TeknoScan Systems, a developer and manufacturer of Advanced Trace Chemical Detection (TCD) solutions, is pleased to announce the company’s high volume sampling and detection systems have been nominated to compete in the 2018 ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Awards Program.
TeknoScan develops chemical detection technologies for the security market that are widely adopted to secure sport venues, hotels, border crossings and more, and include the Trump Hotel, Marriott Hotel in downtown Toronto, the Rogers Center which is the biggest sport stadium in Toronto.
Additionally, TeknoScan technologies are deployed at Parliament Hill, Ottawa to effectively screen all vehicles, trucks and containers entering the facility.
Trace Chemical Detector (Analyzer) Systems, detect and identify threat substances through the sampling and analysis of trace vapors and particles in air or on surfaces.
(How does it work? See TeknoScan Trace Detection Technology for screening containers, ULD3 air cargo, vehicle, box, bag, mail delivery items, people, in action! Courtesy of TeknoScan and YouTube. Posted on Aug 18, 2016.)

TeknoScan is also utilized for the interception of drugs and weapons in schools.
The Trace Chemical Detector and sampling gears provide a non-invasive method for rapid screening of marine containers for contraband.
Our state-of-the-art awarded patented technologies detect and identify banned or hazardous materials through the sampling and analysis of trace vapors and particles in air or on surfaces.
TeknoScan’s advanced sampling and analyzing technologies rapidly and reliably detect and identify organic compounds such as explosives, drugs and other target substances.
TeknoScan develops solutions in the security market with applications securing a sport avenue, hotels, border crossing, interception of drugs and weapon in a school.
The Trace chemical Detector and sampling gears provide a non-invasive method for rapid screening of marine containers for contraband.
Opioids Epidemic and crises
Police leaders across the US and Canada, are facing serious challenges with chemical and drug exposure to their personnel and to the community.
The ongoing growth of Fentanyl importation and distribution puts community members at risk, as well as Service members who may be exposed in their work place.
Many services are wrestling with policies and procedures to mitigate the risk of officer exposure when hazardous materials like Fentanyl are identified.
(Fentanyl has become a true health threat to law enforcement and first responders protecting the communities we live and work in. Produced in collaboration with the Alliance to Combat Transnational Threats, this presentation shows a unique insight into the history, legitimate, and illicit uses of fentanyl, as well as giving practical precautions involving potential exposure risks. Courtesy of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection and YouTube. Posted on Feb 4, 2018.)
The inability of front line officers to effectively scan a substance often means that labor intensive processes must be put into place to manage the scene and mitigate the risk, drawing down on valuable resources.
TeknoScan Systems has expanded the capability of its existing scanning system to include Fentanyl, and designed an easy, reliable and accurate scanning capability for front line police officers.
TeknoScan system and Fentanyl screening
The TeknoScan systems provide a fast and easily managed scanning and analysis of minute traces of chemicals and provides an instant readout of their content, meaning that the TeknoScan can identify the incredibly small traces of Fentanyl that can be hazardous or fatal to front line officers.
This includes the capacity to scan packages prior to opening, or to scan rooms prior to entry.
The scanning system is so sensitive that it can be deployed to scan for Fentanyl instead of the use of a canine unit (which can be injured when exposed to trace elements of Fentanyl).
(An incident in Florida involving a police dog named Primus is causing concern for police departments and their K9 units. The dog overdosed after coming in contact with the drug Fentanyl during an October police raid, which has led to changes in the way Police approach narcotics investigations. Courtesy of Wochit News and YouTube. Posted on Nov 26, 2016.)
Since Fentanyl is a manufactured chemical, it’s elements (or analogues) are constantly evolving, and to date over a dozen different forms of Fentanyl have been identified.

The TeknoScan system evaluates each sample to determine the specific Fentanyl analogue (including precursors and homemade explosives), as well as other drugs, to provide greater response information and intelligence to the Service.
This Canadian designed product represents the leading edge of scanning and evaluation and can support police officer safety current national Fentanyl crisis.
The TeknoScan’s state-of-the-art, patent-pending Aspiration Sampling System allows users to collect air samples from various sea, air or other containers, vehicles, areas, enclosures, skids, packages or hard to reach surfaces where swabbing is not a viable approach.
Trace Chemical Detector (Analyzer) Systems, by TeknoScan detect and identify threat substances through the sampling and analysis of trace vapors and particles in air or on surfaces.
(See in Action! TeknoScan’s Hand-Held Samplers allows users to collect air samples from various sea, air or other containers, vehicles, areas, enclosures, skids, packages or hard to reach surfaces where swabbing is not a viable approach. Air samples taken from an object, vehicle, package, pallet or person is drawn through TeknoScan sample card. Courtesy TeknoScan and YouTube. Posted on Aug 16, 2016.)
Using advanced Rapid Trace Detection and Identification (RTDI) solutions, they identify explosives, drugs and other target substance compounds using state-of-the-art patent pending technologies.
TeknoScan RTDI products facilitate sample acquisition by aspiration using either the high volume sampler or the hand held sampler, to concentrate the sample on a nano-carbon treated sample card.

This enrichment step allows collection of extremely low concentrations of vapors and airborne particle inside enclosures like air and marine containers.
The concentrated sample is analyzed on the detection system TSI-3000, which provides the type of threat substance in the enclosure.
The detector is a dual mode GC-ion mobility system with high sensitivity and selectivity to programmed target material.
Material detected includes all types of explosives including IEDs, soft and hard drugs, some synthetic drugs, fentanyl.
The instrument is also programmed for drug precursors and diluents used to cut illegal drugs.

TeknoScan is the prime supplier of Police forces in Toronto for sampling and detection of drugs and explosives, including ammunition.
TeknoScan supplies Parliament Hill in Ottawa with RCMP systems for screening all vehicles, trucks, containers etc. upon arrival.
By incorporating new science and techniques, TeknoScan has created a more accurate and powerful, more comprehensive TCD solution.
Technologies such as gas chromatography and ion mobility spectrometry are combined with advanced signal processing techniques and a unique sample card design.
The sample card incorporates a special chemical coating which is molecularly “sticky” and which adsorbs molecules from the air as well as from traditional swabbing methods.
These trapped molecules are later desorbed by heating, then trapped and channeled through the TeknoScan analyzer for identification.
TeknoScan Trace Chemical Analyzer Systems are utilized by the largest Stadium in Toronto, for screening all cars, trucks, containers upon entry to the facility.
The stadium also utilizes lightweight HHS-1000 hand held wireless radiation detectors to screen all incoming mail bags, parcels, people and their carry-on luggage.
(See in Action! Courtesy of TeknoScan and YouTube. Posted on Aug 16, 2016.)
Additionally, TeknoScan’s high volume sampler technology provides the means to test all forms of shipping containers without opening the container.
A high-volume vacuum pump attached to a probe or the container vent extracts an air sample and analyzes the sample in minutes.
The speed and accuracy of the system makes 100% screening of dry cargo containers possible without disruption to the flow of commerce.
TeknoScan chemical analyzer systems have been deployed around the world and are utilized in China, for border crossing collection and detection of drugs.
In South America, TeknoScan chemical analyzer systems are used for identification and interception of illicit drugs.
Other applications include screening of marine containers and air cargo for any evidence of contraband.
TeknoScan’s advanced sampling and analyzing technologies rapidly and reliably detect and identify organic compounds such as explosives, drugs and other target substances.
TeknoScan in 2018 ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Awards Program
AST focuses on Homeland Security and Public Safety Breaking News, the Newest Initiatives and Hottest Technologies in Physical & IT Security, essential to meeting today’s growing security challenges.
The 2018 ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Awards Program, is organized to recognize the most distinguished vendors of Physical, IT, Port Security, Law Enforcement, Border Security, First Responders, (Fire, EMT, Military, Support Services Vets, SBA, Medical Tech) as well as the Federal, State, County and Municipal Government Agencies – to acknowledge their outstanding efforts to ‘Keep our Nation Secure, One City at a Time.’
As an ‘ASTORS’ competitor, TeknoScan will be competing against the industry’s leading providers of Innovative CBRNE Detection Solutions.
To Learn More about the ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Awards Program, see 2017 ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Award Winners Honored at ISC East.

Over 100 distinguished guests from National, State and Local Governments, and Industry Leading Corporate Executives from companies allied to Government, gathered from across North America and the Middle East to be honored from disciplines across the Security Industry in their respective fields which included representatives from:
The Department of Homeland Security
- U.S. Customs and Border Protection
- The Royal Canadian Mounted Police
- The Department of Justice
- The Security Exchange Commission
- State and Municipal Law Enforcement Agencies
- Leaders in Private Security