January 9, 2019 – In Breaking News – Forbes
Over the years, terrorist organizations – including Islamic State – have concentrated their efforts on recruiting members from criminal groups in Europe.
Propaganda has claimed, for example, that by joining Islamic State, prospective members will receive redemption for their sins.
The terror group also encourages fundraising through criminal activities, and promotes this as a divinely sanctioned method of raising money for jihad when operating in the Dar al-Harb (Lands of War).
(Learn More. Parliament set up a 30-member special committee to find ways of tackling terrorism in Europe and improve cross-border cooperation. The EU is fighting on many fronts, one of which is in the financing of terror. MEPs are zeroing in on money laundering and organized crime to stem the flow of funds. Courtesy of European Parliament and YouTube. Posted on Oct 30, 2017.)
Lorenzo Vidino found that over half (57%) of perpetrators in terrorist attacks in Europe and North America between June 2014 and June 2017 had been involved in criminal activity unrelated to terrorism prior to carrying out their attacks.
(Hear directly from Lorenzo Vidino, Director, Program on Extremism, Center for Cyber and Homeland Security, George Washington University. Courtesy of CIDOB Barcelona and YouTube. Posted on Jul 13, 2017.)
In recent years, the convergence of criminal and terrorist networks has become more pronounced.
It is common practice for terrorists to engage in a myriad of organized criminal activities such as prostitution, the sale of human organs, weapons, antiquities, the taxation of drugs and people smuggling routes, kidnap for ransom, and money laundering to raise funds for terror-related activities.
(The last 18 months have seen France suffer three deadly attacks that left more than 231 dead and hundreds injured. Jihadist groups claimed responsibility. France is said to be at “war” with jihadists since the November 2015 attacks in Paris. As many as 600 French nationals – have rallied to the calls of the “self-styled Islamic State” (IS) in Iraq and Syria. Courtesy of Euronews and YouTube. Posted on Jul 3, 2018.)
Drug Trafficking
The relationship between drug traffickers and jihadists in North Africa is an important example of the intertwined nature of crime and terror.
Since 2014, Islamic State in Libya has profited from taxing the passage of illicit drugs through newly established drug routes stretching from Morocco to Libya, and then onward to Europe.
(Kenya’s president has said security forces have killed all four militants who stormed a hotel and office complex in Nairobi, confirming earlier reports that 14 civilians had died. Courtesy of The Guardian News and YouTube. Posted on Jan 16, 2019.)
Drug traffickers have used the weak state structure in Libya to collaborate with Islamic State and enable illicit drugs to pass through Islamic State-controlled areas in Libya, where the group is able to exact a tax in return for passage…
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(6th Elcano Forum on Global Terrorism, where Lorenzo Vidino gave the keynote speech titled: “Radicalization and Deradicalization in Prison: The American. Courtesy of Elcano Royal Institute and YouTube. Posted on Nov 20, 2018.)
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