Canine detection training requires multiple initial and ongoing maintenance interactions with the pure substances to ensure proper altering in operational environments.
However, pure TATP and HMTD are too unstable for real environmental conditions, as detonating explosives in a school or vehicle is devastating to the dog, handler, and institution – until now.

Gallant Technologies has successfully transitioned the technology for a revolutionary, non-detonable explosives training aid developed and licensed from the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU/APL), under funding from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T).
After testing existing products on the market, DHS identified the need for a high-quality, safe training aid for homemade explosives that can be used in operational training scenarios without the logistical burden and safety hazards associated with using pure explosives.
The Gallant solution provides an easy to handle, high value solution, enhancing performance using the core molecule as the odor basis.

The TA-SPOT® and HM-SPOT® training aids directly address the rising threat from homemade explosives like HMTD and TATP, also known as the “Mother of Satan” due to its inherent instability, by allowing the country’s explosive detection canines and sensor systems to train on the real explosive odor, without the threat of injury.
Unlike existing simulant-based training aids, the JHU/APL-developed training aid starts by manufacturing high-quality explosive and then renders it safe using a proprietary process without contributing any additional odors that may confound canine handler teams.
As a key customer of DHS S&T, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) mandates that canine teams train using only real explosive material, such as that found in the new training aid.

Gallant Technologies has heavily invested in the transition of the training aid from research to a commercial product making it widely available to the Federal, State, and Local government marketplace.
Manufacturing high-quality, neat explosives as the base material requires a level of quality control, safety processes, and regulatory hurdles not required for some competing products.
Gallant Technologies has successfully begun production, performed the required quality testing rounds, obtained Department of Transportation shipping classification allowing unrestricted shipping, and obtained an Export Control Classification Number allowing overseas shipping.
The HM-SPOT® and TA-SPOT® training aids enable regular training in operational scenarios with a low logistical burden.
Pure explosive molecules enable training and assessment of canine teams, multiple sensor-based detection technologies, and security operations protocols.
To date, Gallant Technologies has manufactured thousands of training aids and has delivered small quantities to the TSA, law enforcement agencies, research groups, and independent quality assurance laboratories.
Gallant Technologies is looking forward to supporting emerging and existing contracts to enable broad distribution of this capability-enhancing product.
To Learn More about this revolutionary product visit www.gallant.tech.