January 2017 is Human Trafficking Prevention Month (Learn More, Video)

Human trafficking is one of the most heinous crimes that ICE investigates. In its worst manifestation, human trafficking is akin to modern-day slavery. Victims pay to be illegally transported into the...

COPsync911 Saves Minutes When Seconds Count (Video)

COPsync, Inc. is urging K-12 schools, colleges and universities, as well as other at-risk facilities to adopt its COPsync911™ threat-alert system to help rapidly and accurately direct first responders to an...

SERESA Offers Smart911 Services in Michigan (Learn More – Video)

Public safety officials in the Cities of Eastpointe, Roseville, and St. Clair Shores Michigan has announced that Smart911 is now available to all individuals within the three cities. Smart911 is a free...

Las Vegas Bets on Smart City Technology to Make Streets Safer

As the annual CES show traffic builds in Las Vegas, the city and the Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada are betting big on new technology to make their streets smarter...
In FY 2016, the DHS apprehended 530,250 individuals nationwide and conducted a total of 450,954 removals and returns which reflects the Department’s immigration enforcement efforts prioritizing convicted criminals and threats to public safety, border security and national security.

2016 US Immigration Enforcement Statistics (Learn More – Video)

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released its end of Fiscal Year (FY) 2016 statistics.  These statistics reflect the Department’s immigration enforcement efforts prioritizing convicted criminals and threats to public safety,...
One inch 'non-climb' fabric prevents people from scaling the fence without the need for a curved top. American Fence installed this project ahead of schedule and on-budget.

American Fence Aids in Suicide Prevention with Security Fencing

American Fence began a project special suicide prevention project 12 months ago, when the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) requested suggestions on how to fence a bridge that was constructed in...

Battelle’s David Winkel Honored for NBC Defense Research (Video)

Leaders in the Nuclear, Biological and Chemical (NBC) industry recently gathered in the historic Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall to recognize one of the industry’s most promising young researchers—Battelle’s David Winkel—with the...

Columbus Police Deploy Vista Body Cameras (Learn More – Video)

Less than a month after the Columbus City Council approved the WatchGuard Video contract for 1,575 VISTA® Body Cameras, the Columbus Police Department has begun deployment of the body-worn cameras. WatchGuard, a...

TASER Continues to Define Smarter Policing with Axon (Learn More)

Axon, has received multiple new, large orders of its body-worn video cameras and digital evidence management solution, Evidence.com in the fourth quarter of 2016 and will be shipped in the fourth...

‘Stop the Bleed’- What YOU Need to Know in an Emergency (Video)

In response to increased gun violence and mass casualty events in the country, the White House and the Department of Homeland Security created “Stop the Bleed,” a national campaign to help...