Chao Joins Trump for Roads, Rails & Regulatory Relief Event (Video)

Surrounded by hundreds of infrastructure workers and stakeholders, U.S. Department of Transportation Secretary Elaine L. Chao joined President Donald J. Trump in the closing event of ‘Infrastructure Week’ at Department Headquarters in Washington.

Secretary Chao announced the Department has published a federal register notice seeking public input in order to identify and reduce unnecessary regulatory obstacles that too often stand in the way of completing important infrastructure projects across the nation.

Elaine L. Chao, 18th Secretary of Transportation
Elaine L. Chao, 18th Secretary of Transportation

“We are so fortunate because this President is a builder, he understands the challenges facing our country’s infrastructure better than any national leader in recent memory,” said Secretary Chao.

“The Department has published a notice in the Federal Register soliciting comments from the public and all stakeholders on ways to improve government permitting; if you have any ideas, we want to hear from you!”

“The current process takes far too long,” said Secretary Chao.

“Today, and all week, we have heard many recommendations from governors, mayors and other state officials who actually build things.”

“A special DOT Task Force has already acted on what we’ve been hearing and identified dozens of ways to streamline the process.”

(President Trump capped off his infrastructure week with an address at the Department of Transportation on June 9. He said America deserves “a system worthy of our magnificent country,” that foreign countries will regard with “envy.” Courtesy of The Washington Post and YouTube)

U.S. Department of Transportation Deputy Secretary Jeff Rosen chairs the Department’s Regulatory Reform Task Force, formed earlier this year in accordance with President Trump’s Executive Order 13777, which directs each agency to establish an RRTF to make recommendations to alleviate unnecessary regulatory burdens.

POTUS and Sec Chao at Infrastructure Event at USDOT

“This is part of a greater focus by the Administration to remain responsive to the needs of the public and industry, rather than pushing a ‘top down, government knows best’ approach to regulation,” said Deputy Secretary Rosen.

“We expect this process will help us uncover ways to assist in better deploying infrastructure – ways we hadn’t even thought of.”

DOT is requesting input because public and private project sponsors, engineering and construction professionals, related industry organizations, and other transportation stakeholders are likely to have valuable direct experience with the Department’s requirements.

That experience supplements the Department’s employees’ expertise and may help identify when a requirement has become an unnecessary obstacle.

The comment period will be open for 45 days at here.


All comments will be available in the public docket and available for public review.

The Department has made engaging the public, especially affected stakeholders, a top priority.