The Weather Company is enhancing its global flight operations solution WSI Fusion, with live flight tracking data from FlightAware.
WSI Fusion provides early insight into changing flight, airport and airspace conditions, enabling aviation providers to carefully plan and track flights, optimize operations and reduce the impacts of disruptive events.
With the addition of FlightAware’s data, including its private network of over 12,000 Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B) ground stations in over 160 countries, WSI Fusion customers will have access to enhanced flight following capabilities worldwide.
(FlightAware and Aireon are revolutionizing flight tracking with the first global space-based ADS-B constellation and flight tracking system. Hear from Daniel Baker, FlightAware CEO about how using technology already on today’s airliners, FlightAware will be the first to be able to provide truly global, near real-time flight tracking to airlines and aircraft. Courtesy of FlightAware and YouTube)
The Weather Company will fuse together flight tracking data from FlightAware with The Weather Company’s real-time and forecast weather information, which was recently cited as the world’s most accurate forecast, providing early insight and an actionable view that enables operations to make more informed decisions for their crew and passengers.

By partnering with FlightAware, the leader in flight tracking data, The Weather Company will have access to a full complement of aircraft tracking data from across the globe.
“At FlightAware, we provide partners with the most comprehensive data by fusing hundreds of sources of flight tracking information through our proprietary data processing and delivery platform,” said Daniel Baker, chief executive officer of FlightAware.
“Inputs from our ADS-B surveillance technology into The Weather Company’s global flight operations platform will allow greater visibility into aircrafts’ exact locations providing the end-user with improved situational awareness.”
ADS–B is a surveillance technology in which an aircraft automatically determines its position and broadcasts it, enabling it to be tracked.
The information can be received by air traffic control ground stations as a replacement for secondary radar, and it can also be received by other aircraft to provide situational awareness and allow self-separation.
“The integration of FlightAware’s world-class flight tracking data into WSI Fusion’s powerful flight decision engine will help enhance operational decisions for our customers worldwide,” said JP Gorsky, director of aviation solutions at The Weather Company.
For more information on The Weather Company’s aviation solutions, visit: