The Franklin County Sheriff’s Office is taking innovative new ‘steps’ in criminal investigations using a Real-time Digital Intelligence Footwear Matching System, by Evident.
Sheriff W.Q. “Bill” Overton, Jr. and his staff are currently the only law enforcement agency in the Western Hemisphere with this recently developed digital footwear evidence system.
Local Franklin County business EVIDENT has partnered with the Dalian, China based business EVERSPRY to produce an advanced footwear evidence collection and comparison system.
(See the Everspry Footwear Matching System in Action. A powerful new investigative tool for Law Enforcement Investigations. Courtesy of EVIDENT and YouTube)
“We are extremely excited to be the first agency with this amazing new criminal investigation tool,” stated Sheriff Overton.
“Collecting and matching footwear impressions adds yet another layer of capability to our criminal investigators.”

This system allows the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office to actively collect sample footwear impressions from every arrestee that is booked into the Franklin County Jail.
These suspect footwear impression samples may then be quickly searched and compared to any crime scene footwear impressions that have been collected, using the EVERSPRY Footwear Technology.
Any footwear impressions that have matching patterns will then be displayed to the Sheriff’s Office as potential suspects or investigative leads.

EVIDENT and EVERSPRY have spent the last year working closely with the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office to prepare this footwear evidence system for wider use within the law enforcement community.
With Franklin County as a foundation, this system can now be utilized by other adjoining counties and municipalities to begin linking crimes with suspects that travel across jurisdictional boundaries.
Scan all Arrestee Shoes and Footwear

The advanced capabilities of the existing EverASM software has now been uploaded into the secure Microsoft Azure Cloud.
This amazing development provides high speed accurate footwear impression recognition and matching capabilities combined with the ability of mobile image capture and instant upload to your agency’s Everspry account.
Crime scene footwear impressions are quickly entered into the Everspry Cloud to determine the manufacturer and model of shoe, or the impressions may be compared to your existing database of existing suspects.

Suspect descriptions are then developed and unsolved cases are linked as your success rate increases with each use.
Available with the additional Express ID Service to rapidly determine manufacturer information while working at the crime scene.
Expanded storage for additional impressions available.
Real-time Intelligence Footwear Matching System
COLLECT – Actively search and collect footwear impressions at all crime scenes.
SEARCH – Recovered impressions are searched against all suspects and unsolved crimes.
MATCH – Develop links between multiple crime scenes to assist with investigations.
IDENTIFY – Quickly identify suspects based on your database search results.
(Scan the shoes of every arrestee to build a database for comparison against unsolved crime scene evidence. Courtesy of EVIDENT and YouTube)
The revolutionary EVERSPRY Cloud Footwear Matching System will provide the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office with real-time, actionable intelligence that will be useful when reducing criminal activity by repeat offenders.
This is a valuable capability for this local community, especially in the reduction of property crimes and burglaries.
For comments or inquiries please contact the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office in Rocky Mount, VA at 540-483-3000 or