AMERGINT Technologies is previewing its new Enterprise Range Services (ERS) architecture at ITC 2016 in Glendale, Arizona, from November 8-10.
Tony Guidry, AMERGINT’s Director of Launch, Range and Manned Spaceflight Systems, said “Enterprise Range Services (ERS) transforms classic range infrastructure from a hardware & dedicated box-centric design to a software & services based architecture.
The result is increased efficiency, availability, flexibility, supportability, and scalability. Range commanders are excited about the decreased response time and the reduced cost of staffing, programmatics, operations, maintenance, and technology refresh.”
Keith Coble, AMERGINT’s Vice President of Business Development shared that, “The transformative capability and dramatically lower cost of ownership of AMERGINT’s SOFTLINK™ technology is driving our customer’s cost curves down and operational availability up.”

“The ability to deploy range infrastructure via information assurance (IA) hardened commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) Linux platforms running on bare metal or virtual machines (VMs) connected over standard IP networks is a huge time and cost saver. What were once dedicated boxes, become software apps on the network,” continued Coble.
“Customer adoption of our SOFTLINK technology, from our Enterprise Range Services architecture to our softFEP™ and satTRAC™ satellite communications products, has really taken off,” said Rob Andzik, AMERGINT’s President.

“Our products are used on many mission critical systems including the Atlas V launch vehicle and the International Space Station. We understand the importance of the trust placed in us and we are committed to providing the best talent, products, and customer support possible.”
AMERGINT Technologies, is an employee-owned company delivering signal, protocol and data processing software applications for satellite ground infrastructure, satellite test, spacelift operations, test range infrastructure, and large scale data acquisition.
For more information or to arrange an onsite or web demonstration, contact us directly at 719-522-2800.