Following the highest single-day of COVID-19 cases reported in Mississippi, (1,092 new cases of COVID-19 reported Thursday in Mississippi), the Navy has given more decisive guidance with specific details of what is expected of commanders and troops to keep the force safe in the latest fragmentary order (FRAGO) in regards to COVID-19 precautions.
“This virus is not just going away because local state rules have relaxed,” stated Capt. Bill Whitmire, Naval Construction Battalion Center commanding officer.
“If anything, we are seeing a resurgence in numbers of reported cases, hospitalizations and deaths reported in the state.”
“These measures are tough, but now is the time to practice the motto we like to say ‘Service over self’,” said Whitmire.
A major concern for Navy leaders is not only the spread of the disease, but asymptomatic spread.
“Asymptomatic spread is a reality and one misstep opens a potential attack vector for the virus,” said the FRAGO.
“We must stay vigilant in execution of force health protection guidance and hold ourselves and each other accountable for our actions.”
Restrictions listed in the FRAGO are based on the current installation Health Protection Condition (HPCON) status.
The current status of an installation is set forth by U.S. Fleet Forces Command.
Here is a detailed list of what is expected of all commands and personnel:
Cancel unit and installation sponsored events
Issue instructions to personnel to avoid large public gatherings and practice social distancing
Maximize telework for telework-ready employees
Cancel large public gatherings on installations
Re-scope, modify or cancel upcoming exercises.
Additionally, Service members are prohibited from visiting, patronizing, or engaging in the following off-installation specific facilities, services, or activities:
Recreational swimming pools, gyms, fitness facilities, exercise classes, saunas, spas, and salons
Tattoo/body art/piercing parlors
Barber shops, hair or nail salons, and massage parlors
Cinemas/ theaters
Participation in team/organized sports
Dine-in restaurants (take-out authorized)
Bars, night clubs, casinos
Conferences, sporting events, concerts
Amusement parks, or other events designed to promote large gatherings, to include indoor religious services
Outdoor recreation where common use facilities are used and if a minimum of 6 feet physical distancing cannot be maintained.
*Non-essential commercial retail establishments and shopping malls.

To the maximum extent practical, service members, government civilians, family members, and contract employees should minimize unnecessary in-person use of the following services and activities.
(In the event these services and activities must be utilized, prudent precautions (including mandatory physical distancing and use of cloth face coverings) shall be exercised.)
Use of mass transit (bus, rail, or ferry)
Auto repair maintenance and annual inspection
Curb-side and drive through services
In-home domestic services (home maintenance/ repair and lawn services).
Drive-in spiritual services
Banking services
Pet care and veterinary services
Post office
Laundry services
Dry cleaning
In-residence social gatherings that include more than ten (10) guests that do not reside in the residence.
In-residence social gatherings are strongly discouraged if anyone residing in the home is COVID-19 positive or influenza like illness symptomatic.

Although these guidelines are specifically for service members, DoD civilians, contractors and family members are strongly encouraged to comply with this guidance.
There is no specified end date to these orders.
“It is unlikely that we will transition to a lower HPCON level in the near future due to the trend of rising case numbers in our local area,” said Whitmire.
“We must all work together to attain a lower HPCON level, and that includes social distancing, frequent handwashing and staying home if you are sick.”
“If we follow the CDC guidelines we can make it through this.”
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