Public safety is top of mind for communities across the nation, but limited time and resources put a strain on police departments when it comes to meeting such demands.
Frontline Public Safety Solutions fill a void in the industry by bridging the communication divide between the community and its PD.
A secure mobile toolkit, Frontline keeps data organized for PDs in a state-of-the-art platform they can access in real time, without ever leaving their patrol vehicles. In so doing, it eliminates the need for dispatch.
According to a July 14, 2016 “U.S. News and World Report” article, “About 70 percent (of mayoral State of the City speeches) had a heavy focus on public safety.”
Indeed, public safety “was second only to economic development overall, but was the top topic for heavy coverage in both the Midwest and Northeast.” The frequency with which mayors across the country address the topic attests to just how important it is to citizens nationwide.
Public safety is so at the top of Americans’ minds, in fact, that the prevalence of community watch groups continues to rise, and their efficacy is notable.
In Medford, Oregon, for example, a 2014 economics study found “that one additional neighborhood watch decreases the crime rate per beat by about 3% and one additional neighborhood watch per square kilometer decreases the crime rate by about 18%.”

The overall effectiveness of neighborhood watch programs, of course, hinges on their members being in tune with their local police departments, something the pace of technology renders difficult.
Frontline Public Safety Solutions was designed to bridge this important gap.
A mobile toolkit, Frontline connects the police and community with one simple solution.
Its secure, at-a-glance online dashboard affords police officers access to public safety information with a simple click of a button, all from the convenience of their own patrol vehicles.
“In law enforcement, we need technology to be more efficient, so we designed 6 modules to assist our officers to give them the tools they can use to keep them on the street,” explained Ben Laird, President of Frontline.
“Frontline Public Safety Solutions’ all-encompassing set includes modules that monitor overnight parking, provide vacation watch, track directed patrol, register pets and bikes, and report safety issue conditions,” adds Laird.
“In essence, it is a simple, fast solution for all of a PD’s public safety data storage. As a result, it enables first responders to live up to the “first” aspect of their name, thereby fulfilling the public safety demands of their citizens.
(Learn More about the Directed Patrol module, of the Public Safety mobile toolkit. Courtesy of Frontline Public Safety Solutions and YouTube)
FRONTLINE’s objective is to make our first responders job a little easier. Our simple point and click technology allows officers the ability to access the data from their laptops while on patrol.
We know every day of a first responder is a challenging day and we believe our product is a great tool to help keep them safe. The Tool-Kit also allows management to access, view, print and present reports within the individual modules of the tool-kit. Allowing for more up to date accurate data with simple search functions.
When developing FRONTLINE Public Safety Solutions, we consulted with as many branches of police departments and community service organizations that we possibly could to make sure that we came up with a “Tool Kit” that met every pain point possible.
Police chiefs, desk sergeants, patrol officers, dispatchers, village hall officials and personnel all had input to making FRONTLINE the most viable communications tool available.
Police departments that want to become better tuned in to their communities and their citizens’ public safety concerns can learn more about Frontline Public Safety Solutions’ mobile communications toolkit online at
For more information on how the record management software can save frontline responders time and resources by keeping their data organized, contact Felicia Edwards at (855) 794-1576.