A new state-of-the-art advanced technology computed tomography checkpoint scanner (CT) which provides 3-D imaging is being tested at a Transportation Security Administration (TSA) checkpoint in the American Airlines Terminal at John F. Kennedy International Airport.
The new technology provides critical explosives detection capabilities at the checkpoint.
The system applies sophisticated algorithms for the detection of explosives by creating a 3-D image that can be viewed and rotated on three axes for thorough visual image analysis by a TSA officer.
(Learn More. The Analogic ConneCT checkpoint security system, features a new modular imaging system based on advanced medical imaging technology and an interoperable network architecture designed to maximize reliability and achieve the lowest total cost of ownership. Its threat-detection software is engineered to allow passengers to keep liquids and electronics in their carry-on baggage, increase staff productivity and reduce false alarms. Courtesy of Analogic and YouTube. Posted on Mar 21, 2017.)
Analogic’s next-generation computed tomography (CT) screening solution, ConneCT™ checkpoint technology is an enhancement to today’s two-dimensional (2-D) X-ray technology platforms scanning equipment, which is used at the majority of security checkpoints worldwide.
Because CT technology is three dimensional (3-D), this new checkpoint technology has the potential to provide better visibility and allow the operator to rotate the bag’s image 360 degrees to show the contents of carry-on items at every angle.
CT provides the capability to virtually see beyond unwanted clutter and greatly enhances the ability to visually inspect the contents of carry-on bags for explosives and other prohibited items.

CT technology improves detection capability by more effectively detecting threats, thereby increasing overall security effectiveness, resulting in more effective security screening at the security checkpoint.
In the future, CT could offer the opportunity for passengers to leave liquids, gels and aerosols, as well as laptops, in their carry-on bags at all times.
Deployment of this technology, both in the United States and abroad, is a critical component of raising the global aviation security baseline.
If a bag requires further screening, TSA officers will inspect it to ensure that a threat item is not contained inside.
In partnership with American Airlines, TSA is conducting this demonstration at one checkpoint lane at the airport.
The rollout of ConneCT is a collaboration between American Airlines and Analogic to expedite the distribution of advanced screening technologies to airport checkpoints in the United States.

“Use of CT technology substantially improves TSA’s threat detection capability at a checkpoint,” said TSA Administrator David Pekoske.
“This partnership will allow us to deploy new technology quickly and see an immediate improvement in security effectiveness.”
“American is committed to raising the bar on global aviation security while improving the customer experience,” said Darryl Towns, American’s regional director of government affairs for New York.

“Enhancing security is a shared responsibility, and we appreciate the TSA’s partnership in testing CT technology at our JFK terminal.”
This equipment is similar to what is used to scan checked baggage for explosive devices, and has been “sized” to fit at checkpoints to create such a clear image of a bag’s contents
The system can automatically detect explosives, including liquids, by shooting hundreds of images with an X-ray camera spinning around the conveyor belt to provide TSA officers with the three-dimensional views of the contents of a carry-on bag.
TSA also has partnered with American Airlines with CT technology at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport.

“At American, we are always looking at ways to invest in technology that raises the bar on global aviation security while improving the customer experience,” said American Airlines Chief Security Officer José Freig.
“Our partnership with Analogic Corporation and the TSA will continue to transform aviation security by bringing state-of-the-art CT technology to the security checkpoint.”
“Our presence in such a major U.S. airport represents another significant milestone for Analogic, a longtime leader in aviation security,” explained Mark Laustra, vice president, global business development and government relations at Analogic.
“We identify the needs of the DHS and TSA to give them the solutions they need to fulfill their mission to protect the nation’s transportation systems to ensure freedom of movement for people and commerce.”
(Learn More from Mark Laustra, vice president global of Analogic Corporation, on the launch of the company’s latest technology, the ConneCT checkpoint security system. Courtesy of Passenger Terminal Expo and YouTube. Posted on Mar 18, 2018.)