Riverdale Mills WireWall® Secures Borders & Embassies Worldwide (Video)

For over 30 years, Riverdale Mills Corporation has worked with security consultants and companies worldwide to ensure military bases, embassies, transit systems, airports and prisons are highly secure and well-protected.

Riverdale’s WireWall® Security Wire Mesh, a 358 security mesh, is a virtually impenetrable, high security fencing material that is nearly impossible to climb or cut, is rust proof and corrosion resistant.

(Learn About Riverdale’s WireWall® Security Wire Mesh, courtesy of Group CSC and YouTube)

WireWall® protects 31 miles of the U.S. border with Mexico, 46 miles along the Kuwait and Iraq border, the employees at the U.S. Embassy in Panama City, commuters at the L.A. transit systems, the Port of San Francisco, US Navy bases in Point Mugu and Ventura, CA, San Quentin prison, the San Onofre Nuclear Plant and MIT’s Nuclear reactor lab and the Chesapeake Bay Bridge, to name a few.

“WireWall high security mesh is an extremely cost effective way to build a barrier,” says Riverdale Mills CEO Jim Knott, Jr.

“It can’t be climbed or cut, it allows security guards to see the approaching threat and intruders to see patrols which often deters a breech; wind can pass through thereby reducing wind shear; and the fence can be installed up to 20 feet tall and 6 feet below the earth’s service to prevent tunneling under.”

Riverdale Mills at U.S. - Mexico border fence, California
U.S. – Mexico border fence, California

Case in Point:

International security expert and CEO of Group CSC, a Panama-based corporate security consulting firm, Andrew Mullen has advised and implemented security solutions for corporations worldwide for decades; he is rarely phased.

But when one of his security officers was attacked at an extremely well-protected, Fortune 500 manufacturing plant, Mullen knew it was time to explore different security solutions.

The site had also been victimized by ongoing intrusions, primarily by rogue individuals climbing over and cutting the existing chain link fence around the 1,000 acre site.

Mullen had recently seen the protections in place at the U.S. Embassy in Panama; Riverdale Mills WireWall surrounds the Embassy’s perimeter.

He called Knott, Jr. for in-depth information about WireWall, a detailed briefing of the company’s distribution processes, and to discuss his client’s high security fencing needs.  

Riverdale Mills installed at Fortune 500 Manufacturing Facility in Panama
Fortune 500 Manufacturing Facility in Panama

“Riverdale Mills responded quickly with a strategic approach to the installation: 10-foot tall WireWall fencing topped with 4-strand barbed wire, installed with 1-meter wide Riverdale Mills Anti-Dig matt, installed 12 inches underground, laterally to the fence to prevent tunneling,” said Mullen.

Riverdale coordinated the shipment, documentation and coordination of a total of 20 containers of Wire Wall panels, along with posts, gates, barbed wire and fencing connections, to the Port of Miami.  All materials were then loaded on a freighter and shipped to Panama.

2.5 miles of WireWall was installed on the mountainous, jungle terrain around the perimeter of the property and in various interior areas of the site. The installation by Group CSC was completed within three months, well ahead of the contract schedule.

In addition, the required security presence was reduced from almost 100 security personnel to12, at a significant cost savings, while providing increased safety for those at the site.

No breaches in the WireWall fence have been recorded and the company believes that in less than two years the WireWall fence will more than pay for itself in less than two years due to the significantly reduced need for security personnel.

Riverdale Mills at Pago Pago International Airport, American Samoa
Pago Pago International Airport, American Samoa

WireWall is manufactured using the highest premium steel, sourced primarily from domestic mills, at Riverdale Mills’ Massachusetts manufacturing facility.

The company uses a proprietary Galvanized after Welding and PVC Coating process to create products able to withstand the harshest of environments and ideal for variable climates and terrain.

21 miles of WireWall was installed in 2012 for the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol Fence PF-225 Project.

(Riverdale Mills’ super-tough steel fence already guards 43 kilometers of the border, and the plant’s owner says its technology has proved to be a cost-effective way to secure airports, prisons, or nuclear facilities. Courtesy of VOA News and YouTube)

According to White House Budget Director Mike Mulvaney, “while no decisions have been made on exactly what the [U.S.-Mexico border] wall will look like… much of the new barrier will be fencing rather than a complete concrete wall.”

Riverdale Mills anticipates its WireWall product will be used to build portions of the wall.

For over 35 years, RMC has produced technologically advanced and sustainable premium products in the United States. The company remains competitive while supporting a local labor force; all of Riverdale Mills welded wire mesh products are Made in the U.S.A.

Riverdale Mills at Fayette State Correctional Facility, PA
Fayette State Correctional Facility, PA

Riverdale Mills 400,000 sq. foot facility houses multiple state-of-the-art welding and coating machines, all of which are meticulously maintained and continually upgraded.

The welding machines are some of the widest welding machines in the world, which allows the company to produce the broadest possible range of products for its customers and meet international design requirements and standards; Riverdale consistently meets or exceeds ASTM International Standards.


The company was recently awarded a Global Trade Award from the Associated Industries of Massachusetts International Business Council; recognized for excellence in international trade and for setting the standard for global business.