Carbyne, the creators of the multi-award winning public safety ecosystem, and Two-Time Winner of the 2017 ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Awards Program, has announced a major global rebrand this week on the heels of their game-changing shift in 911 telecommunications.
Carbyne, named Reporty initially, stated that the rebrand was in line with their global outlook and ambition.
“Our telecommunications ecosystem is now available on almost every continent on the planet,” CEO Amir Elichai said “because of this, we wanted a name that conveyed that strength and confidence we have.”
“The public safety community has put its trust in our technology, and they now have a suite of products that convey that.”
(Carbyne is complete, end-to-end solution that connects citizens with public safety first responders. Live video streaming and instant location mean that times to dispatch are cut in half. Courtesy of Carbyne and YouTube)
The name ‘Carbyne’ came from the periodic element, an element that is one of the strongest in the world, explained Elichai.

“Carbyne projects the strength that our ecosystem provides; it’s a perfect name for a public safety technology.”
“We market-tested in the United States by calling our North American branch Carbyne, and it received an incredibly positive response.”
“Because of this, we knew that our entire global brand had to be called this.”
As well as changing their name, Carbyne renamed the different products in their ecosystem.
“We spent a long time coming up with the new product names,” Elichai said with a laugh “it all came down to the consistency of the new branding, but we know that these are going to be a hit with our clients and the public.”
The rebrand is on the heels of Carbyne’s most significant announcement to date: that citizens no longer need an application to stream video directly to first responders.
“From the very beginning, we knew that an application was always going to be a stop-gap measure.”
“We have spent the past few years trying to overcome the technical challenges of providing the same level of service that our clients expect of us without using a native application,” added Alex Dizengoff, Carbyne’s Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer.

Apps-olutely Not:
Often, to gain the full benefit of IP communications, citizens need to download a third-party app.
For those in crisis situations, they need assistance immediately.
Having to download an app to talk to 911, even if it provides a more accurate location or the ability to stream video, is an almost impossible task.
We knew that it would be nearly impossible to circumvent the hard-wired three digits 911 (or 999, 112, 000, or others) that we know will connect us with first responders.
Carbyne set their Dev team a task: completely overhaul emergency communications so that citizens can stream video direct to 911 without an app.
Carbyne unveiled c-All, their new non-app product in early January, to great excitement in the global public safety community.

“For the first time,” added Dizengoff, “first responders and Call Takers can receive streaming video and instant location from almost any smartphone in the world.”
“Our most significant problem was always going to be muscle-memory, from childhood we are taught to call 911 if we need help.”
“Now, with our c-All service, citizens can call 911, and their call will automatically turn into a state-of-the-art Carbyne call with streaming video and instant location.”
Carbyne’s ecosystem, which won several major awards from the public safety community in 2017, which includes the Platinum ‘ASTORS’ Award Winner for Best Emergency Response for Fed/State/Local Government, is available in Europe, the Middle East, Latin America, Asia and is being piloted in several states in the U.S.A.

With the new global branding, a state-of-the-art ecosystem, and a multi-year jump over competitors: 2018 is shaping up to be an exciting year for Carbyne.
Carbyne: Two-Time ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Award Winner
American Security Today’s 2017 ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Awards Presentation Luncheon at ISC East was an overwhelming success, with distinguished guests from National, State and Local Governments, and Industry Leading Corporate Executives from companies allied to Government.

Over 100 professionals gathered from across North America and the Middle East to be honored from disciplines across the Security Industry in their respective fields which included:
- The Department of Homeland Security
- The Department of Justice
- The Security Exchange Commission
- State and Municipal Law Enforcement Agencies, and
- Leaders in Private Security
Recognized for their Innovative Training and Education Programs, Outstanding Product Development Achievements and Exciting New Technologies to address the growing Homeland Security Threats our Nation is facing.
Additionally, as a company, Carbyne was named a platinum winner for “Leadership & Innovation in Homeland Security.”
(Hear from Amir Elichai, Founder and Chief Executive Officer at Carbyne, to Learn More)
Current world circumstances have put forward a rapid expansion of new ideas, products and solutions to combat these ever changing challenges.
These changes have called for a new generation of security experts in the Homeland Security and Public Safety fields who need real time knowledge of our ever growing threats.
These experts include the Government at the Federal, State and Local levels as well as from Private Firms specializing in Physical Security, Port Security, Law Enforcement, First Responders, Military and Private Security responsible for implementing coordinated security measures to ensure our Nation’s Security and improve Public Safety.
Together, each of these entities work together seamlessly on the front lines of protecting our communities, to ‘Keep our Nation Secure, One City at a Time.’
To find out more about how you can enhance your 911 center, contact Carbyne at caryne911.com.