Oshkosh Defense has received another U.S. Army order for the Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV) program, including 611 vehicles and 1,789 installed and packaged kits.
The order, valued at more than $177 million, is the sixth order for JLTVs since the contract was awarded in August 2015.

“The Oshkosh® JLTV provides new levels of protected mobility, off-road capability, and transportability that is simply unseen on today’s modern battlefield,” said Dave Diersen, Vice President and General Manager of Joint Programs at Oshkosh Defense.
“Today, combat operations around the globe require the force to be mobile, fast, hard-hitting and well-protected. The JLTV answers that call on every level.”
The Oshkosh JLTV is intended to replace the U.S. Army and Marine Corps aging up-armored HMMWV fleet.
Designed more than 35 years ago to transport troops and equipment in non-combat environments, the HMMWV failed to evolve to meet new threats and changing tactics, leaving Warfighters vulnerable to attack.
(Oshkosh Defense has been selected to build JLTV, and American Soldiers and Marines will get the world’s best light vehicle. The Oshkosh JLTV. Courtesy of Oshkosh Defense and YouTube)
As the battlefield threats change, so should the fleet to support new missions.
“Our goal was to give the armed forces greater flexibility to ensure the JLTV is effective not only today but also for decades to come,” Diersen continued.
“As battlefields shift and the challenges facing land forces change, our JLTV solution will adapt. That includes protecting our troops from different threats and also getting them to where they need to be, and back home safely.”
Oshkosh Defense is a leading provider of tactical wheeled vehicles and life cycle sustainment services.
For decades Oshkosh has been mobilizing military and security forces around the globe by offering a full portfolio of heavy, medium, light and highly protected military vehicles to support our customers’ missions.