Throughout the month of April, the U.S. Marshals Service honored and recognized victims of crime by conducting “Operation Justice 2018.”
The month-long enforcement initiative involved 16 law enforcement agencies from Maricopa and Pinal counties.
In order to have the greatest impact on victim crimes, the operation employed a systematic and sustained approach to target and arrest violent fugitives wanted for higher level felony crimes including Homicide, Robbery, Sexual Assault, Dangerous Drugs, and Aggravated Assault.

“Operation Justice is one of many multi-agency fugitive apprehension programs coordinated by the U.S. Marshals Service through task force networks at the local level,” said David P. Gonzales, U.S. Marshal for the District of Arizona.
“Law enforcement is more efficient and effective when we all work together. The goal is to make our communities safer by arresting dangerous career criminals who continue to commit serious crimes while on the run.”
“We also want to send a message to the victims of crime that we have not forgotten the impact that crime has had on them and their loved ones.”
Since 1981, the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office for Victims of Crime has observed an annual week of remembrance entitled National Crime Victims’ Rights Week.
In 2008, the U.S. Marshals Service in Arizona initiated “Operation Justice” as a law enforcement partnership to seek out and arrest fugitives, thereby ensuring the justice process continues unabated in an effort to assist in the healing and recovery for the victims of crime.
(The 2018 National Crime Victims’ Rights Week (NCVRW) Theme Video emphasizes the importance of inclusion in victim services. Visit www.ovc.gov/ncvrw to learn more about NCVRW. Courtesy of Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) and YouTube. Posted on Mar 2, 2018)
This year, National Crime Victims’ Rights Week was observed from April 8 to April 14, 2018.
In observance of National Crime Victims’ Rights Week, members of the Arizona WANTED Violent Offender Task Force made a concentrated effort to arrest the most violent career criminals and gang members plaguing the Phoenix metro area.
While the U.S. Marshals Service targets and prioritizes the worst of the worst fugitives every day, “Operation Justice” allows federal, state, and local valley law enforcement agencies to pool their resources in a cooperative enforcement endeavor over a month long period.
This operation is in its 10th successful year and resulted in hundreds of violent fugitive arrests, removing them from our communities and creating a safer environment by keeping them from committing more crimes.
(Learn More about The United States Marshals Service (USMS), narrated by John Walsh from America’s Most Wanted. Courtesy of Shane T. McCoy and YouTube)
Operation Justice 2018 proved to be an effective initiative with arrests totaling 310 throughout Maricopa and Pinal Counties.
Of the 310 fugitives taken into custody, arrests include 8 for Homicide, 64 for Aggravated Assault, 38 for Sex Offenses/Sex Assaults, and 58 for Robbery/Firearms related offenses.
The following arrests are examples of the type of career criminals and predators focused on during this operation:

“Operation Justice 2018 focused collaborative efforts on arresting some of the most violent offenders attempting to hide within our communities,” said Chief Rick St. John of the Glendale Police Department.
“The Glendale Police Department was a proud participant during this combined effort with agencies from all over the state to ensure victims of violence can feel safer and improve the quality of life for the community as a whole.”
“Partnerships like this are a prime example of agencies crossing jurisdictions and working together successfully to accomplish a common goal.”
(Learn More about The United States Marshals Service (USMS), a U.S. federal law enforcement agency within the U.S. Department of Justice. Courtesy of SOF-LAW-INTEL and YouTube)

“The Phoenix Police Department partners with local, state and federal law enforcement entities to together apprehend our most violent offenders,” said Chief Jeri Williams of the Phoenix Police Department.
“Apprehending these suspects helps us advocate for the victims and bring justice to them.”
“These task forces allow us to use the newest techniques and technologies to locate them and ensure the information is shared through all levels of law enforcement. Working together benefits all departments but most importantly our victims.”
The Mesa Police Department was proud to join with the United States Marshals Office and our local partners for Operation Justice 2018,” said Chief Ramon Batista of the Mesa Police Department.