Safety, Safety, Safety – Summer Heat Safety Tips for Kids, Families & Pets

In order to protect our family and pets, keep in mind a few helpful tips courtesy of PWPORG, a 501(c)(3) built by law enforcement and security industry practitioners and educators to provide educational resources to kids, families and communities on safety and emergency preparedness.

By ‘ASTORS’ Award Champion PWPORGa 501(c)(3) built by law enforcement and security industry practitioners and educators to provide educational resources to kids, families, and communities on safety and emergency preparedness.

Summertime can be as HOT as it gets and comes with extremely high temperatures and heat waves.

A heat wave refers to two or more days of dangerously high or record-breaking temperatures compared to previous years.

According to the National Weather Service, heat waves kill more people in the United States than all other weather-related disasters combined.

Whether the heat is suffocatingly dry or oppressively humid, either will wreak havoc on our bodies, especially kids, and requires a preparedness mindset to enjoy the warmth of the season.

The human body normally regulate its temperature through sweating, until it is exposed to more heat than it can handle. Precautionary measures are required to avoid dehydration, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke, which can rapidly escalate, leading to delirium, organ damage, and even death.

Oftentimes, kids lack the awareness to recognize when their bodies are overheating.

In addition, kid’s body temperatures are not regulated in the same way as adults. It’s important to teach kids the dangers of heat and the warning signs for heat stress.

In order to protect our family and pets, let’s keep in mind a few helpful tips.

Courtesy of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Courtesy of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Be sure to monitor children for heat-related stress and illnesses, and consider these recommendations:

  • Schedule outdoor activities during cooler parts of the day, such as mornings and evenings.

  • Remember essential items when traveling for the day’s activities, such as chilled water in a glass or stainless steel bottle, instant cold packs, sunscreen, insect repellent, hats and shades, snacks, and a first aid kit.

  • Dress for the weather! Wear light colors and lightweight materials.

  • Drink lots of water! It’s a great way to stay as hydrated as possible.

  • Wear sunscreen! Limit time in the sun to avoid sunburn, which makes it more difficult for your body to cool off.

  • Hang out in cool places! Visit public places with air-conditioning such as shopping malls, libraries, and YES, ice cream stores. Many cities also have cooling stations available at no cost.

Spending time at the local pool is fun on hot summer days but be mindful of the potential dangers.

According to the CDC, drowning is the number 1 cause of death for children ages 1-4.

Water Safety USA recommends that children under 5, weak swimmers, and non-swimmers always wear a life jacket in the pool.

However, do not solely rely on floats and life preservers, children should be supervised and within arm’s reach at all times.

(This “Life Jackets for Children – Doing it Right” brief video provides guidance to parents in selecting, testing, and putting to use the proper U.S. Coast guard approved life jacket for a specific child, along with related safety tips for boating with young children. Courtesy of America’s Boating Channel and YouTube.)

Keep in mind learning how to swim is the primary preventative measure against drowning.

Seeking adventure in shady areas such as a local or National Park can be a great way to avoid the heat. However, remember there may be bugs, insects, and potentially poisonous snakes in these wooded areas, which could open the door for potential bites and stings.

Having a preparedness mindset means being aware of preventative measures as well as possible treatments should the need arise.


  • Apply sunscreen first, then apply insect repellant.

  • Wear appropriate clothing with lighter colors, so that insects are more visible.

  • Use a chemical barrier on your clothes and wear closed-toe shoes.

  • Use gloves when handling large rocks, sticks, or firewood.

  • Stay away from underbrush, dense shrubs, and tall weeds.

(Have you or your child been bitten by a spider, a snake, or an insect? Call the Poison Help line to speak with medical professionals who can give you free personal advice anytime. Courtesy of HRSAtube and YouTube.)


Hotline: National Poison Control Center

Call: 1-800-222-1222

Text POISON to 202-677-7600

Be vigilant during the summer months to exercise extreme caution when using your cars to go about your day-to-day activities.

A car’s interior can heat up extremely fast during high temperatures.

Oftentimes, kids lack the awareness to recognize when their bodies are overheating.
  • Be sure to have the vehicle air conditioning checked at the start of the summer.

  • Never spend time in a parked car with the windows closed

  • Never leave infants or children in a parked car even if the windows are open.

  • Double check to be sure that everyone is out of the car before leaving.

  • Preparing a car check routine or using a baby reminder car seat alarm can help ensure all children are out of the car before leaving. In 2018 and 2019, fifty-three (53) children died of Vehicular heatstroke each of those years.

Pet Precautions

When temperatures are approaching record highs, we must remember our four-legged friends who cannot express in words when they are too hot.

Dogs and cats cannot cool off by sweating like humans, so they overheat more easily. As a result, pets can suffer from heat-related illnesses too.

Be aware of the signs of overheating

  • Excessive panting and drooling

  • Difficulty breathing

  • Vomiting or diarrhea

  • Weakness, incoordination or stumbling

  • Sudden collapse or seizures

Courtesy of the ASPCA
Courtesy of the ASPCA

Preventative steps:

  • High temperatures mean hot asphalt! Perform a “seven seconds test” – if the back of your hand cannot stand the heat on the asphalt for seven seconds, then it is too hot for a walk.

  • Walk your dog in the morning, before temperatures reach dangerous levels.

  • Never leave your pet outside unsupervised when the temperature is above 80°F.

  • While outside, ensure your pet has access to fresh water, shade, and shelter away from direct sunlight.

  • Never leave your pet alone in a parked car.

In the event your pet becomes overheated, act fast and begin cooling them gradually.

  • Take them indoors

  • Give them cool water to drink

  • Cover them with a lukewarm towel

If your dog’s paws show burn signs such as redness, swelling, or visible blisters, consult a veterinarian as soon as possible. In the meantime, treat the affected paws using cool water.

Enjoy the Summertime Safely

Copyright PWPORG.ORG – Republished with permission

To download your own copy of the ‘Safety, Safety, Safety – Summer Heat Safety Tips‘ to share with your family, friends, and community members, please go to

Also available are the following titles: 

Please check out Parents with Preparedness Magazine for More Free Resources for You and Your Family!

PWPORG a 2021 ‘ASTORS’ Awards Champion:  Excellence in Public Safety & Community Enrichment

The award recognizes the exceptional resources provided to kids, schools and communities in addition to the Parents With Preparedness Magazine and Resource Guide for parents.
The award recognizes the exceptional resources provided to kids, schools, and communities in addition to the Parents With Preparedness Magazine and Resource Guide for parents.

American Security Today’s Annual ‘ASTORS’ Awards is the preeminent U.S. Homeland Security Awards Program, and now in its Seventh Year, continues to recognize industry leaders of Physical and Border Security, Cybersecurity, Emergency Preparedness – Management and Response, Law Enforcement, First Responders, as well as federal, state and municipal government agencies in the acknowledgment of their outstanding efforts to Keep our Nation Secure.


  • Excellence in Public Safety & Community Enrichment

  • PWPORG (Preparedness Without Paranoia) is a 501(c)(3) built by law enforcement and security industry practitioners and educators to provide educational resources to kids, families, and communities on safety and emergency preparedness.

How to Get Involved, Be a Superhero, Make a Donation and Make a Difference – PWPORG is seeking charitable, donations, contributions, and corporate/agency sponsorships to provide Safety and Emergency Preparedness Training to children’s groups in your community.
  • PWPORG is proactively taking action to introduce the children and families in our communities, to skills and educational resources on safety and emergency preparedness, that when learned and practiced, will last for a lifetime.

  • Guided by Dr. Kathleen Kiernan, a 29-year veteran of Federal Law Enforcement and President of NEC National Security Systems, the nonprofit PWPORG was created to educate, engage and empower families and kids on issues of preparedness and resiliency to create a safer world, free of active threats and human traffickers.

(Learn about how YOU can Make a Difference in the lives of our Nation’s Children and Families. Be a Superhero, Make a Donation and Make a Difference by helping to support Preparedness Without Paranoia and Parents with Preparedness Magazine. Courtesy of Kiernan Group Holdings and YouTube.)

The Annual ‘ASTORS’ Awards highlight the most cutting-edge and forward-thinking security solutions coming onto the market today, to ensure our readers have the information they need to stay ahead of the competition and keep our Nation safe – one facility, street, and city at a time.

Thomas Richardson, FDNY Chief of Department; Dr. Kathleen Kiernan, President of NEC National Security Systems; and Richard Blatus, FDNY Assistant Chief of Operations at the 2021 ‘ASTORS’ Awards Luncheon at ISC East.

AST Honors Thomas Richardson, FDNY Chief of Department; Dr. Kathleen Kiernan, President of NEC National Security Systems; and Richard Blatus, FDNY Assistant Chief of Operations, at the 2021 ‘ASTORS’ Awards Luncheon at ISC East.

The United States was forever changed 20 years ago on September 11th, and we were fortunate to have many of those who responded to those horrific tragedies join us at the 2021 ‘ASTORS’ Awards Luncheon.

In the days that followed 9/11, the critical needs of protecting our country catapulted us into new and innovative ways to secure our homeland – which is how many of the agencies and enterprise organizations that are today ‘ASTORS’ Awards Champions, came into being.

Our keynote speaker TSA Administrator David Pekoske delivered a moving and timely address on the strategic priorities of the 64,000 member TSA workforce in securing the transportation system, enabling safe, and in many cases, contactless travel, and more (Be sure to see Interview.)
TSA Administrator David Pekoske addressing attendees at the 2021 ‘ASTORS’ Awards Luncheon in New York City on November 17, 2021. (Be sure to see AST Exclusive Interview, facilitated by Dr. Kathleen Kiernan HERE.)

Our 2021 keynote speaker featured a moving and informative address from TSA Administrator and Vice-Admiral of the United States Coast Guard (Ret), David Pekoske; to our attendees who traveled from across the United States and abroad, on the strategic priorities of the 64,000 member TSA workforce in securing the transportation system, enabling safe, and in many cases, contactless travel.

Commissioner Bill Bratton signing copies of his latest work, ‘The Profession: A Memoir of Community, Race, and the Arc of Policing in America,’ at the 2021 ‘ASTORS’ Awards Presentation Luncheon. (Be sure to see AST Exclusive Interview with Comm Bratton, facilitated by Dr. Kathleen Kiernan HERE.)

Legendary Police Commissioner William Bratton of the New York Police Department, the Boston Police Department, and former Chief of the Los Angeles Police Department was also live at the event, meeting with attendees and signing copies of his latest work ‘The Profession: A Memoir of Community, Race, and the Arc of Policing in America,’ courtesy of the generosity of our 2021 ‘ASTORS’ Awards Premier Sponsors.

The 2022 ‘ASTORS’ Awards Program is Proudly Sponsored by New PLATINUM SPONSOR: NEC National Security Systems (NSS), New Premier Sponsors Rajant Corporation, and guardDog AI, and returning Sponsors to date, ATI Systems, Automatic Systems, RX Global, and SIMS Software!

The continually evolving ‘ASTORS’ Awards Program will emphasize the trail of Accomplished Women in Leadership in 2022, as well as the Significance and Positive Impact of Advancing Diversity and Inclusion in our Next Generation of Government and Industry Leaders. #MentorshipMatters

So be on the lookout for exciting upcoming announcements of Speakers, Presenters, Book Signing Opportunities, and Attendees at the 2022 ‘ASTORS’ Awards Presentation Luncheon in November of 2022 in New York City!

Nominations are currently being accepted for the 2022 ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Awards at

Comprehensive List of Categories Include:

Access Control/ Identification Personal/Protective Equipment Law Enforcement Counter Terrorism
Perimeter Barrier/ Deterrent System Interagency Interdiction Operation Cloud Computing/Storage Solution
Facial/IRIS Recognition Body Worn Video Product Cyber Security
Video Surveillance/VMS Mobile Technology Anti-Malware
Audio Analytics Disaster Preparedness ID Management
Thermal/Infrared Camera Mass Notification System Fire & Safety
Metal/Weapon Detection Rescue Operations Critical Infrastructure
License Plate Recognition Detection Products COVID Innovations
Workforce Management Government Security Programs And Many Others to Choose From!

Don’t see a Direct Hit for your Product, Agency or Organization?

Submit your category recommendation for consideration to Michael Madsen, AST Publisher at:

Team TSA
Honoring the 20th anniversary of the Transportation Security Administration (Team TSA at the 2021 ‘ASTORS’ Awards Presentation Luncheon.)

In 2021 over 200 distinguished guests representing Federal, State, and Local Governments, and Industry Leading Corporate Firms gathered from across North America, Europe, and the Middle East to be honored among their peers in their respective fields which included:

Register for the 2022 ‘ASTORS’ Luncheon Today

In a typical year, DEAC Sabatino oversees the facilitation of legitimate travel for more than 410 million travelers in the air, land, and maritime environments.
Deputy Executive Assistant Commissioner (DEAC) Diane J. Sabatino of the Office of Field Operations, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).

American Security Today is delighted to announce, that Deputy Executive Assistant Commissioner (DEAC) Diane J. Sabatino of the Office of Field Operations, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), will be the opening keynote speaker at the much-anticipated 2022 ‘ASTORS’ Awards Presentation Luncheon, on Wednesday, November 16th, 2022.

American Security Today’s Annual ‘ASTORS’ Awards is the preeminent U.S. Homeland Security Awards Program, and now in its Seventh Year, continues to recognize industry leaders of Physical and Border Security, Cybersecurity, Emergency Preparedness – Management and Response, Law Enforcement, First Responders, as well as federal, state and municipal government agencies in the acknowledgment of their outstanding efforts to Keep our Nation Secure.

To take advantage of this exclusive luncheon opportunity to invite your team, guests, clients, and show visitors to a gourmet, affordable, plated meal event in the heart of New York City, for a fabulous networking opportunity!

Go to to secure your seat or reserve a table. ***Limited space available so Register Today. There will be no on-site registrations.

2021 ‘ASTORS’ Awards Luncheon (starting front row, left to right) SIMS Software President & CEO Michael Struttmann; TENEO Risk Advisory Executive Chairman Commissioner Bill Bratton; NEC National Security Systems President Dr. Kathleen Kiernan; TSA Administrator David Pekoske; Fortior Solutions General Counsel Katherine Cowan; NEC Corporation of America Senior Vice President & Chief Experience Officer Raffie Beroukhim; TENEO Risk Advisory Chief of Staff David Cagno; Infragard National Board Member Doug Farber, Lumina Analytics Co-Founder & Chairman Allan Martin, and AMAROK Senior Vice President Sales & Marketing Mike Dorrington.
2021 ‘ASTORS’ Awards Luncheon (starting front row, left to right) SIMS Software President & CEO Michael Struttmann; TENEO Risk Advisory Executive Chairman Commissioner Bill Bratton; NEC National Security Systems President Dr. Kathleen Kiernan; TSA Administrator David Pekoske; Fortior Solutions General Counsel Katherine Cowan; NEC Corporation of America Senior Vice President & Chief Experience Officer Raffie Beroukhim; TENEO Risk Advisory Chief of Staff David Cagno; Infragard National Board Member Doug Farber, Lumina Analytics Co-Founder & Chairman Allan Martin, and AMAROK Senior Vice President Sales & Marketing Mike Dorrington.

Your ‘ASTORS’ Awards Luncheon registration includes complimentary attendee access to ISC East where you can meet the world’s most innovative suppliers and cyber experts, immerse yourself in hands-on tech and learn from world-renowned speakers and thought-leaders.

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AST puts forward the Largest and Most Qualified Circulation in Government with Over 75,000 readers on the Federal, State and Local levels.
AST puts forward the Largest and Most Qualified Circulation in Government with Over 75,000 readers on the Federal, State and Local levels.

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Today’s new generation of public safety and security experts need real-time knowledge to deal with domestic and international terrorism, lone wolf attacks, unprecedented urban violence, shifts in society, culture, and media bias – making it increasingly difficult for Homeland Security, Law Enforcement, First Responders, Military and Private Security Professionals to implement coordinated security measures to ensure national security and improve public safety.

American Security Today

These experts are from Government at the federal, state, and local level as well as from private firms allied to the government.

AST provides a full plate of topics in our AST Monthly Magazine Editions, AST Website, and AST Daily News Alerts, covering 23 Vital Sectors such as Access Control, Perimeter Protection, Video Surveillance/Analytics, Airport Security, Border Security, CBRNE Detection, Border Security, Ports, Cybersecurity, Networking Security, Encryption, Law Enforcement, First Responders, Campus Security, Security Services, Corporate Facilities, and Emergency Response among others.

AST has Expanded readership into integral Critical Infrastructure audiences such as Protection of Nuclear Facilities, Water Plants & Dams, Bridges & Tunnels, and other potential targets of terrorism.

Other areas of concern include Transportation Hubs, Public Assemblies, Government Facilities, Sporting & Concert Stadiums, our Nation’s Schools & Universities, and Commercial Business Destinations – all enticing targets due to the large number of persons and resources clustered together.

(See just a few highlights of American Security Today’s 2021 ‘ASTORS’ Awards Presentation Luncheon at ISC East. Courtesy of My Pristine Images and Vimeo.)

To learn more about ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Award Winners solutions, please see the 2021 ‘ASTORS’ CHAMPIONS Edition Fully Interactive Magazine – the Best Products of 2021 ‘A Year in Review’.

The Annual CHAMPIONS edition includes a review of Annual ‘ASTORS’ Award Winning products and programs, highlighting key details on many of the winning firm’s products and services, including video interviews and more.

It serves as your Go-To Source throughout the year for The Best of 2021 Products and Services endorsed by American Security Today, and can satisfy your agency’s and/or organization’s most pressing Homeland Security and Public Safety needs.

From Physical Security (Access Control, Critical Infrastructure, Perimeter Protection, and Video Surveillance Cameras and Video Management Systems), to IT Security (Cybersecurity, Encryption, Data Storage, Anti-Malware and Networking Security – Just to name a few), the 2021 ‘ASTORS’ CHAMPIONS EDITION has what you need to Detect, Delay, Respond to, and Mitigate today’s real-time threats in our constantly evolving security landscape.

It also includes featured guest editorial pieces from some of the security industry’s most respected leaders, and recognized firms in the 2021 ‘ASTORS’ Awards Program.

  • For a complete list of 2021 ‘ASTORS’ Award Winners, begin HERE.

For more information on All Things American Security Today, as well as the 2021 ‘ASTORS’ Awards Program, please contact Michael Madsen, AST Publisher at

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