The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) has awarded the third Next Generation Information Technology Services (NGITS) blanket purchase agreement (BPA) to CSRA, Leidos, ManTech, and Salient CRGT.
The BPA, with an estimated value of $139 million, provides support for a full spectrum of engineering projects, platforms, and services, to include endpoint, infrastructure, networks, and security.
In addition, the BPA establishes a dedicated onsite engineering test laboratory that mirrors the HHS environment to enable successful solutions development and facilitate efficient operations.
Leidos won the first task order on the BPA and will provide engineering services to HHS staff divisions and a number of the smaller operating divisions.
The new engineering task order will provide engineering expertise resulting in solutions that support the HHS vision for robust, flexible, efficient, and secure information technology to increase infrastructure performance and to avoid obsolescence.
“This award will provide the engineering expertise necessary to produce solutions supporting the HHS vision of robust, flexible, efficient, and secure IT,” according to Dan Mills, director of enterprise engineering for the Office of Information Technology Infrastructure and Operations (ITIO).
HHS OCIO launched the NGITS program last year to provide improved support in IT service delivery, accountability, integration of new and emerging technologies, customer service, and performance measurement of information technology for the Office of the Secretary, its 22 staffing divisions, and more than 12,000 employees.
The NGITS program has also awarded BPAs in the areas of IT operations and application hosting.
NGITS will award one more BPA this year for program management integration.

The NGITS program offers an improved platform to leverage technology; manage standards, consistency, and activities across divisions; and allow for better services and transparency to HHS customers.
“This award provides HHS the opportunity to engineer, test, and integrate innovative technologies to further support the efforts of HHS to improve the well-being of all Americans,” states George Chambers, ITIO executive director.
The Office of the Chief Information Officer advises the Office of the Secretary and the Assistant Secretary for Resources and Technology on matters pertaining to the use of information and related technologies to accomplish Departmental goals and program objectives.