The Threat Extinguisher is one such safety system, which when combined with ALICE, offers another layer of safety to increase survival chances and save lives.
A new protocol, Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Escape (ALICE), has been introduced and provides strategies to increase safety and protection.
ALICE has been taught to more than 1,000,000 people throughout 50 states.
(See an introduction to ALICE Institute training in response to an active shooter event. Produced by Cindy Jeffrey through the Division of Communications and Marketing for the K-State Police Dept. ALICE Training Coordinator Sgt. Chad Jager. Courtesy of K-State and YouTube. Posted on Jan 23, 2017)
ALICE emphasizes the need to “counter” or fight back.
- This is where Threat Extinguisher’s non-lethal military grade pepper spray can be used as a last resort.
The Threat Extinguisher system complements this training with a high decibel alarm and immediate text alerts to staff and employees while also notifying first responders.
- People can decide the course of action for each unique circumstance.
- Should they run to escape, or lockdown with a barricade and prepare to “counter” with objects at hand?
- Immediately sends texts/emails with vital information to designated contacts to initiate safety plans while sounding a loud 108 decibel alarm.
- Simultaneously calls to police, fire, & EMS for immediate dispatch and includes info on the location of the activated base.
- Provides an option for non-lethal defense, if necessary, in the critical moments while waiting for help to arrive.
Threat Extinguisher clients must guarantee the safety of congregations, employees and students.
- Their clients all have safety and security protocols, however, they realize that no single system can protect every event.
- They are looking to create layers of safety to prepare for all potential events.
Threat Extinguisher provides an additional layer of safety during a violent incident.
(Hear from founder Sam Fasone as he introduces the Threat Extinguisher, a product aimed at protecting people and giving them a fighting chance in the unfortunate event of an active shooter, and help with the many incidents that can occur in any spaces where an immediate call for help is a valuable tool. Courtesy of Threat Extinguisher and YouTube)
A Multi-Layered Approach to Safety Makes Sense.
- Safety protocols lay a foundation by educating students, staff, and parishioners about violent threats including Active Shooter incidents and how to survive them.
- These protocols construct a layer of protection including barricading entry to rooms using a door barricade device, and as a last resort Threat Extinguisher adds a layer of non-lethal defense to incapacitate an attacker who has breached other layers of protection.
- Developing protocols with over-lapping layers of security afford the best chance for survival.
Benefits of the Tactical Grade Pepper Spray
Heavy Stream
- 5,300,000 Scoville Heat Units (SHU)
Long Range
- Fires up to 20+ ft.
- 50+ one-half second bursts, approx. 3 grams per burst.
Easy to Use
- Just pull the safety pin, point & shoot
Non-Lethal & Effective
- Exposure incapacitates without causing permanent harm, aiming for the face and eyes stops the attacker the fastest.
Threat Extinguisher in addition to the ALICE Training, adds a new layer to existing protocols.
ALICE (Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, and Evacuate) is the nation’s first training program for citizens to increase their survival chances and save lives, if faced with a Violent Intruder.
The ALICE Training Institute has trained thousands of police departments, K-12 school districts, higher education, businesses, hospitals, and houses of worship in the ALICE protocols over the last 15 years.