Milrem, the Estonian Defense Solutions provider, is looking to expand the production of their first-of-its-kind unmanned ground vehicle to the United States.
The company will be exhibiting the UGV and meeting potential subcontractors at GVSETS in Michigan this week.
“Milrem has been looking for potential manufacturing partners in the US for some time now,” explained Kuldar Vaarsi, CEO of Milrem.
“Since our first-of-its-kind unmanned ground vehicle Titan has been accepted to Phase I of the US Army’s testing program SMET the activities have been accelerated,” explained Kuldar Vaarsi, CEO of Milrem.
(See a demonstration of the THeMIS unmanned ground vehicle by Milrem integrated with the deFNder remote weapon station by FN Herstal. Mission carried out by Estonian Defense League soldiers. Courtesy of Milrem and YouTube)
The Titan is a joint product with QinetiQ North America (QNA) that features the first fully modular hybrid unmanned ground vehicle THeMIS from Milrem and the Tactical Robot Controller (TRC) and Robotic Appliqué Kit (RAK) from QNA.
The Titan is intended to provide support for dismounted troops; however, the system is capable of much more.
(See the joint product of Milrem and ST Kinetics in action with the Estonian Defense Forces.
Weaponized unmanned ground vehicles are aiming at the battlefield. Courtesy of Milrem and YouTube)
Since it has a completely modular design the vehicle can be used to carry different remote weapon stations equipped with small and large caliber weapons.
Milrem has already integrated such systems from KONGSBERG, FNHerstal, Aselsan and ST Kinetics.

The UGV can also serve as an explosive ordinance detection and disposal unit, nest for tethered or non-tethered UAVs etc.
Such systems have already been developed together with Raytheon UK and being developed with several Estonian UAV manufacturers.
“The need to support warfighters with smart unmanned systems is increasing,” added Vaarsi.
“Milrem’s UGV may be used on the battlefield in various roles while keeping life cycle management and logistics costs to a minimum.”