Registration for 2017 FAA UAS Symposium Goes Live

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI) announced today that registration is underway for the 2017 UAS Symposium scheduled to take place at the Hyatt Regency in Reston, VA, from March 27 to 29.

The FAA and AUVSI are co-sponsoring this year’s event, which will bring together representatives from government, industry and academia to discuss topics of high interest to the fast-growing unmanned aircraft (UAS) community.

It will focus on industry partnerships as well as how to overcome technical challenges to safe UAS operations.

Last year’s first UAS Symposium in Daytona Beach, FL, drew hundreds of interested participants and gave the FAA wide-ranging viewpoints that are helping inform the agency’s long-term planning for UAS integration.

The three-day 2017 event promises to be an equally valuable session for all the participants and their organizations.

FAA Administrator Michael Huerta will deliver the keynote address on March 27.

FAA UAS Symposium

Presentations and workshops are planned on issues such as the current and future regulatory environment, progress toward integrating UAS, unmanned aircraft research initiatives, counter-UAS evaluations and international UAS collaboration.

For more information about this year’s symposium or to register, go to: