OPM’s Center for Leadership Development (CLD) is dedicated to transforming leaders to better serve the Federal government.
Approximately 350,000 federal facilities across the country require a comprehensive risk assessment methodology that addresses threat, consequence, and vulnerability of the 33 undesirable events identified in the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Interagency Security Committee (ISC) “The Risk Management Process for Federal Facilities: An Interagency Security Committee Standard, Appendix A: The Design-Basis Threat Report”.
But very often facility security practitioners do not always consider all the undesirable events when conducting risk assessments due to lack of expertise or available resources.
This leaves their facilities vulnerable to risk, exposed to unnecessary expense, lacking in efficiencies and non-compliant with the Interagency Security Committee (ISC) standards.
The Interagency Security Committee (ISC), which addresses security for all federal facilities, has a variety of online and interactive training courses.
In January 2014, the DOJ and OPM/EMDC offered the ISC Risk Management Process (ISC RMP) Training Program to provide opportunities for individuals to become experienced with the ISC Risk Management Process.
This is the first and only ISC certified and approved training course offered to Federal security professionals.
This program has been successful in training Federal audiences on implementing a risk assessment methodology and conducting risk assessments. The program has been adopted throughout the government.
The ISC RMP Training Program was first established as a pilot course in May 2011 by the DOJ. After some refinement, the course documentation was submitted to the ISC and approved in December 2011 as the first official ISC Risk Management Process Training Program.
At the end of 2012, DOJ reached out to the Office of Personnel Management’s Eastern Management Development Center (OPM/EMDC) to establish a partnership to have the highly regarded ISC Risk Management Process (ISC RMP) Training Program managed by OPM/EMDC, based on their 50 year history in delivering stellar leadership and management development programs.
The partnership was officially kicked off with the first open enrollment course delivered in Washington, DC in January 2014.
Within the first few months of the newly formed partnership, several important milestones were achieved.
- First, the DOJ-OPM inaugural open enrollment class was successfully delivered on January 28-30, 2014 in Washington, DC. Participants from a variety of agencies attended the class.
- The feedback from the participants reflected an overall success score of 4.93 out a possible 5.0.
- The next milestone of achievement was the delivery of the first open enrollment residential program.
- A class of 27 participants from a variety of agencies, to include DOD, attended the session held on March 12-14, 2014 at the EMDC residential training center, formerly located in Shepherdstown, WV.
- During the March 2014 class, one of the most highly regarded milestones in 2014 was achieved with the recognition of the 100th graduate of ISC RMP Training Program.
The ISC RMP Training Program continues to reach new heights and achieve success.
Most recently, the program recognized and celebrated the graduation of the 500th participant.
The program has been successfully delivered to over 540 graduates from 57 different agencies, with participants ranging from GS-6 to SES.
The number of participants continues to grow substantially, with increasing numbers coming from the Department of Defense.
The program has been delivered more than 29 times to date, with additional single agency requested or ad hoc sessions being added to the training schedule each year.
The ISC RMP Training Program also continues to receive higher than average course evaluation scores.
- Average Customer Satisfaction score is 4.73; Industry average is 4.20
- Average Overall Score is 4.68; Industry average is 4.4
- Average Instructor Score is 4.73; Minimum Quality Standard is 4.2
The success of the program is demonstrated in the significant increase in the number of security practitioners who effectively establish risk assessment methodologies for their facilities that comply with the ISC RMP standards.
The ISC RMP Training Program equips anyone involved in the risk management decision-making process with the knowledge and skills needed to accurately summarize the main features of the ISC Risk Management Process, identify how its implementation benefits their organization; and given the risk assessment make informed, risk-based decisions.
Participants who are responsible for securing their agencies facilities and practitioners who participate in the development of security countermeasures receive access to the first ISC certified and approved Risk Management Process Tool, designed to automate the process of calculating facility security levels and identifying the relevant countermeasures associated with various types of threats, consequences, and vulnerabilities of the 33 undesirable events.
Graduates of the ISC RMP Training Program become more familiar with and are able to use the ISC’s RMP for Federal Facilities: An ISC Standard to determine Facility Security Levels (FSL), perform ISC-Compliant Risk Assessments, identify the Necessary Levels of Protection (LOP), and provide guidance to their Facility Security Committees (FSC).
Establishing and executing a comprehensive risk assessment methodology is a challenge for many Federal facility security professionals across the country.
The ISC RMP Training Program provides a solution for Federal agencies to address risk assessment challenges, reduce cost and inefficiencies of their security resources, and mitigate the impact of undesirable events at their facilities.
Interagency Security Committee (ISC), Department of Justice (DOJ), Office of Personnel Management (OPM)
ISC RMP Training Program in 2017 ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Awards Program
The 2017 ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Awards Program, organized to recognize the most distinguished vendors of Physical, IT, Port Security, Law Enforcement, First Responders, (Fire, EMT, Military, Support Services Vets, SBA, Medical Tech) as well as the Federal, State, County and Municipal Government Agencies – to acknowledge their outstanding efforts to ‘Keep our Nation Secure, One City at a Time.’
As an ‘ASTORS’ competitor, The Interagency Security Committee (ISC), Department of Justice (DOJ), Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Training Program will be competing against the industries leading providers of Federal Government Security Programs.
Good luck to ISC RMP Training Program on becoming a Winner of the 2017 American Security Today’s Homeland Security Awards Program!
For more information, see the ISC RMP Training Program at the Center for Leadership Development, Skill Immersion Courses at Center for Leadership Development.