The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), the Israel Ministry of Energy, and the Israel Innovation Authority are seeking Proposals from the U.S.-Israel Center of Excellence in Energy, Engineering and Water Technology (U.S.-Israel Energy Center) for cooperation in cybersecurity.
The aim of this Call for Proposals is to develop tools and technology for energy cyber and cyber-physical security for critical infrastructure.
Commercial companies, research institutes, and universities from the United States and Israel are encouraged to form consortia of at least two entities from each country and apply for the award.
(Learn More. Courtesy of the BIRD Foundation and YouTube.)
“Promoting innovations in the field of energy technologies is a joint goal of the Israel Innovation Authority, and the US,” explained Dr. Ami Appelbaum, Chief Scientist at the Ministry of Economy and Industry and Chairman of the Israel Innovation Authority.
“This collaboration brings significant value for the development of the energy industry in both countries as well as the promotion of additional sectors through effective energy management.”

The maximum award for the winning consortium is $6 million for a period of 3 years, subject to funding appropriations.
A 50 percent cost-share is required from the awardees.
The program may be extended for up to 2 additional years (for a total of 5 years, with a maximum total award of $10 million).
The goal of the Energy Center is to promote energy security and economic development through the research and development of innovative energy technologies, while facilitating cooperation among consortia of U.S. and Israeli companies, research institutes, and universities.
Webinar Sep 10, 2020 – Presentation and Recording
The BIRD Foundation hosted an informational webinar to provide an overview of the program guidelines and requirements on September 10, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. PDT; 12:00 p.m. EDT; 7:00 p.m. IDT, which was recorded and is available below.
(Hear the Energy Center Information Webinar held on Sept 10, 2020 Cyber Security for Energy Infrastructure. Courtesy of the BIRD Foundation and YouTube. Posted on Sep 11, 2020.)
To be considered for funding, a proposal should be submitted by a U.S.-Israel consortium of at least two entities from each country, including companies and/or research institutes and/or universities (the Israeli participants must include at least one company).
The consortium must have a U.S. leader and an Israeli leader.
Proposals should be based on close collaboration between U.S. and Israeli entities; include novel concepts and/or technologies; and show how the proposed activities provide potential for accelerating development, technology transfer and deployment of advanced technologies in the area of interest.
Preferably, proposals should lead to demonstration of the technologies in the relevant environments.
Proposals may include activities such as workforce training, and student and postdoctoral exchange.
The Energy Center is managed by the BIRD Foundation.
For submission proposals, detailed description of the topic and selection criteria, see www.us-isr-energycenter.org.
Submission Deadline for Proposals is November 30, 2020 (Extended.) Expected selection February 2021.
For further inquiries please contact Ms Andrea Yonah, andreay@birdf.com or 609-356-0305 (in the USA), or Ms Tal Fischelovitch, talf@birdf.com or l 972-3-6988301 (in Israel).
To Learn More about the funding opportunity go HERE.
(Learn More about the opportunities. Courtesy of the BIRD Foundation and YouTube. Posted on Sep 24, 2020.)
The establishment of a joint U.S.-Israel Energy Center was first authorized by Congress in the U.S.-Israel Strategic Partnership Act of 2014.
The U.S. DOE and Israel’s Ministry of Energy signed an Implementation Agreement on June 25, 2018, establishing the Center.
In February 2019, DOE announced the BIRD Foundation as the operating agent of the U.S.-Israel Energy Center.
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