Every day, state and local bomb squads place themselves in harm’s way in order to shield citizens and property from potential catastrophe.
Many of the improvised explosive devices (IEDs) they face are cobbled together from everyday objects with the intent to cause maximum casualties and damage—the reality is they are easy to build, difficult to combat and their makeup constantly evolves.
How do first responders stay up-to-date on the latest tactics and techniques for IED response?
And how does the DHS Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) ensure state and local bomb squads have the necessary resources at their fingertips?
The answer is S&T’s Response and Defeat Operations Support (REDOPS) program.
The DHS S&T REDOPS Program, fosters collaboration among the country’s leading experts, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Department of Defense, the National Bomb Squad Commanders Advisory Board and boots-on-the-ground bomb technicians at every level of government.
(See this 100 second video gives updates about the DHS S&T REDOPS program and mentions several products the FBI and REDOPS have worked on together to help the public safety bomb squads effectively defeat IEDs. Courtesy of DHS S&T and YouTube)
In addition to investing in research and development of technologies needed to render IEDs safe, REDOPS performs operational field assessments of technologies, transitions systems to the FBI’s Hazardous Devices School, and disseminates improved tactics, techniques, and procedures to minimize damage to life and/or property.

DoD by EJ Hersom)
“It is so important for us to be out with the bomb squads as they practice various tactics and techniques and assess whether technologies are field-ready,” said S&T REDOPS Program Manager Byung Hee Frantz.
In pursuing these goals, S&T led an August 2017 vehicle-born IED (VBIED) response experimentation assessment in Milford, Michigan, with representatives of the Michigan State Police Bomb Squad, New Jersey State Police, Saint Paul (Minnesota) Police, U.S. Air Force and the Canadian Air Force.
The goal of these exercises was to identify lessons learned and technology requirements by comparing various VBIED response tactics and equipment choices.
The event featured six simulated response scenarios with experiments conducted on 30 late-model vehicle targets.

“The direct feedback we receive is invaluable; it really drives our R&D efforts and ensures that we get responders the tools and training they need to remain safe and effective during live events,” Frantz said.
Michigan Governor Rick Snyder attended the assessment and agreed that collaboration across federal, state, local, military and international agencies is an ideal approach to improving IED response.
Snyder watched all of the response teams in action and even participated himself, firing a disruption explosive charge.
The REDOPS team also participated in several of the 2017 Raven’s Challenges, a series of nationwide exercises that bring together public safety bomb squads and military explosive ordnance disposal units to execute operational counter-IED scenarios.
(Learn More.A sneak peek at the Department of the Army funded exercise called Raven’s Challenge. Under the direction of Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco Firearms and Explosives EOD Techs from around the country get the opportunity to get real world training on a plethora of explosive problems. Courtesy of the ATF HQ and YouTube. Posted on Sep 12, 2017)
At recent events at Camp Dawson in West Virginia, Camp Shelby in Mississippi, and Camp Pendleton in California, REDOPS staff designed new training scenarios and showcased some of the latest S&T response and defeat technologies, including counter-IED explosive disruptor shots, pipe bomb defeat tools, shock tube dispensers and robotic gripping tools.
“The most important thing REDOPS can do is continue to gather information from across the country and world about what equipment other squads are using and how they are using it,” said Baltimore Police Department Bomb Technician Randy Pope, who attended the Camp Dawson Raven’s Challenge.

of DHS S&T)
“It really helps us out.”
Matt Wallner, a bomb technician with the Newport News (Virginia) Fire Department, agreed.
“What I’ve learned about REDOPS is that they take new ideas and procedures… and get them out to the public safety bomb squads.”
“Whether it’s an easier way of controlling your fiber optics or opening a door with a robot or new disruption tools, it’s very interesting and eye-opening.”
The 2017 ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Awards Program
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security Science (DHS) and Technology Directorate (S&T) was recognized last week with four ‘ASTORS’ ‘Excellence in Homeland Security’ Platinum Awards by American Security Today (AST), at the ISC East Conference in New York City to honor organizations that are actively addressing today’s evolving Homeland Security challenges in innovative ways.
This awards program was organized by AST to recognize the most distinguished security vendors, as the nation continues to respond to escalating threats from home and abroad.
The innovative solutions being implemented to meet those threats has led to tremendous growth in the field of Homeland Security, and to this awards program for recognition of the key contributors to our nation’s security.
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T)
- Enhanced Dynamic Geo-Social Environ (EDGE) Virtual Online Training for First Responders Open at No Cost to All U.S. First Responders Agencies, Across Disciplines for Coordinated Response to Critical Incidents
- Excellence in Homeland Security
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T)
- Resilient Tunnel Plug (RTP) to Strengthen Mass Transportation Critical Infrastructure from Disruptive Flood Events
- Excellence in Homeland Security
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) First Responders Group (FRG)
- Flood Apex Program, Applying New & Emerging Technologies to Improve Community Resilience from Flood Disasters, Reduce Fatalities and Property Loss
- Excellence in Homeland Security
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) Homeland Security Advanced Research Projects (HSARPA)
- Surface Transportation Explosives Threat Detection (STETD) on Developing the Capacity to Detect Potential Threat Items Throughout Rail and Subway Systems Without Alerting the Subject or Negatively Impacting the Speed of Travel
- Excellence in Homeland Security
Over 100 security professionals gathered from across North America and the Middle East to be honored from disciplines across the Security Industry in their respective fields which included:
- The Department of Homeland Security
- The Department of Justice
- The Security Exchange Commission
- State and Municipal Law Enforcement Agencies, and
- Leaders in Private Security
Recognized for their Innovative Training and Education Programs, Outstanding Product Development Achievements and Exciting New Technologies to address the growing Homeland Security Threats our Nation is facing.

American Security Today was formed after careful reflection of 9/11 and its aftermath when the Department of Homeland Security was established and there was an immediate explosion of new products and solutions for what was perceived as an imminent second attack on primary targets in the United States.
As time moved forward from 9/11 itself and in recent years, the threats to our nation have evolved from a large scale 9/11 type attack to:
- Domestic and International Terrorist Attacks carried out by ‘lone wolves’ and coordinated individuals
- Cybersecurity breach attacks against our government agencies, financial institutions and critical infrastructure facilities
- Unprecedented urban violence
- Cultural shifts and societal media bias, which make it increasingly difficult to secure our nation in this constantly evolving threat environment.

These current circumstances have put forward another rapid expansion of new ideas, products and solutions to combat these ever changing challenges.
These changes have called for a new generation of security experts in the Homeland Security and Public Safety fields who need real time knowledge of our ever growing threats.
These experts include the Government at the Federal, State and Local levels as well as from Private Firms specializing in Physical Security, Port Security, Law Enforcement, First Responders, Military and Private Security responsible for implementing coordinated security measures to ensure our Nation’s Security and improve Public Safety.
Together, each of these entities work together seamlessly on the front lines of protecting our communities, to ‘Keep our Nation Secure, One City at a Time.’
AST focuses on Homeland Security and Public Safety Breaking News, the Newest Initiatives and Hottest Technologies in Physical & IT Security, essential to meeting today’s growing security challenges.
To highlight the tremendous accomplishments of agencies and firms receiving this prestigious award, be on the the lookout for American Security Today’s Annual December ‘ASTORS’ Champions Edition – ‘Year in Review.’
To find out more about REDOPS, please contact first.responder@dhs.gov.