Delta Scientific, the leading manufacturer of counter-terrorist vehicle control systems used in the United States, has received an order for 20 Delta MP5000 mobile deployable vehicle crash barriers from the Secret Service.
The MP5000 units are to be utilized by the Secret Service to proactively protect participants and observers from vehicle attacks, the new preferred method of international terrorists, using vehicles as a weapon.
Provided through Global Access Control Systems (Pittsburgh), these mobile deployable vehicle crash barriers carry a K8 rating (M40 ASTM rating), stopping 7.5 ton (6400 Kg) vehicles traveling 40 mph (64 kph).
“With the highly publicized vehicle attacks in Nice, Ohio State, Berlin and, last week, in Jerusalem, it is an absolute necessity that attendees at the January 20 inauguration of Donald Trump be protected against this threat,” avows Delta Vice President-Sales and Marketing Greg Hamm.
(Israel’s emergency services said Sunday, a truck plowed into a group of soldiers in Jerusalem, killing four people and injuring at least 13. Courtesy of Wochit News and YouTube)
“In a tip of the hat to the Secret Service, they’ve been prepared for these threats since way before Nice.”
“These barriers were used at both the Republican and Democratic conventions in 2012 and this past year as well as during the 2012 inauguration.”

The totally self-contained MP5000’s tow into position to control vehicle access within 15 minutes. No excavation or sub-surface preparation is required.
Once positioned, the mobile barricades will unpack themselves by using hydraulics to raise and lower the barriers off their wheels. DC-powered pumps will then raise or lower the barriers.
Once the event is over, procedures are reversed and the barriers are towed away.
Delta always keeps an inventory of the MP5000s for purchase and quick delivery at their manufacturing facility in Palmdale, Calif.
In many cases, they are needed for events that come up quickly, such as politician or celebrity visits and other unexpected incidents.
(The MP5000 mobile deployable vehicle crash barriers are self contained, battery powered and being utilized to protect lives from city streets, at sensitive G20 government meeting sites and forward operating bases in Afghanistan. Courtesy of Delta Scientific and YouTube)
Delta Scientific is the leading manufacturer of vehicle access control equipment with over 260,000 square feet of production facilities in Palmdale, Calif.
Delta’s three product lines consist of high-security vehicle barricade systems, parking control equipment and guard booths.
Delta Scientific has been engineering and manufacturing vehicle access control equipment since 1974 and sells its products worldwide.