporty – The social safe city, and YouTube)
From the second a dispatcher picks up a Reporty call, the video is streamed directly to them with an accurate location down to 3 feet.
Streaming video allows dispatchers to quickly and easily assign the right resources for any situation.
Whether you’re a hospital looking after patients, a stadium overseeing the playoffs, or a college making sure students get to their dorms each night, you have a responsibility to provide them with the tools to keep them safe.
With thousands of potential people contacting you, a limited jurisdiction, and a need to quickly locate callers it’s easy enough to be overwhelmed every day, let alone in a crisis.
How will you contact people in the event of an emergency? A mass shooting? A blackout? What will happen if the lines of communications fail?
With Carbyne, your staff can quickly and easily respond to any unforeseen incidents and maintain guest safety.
With both customers and staff being able to report events to your on-site security team, you can swiftly and efficiently ensure that any disturbances are resolved quietly.
If it is necessary to communicate with your entire student or guest body then Carbyne allows you to simply send out a push notification in an instant.
(Build your personal Circle of Friends network in Reporty, and get notified when friends and family reported an emergency, and vice versa. Enter your profile and tap on “Find Friends” to start building your circle and watch over the people you love the most. Courtesy of Reporty – The social safe city, and YouTube)
Carybne’s ‘Reporty’ in 2017 ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Awards Program
The 2017 ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Awards Program, is organized to recognize the most distinguished vendors of Physical, IT, Port Security, Law Enforcement, First Responders, (Fire, EMT, Military, Support Services Vets, SBA, Medical Tech) as well as the Federal, State, County and Municipal Government Agencies – to acknowledge their outstanding efforts to ‘Keep our Nation Secure, One City at a Time.’
As an ‘ASTORS’ competitor, Reporty will be competing against the industry’s leading providers of 911 Emergency Technologies.
Good luck to Carbyne on becoming a Winner of the 2017 American Security Today’s Homeland Security Awards Program!
To learn more about Reporty’s state-of-the-art indoor and outdoor location technology, streaming video calling, call prioritization and more, please visit the company’s website at