Smart Shooter, an Israeli company, recently demonstrated its new high-tech, smart-shooter technology which the United States Army is currently evaluating to potentially integrate with its Next Generation Squad Weapon (NGSW).
The company’s SMASH Fire Control System is comprised of a weapon-mounted aiming sight and a special pistol group that allows the weapon to fire a round only if the system can detect a guaranteed hit.
Designed to improve the accuracy of shooters targeting stationary and moving targets, the SMASH systems functions in both night and day conditions, enabling operators to acquire, lock on and engage targets.
(The SMASH Fire Control System incorporates night vision, magnification, and target detection and tracking, using a sight that clips above the barrel and a special pistol grip. Courtesy of Smart Shooter and YouTube.)
The Smart Shooter technology is currently competing in the United States Army’s Next Generation Squad Weapon Fire Control competition (NGSWFC), even as the company continues development of the technology to incorporate additional enhancements.
In 2019, the United States Army called upon defense firms to design and build prototypes of a smart fire control system to be integrated with the Army’s Next Generation Squad Weapon.

The U.S. Defense Department requested $111.2 million from Congress in a budget request, made public on Monday, February 10, asking to more than double last year’s funding for the NGSW program, which includes $35.8 million for procurement.
The aim of the NGSW is to give U.S. Army infantry greater effective range by replacing the squad’s 5.56 mm NATO-chambered weapons with rifles that fire a new and unique 6.8 mm round.
The NGSW’s 6.8 millimeter weapon which will come in both automatic and semi-automatic variants and is intended to replace the service’s M4A1 Carbine, M16 and M249 Squad Automatic Weapon (SAW).
The NGSW-FC’s aim is to field a smart optic to go on new NGSW.
The United States Army expects to arm its soldiers with the NGSW and its advanced fire control systems beginning in 2023.
How it Works

The SMASH Fire Control System works by tracking potential ground and aerial drone targets using a day or night mode with a traditional red dot sight picture.
Once a shooter places the weapon’s crosshairs on its target, the shooter engages a lock button, which automatically alerts the system to target that specific target.
Once identified, the simple-to-install hardware with Smart Shooter’s advanced image-processing software, works out an effective firing solution even as a soldier’s natural breathing and fatigue draws his aim off target.
The system’s computer will instruct the system to automatically fire the weapon only if the shooter’s weapon is lined up to hit its intended target, and if the shooter is holding down the trigger.
(See in Action! Smart Shooter’s SMASH is an electro-optical fire control system that transforms basic soldier’s rifles into 21st century smart weapons. The system minimizes shooter effects, ensuring first-round hits on static and dynamic targets, day or night. Courtesy of Smart Shooter and YouTube.)
SMASH increases hit probability to significantly enhance lethality and user survivability
Add-on system which ensures a first-round hit, day and night
Shot accuracy no longer affected by human factors such as fatigue, stress or target movement
Additional applications: Ballistic updates for different ammunition types, Connectivity to C4I / BMS / external sensors, Video recording & streaming to remote displays

and manufactured by SMARTSHOOTER to ensure each round finds its target, in both day and
night conditions, as well as keeping friendly forces safe. (Courtesy of Smart Shooter)
The SMASH system can also function without the ‘auto tracking’ target lock feature, in the event quicker shots are needed, or for other types of shooting.
SMASH Fire Control System Key Benefits Include:
Increases lethality and survivability
Counters static and dynamic targets

image-processing software into a rugged hardware solution, providing an easy to use and
cost-effective solution that creates the required overmatch. (Courtesy of Smart Shooter)
Reduces effects of stress and physical effort
Suitable for diverse combat scenarios
Reduces collateral damage
Drastically shortens time-to-hit
Ensures precision hits with minimal training
Equalizes high-performance skills across platoon
Add-on to legacy weapons, firing standard ammunition
Smart Shooter was established to develop innovative technologies to help military and law enforcement professionals swiftly and accurately neutralize their targets.
The company’s experienced engineers are committed to that mission, designing, testing and manufacturing their combat-proven SMASH family of fire control systems to beat your opponents and keep your friendly forces safe.
Smart Shooter’s fire control solutions were designed to give soldiers and law enforcement officials a precision edge in any given firefight, but the systems bring a range of additional training and operational benefits, and can be employed in a wide range of roles.
Learn More…
(See more of the SMASH Fire Control System in action. Courtesy of Smart Shooter and YouTube.)
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