The New York State Association of Coroners and Medical Examiners (NYSACCME), in partnership with the New York State Association of Counties (NYSAC), are proud to present a marketing campaign designed to bring awareness to the signs of opioid abuse.
This eye-opening campaign will run throughout New York State. 30 second vignettes will run on television in all NYS markets and a long form, 60 second message will be delivered digitally, as well.
A comprehensive website, seethesignssavealife.org was created to anchor this campaign and will be a resource for anyone who is affected by this fast growing epidemic.
(Learn More. Courtesy of NYSACCME, NYSAC, and Trellis Marketing. Posted on Jun 25, 2018.)
Scott Schmidt, President, NYSCCME, explains why his organization was compelled to address this important issue.
“The rationale behind this PSA was simple. We as Coroners, Medical Examiners and Funeral Directors are tired of watching people die senselessly.”
“While we aren’t on the front lines of this epidemic, (such as Fire and EMS personnel), we are on the front line of dealing with the families during the aftermath as the last responders.”

“We are charged with the constant mantra of family members emphatically denying that their loved one used drugs.”
“We are constantly the scapegoat for the overwhelming and often times heart-wrenching displays of grief and violent emotion because we are the ones with the answer that no one wants to hear.
“‘Your loved one died of a drug overdose.’ The far-reaching effects of a drug overdose death are mind blowing.”
“NYSCCME felt that by showing the after effects of using these lethal substances with an ‘in-your-face’ approach, we might be able to save at least one life.”
“From ‘first responder’ law enforcement receiving calls for help, to the ‘last responder’ Coroners and Medical Examiners confirming the cause of death, local government officials confront the effects of addiction and opioid abuse in our communities every day,” explained Stephen Acquario, Executive Director of NYSAC, on why they participated.