Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Jerry Boykin, former U.S. Army Delta Force commander and current Family Research Council executive vice president, made the following comments on tomorrow’s expected confirmation of retired Marine Gen. James N. Mattis as the next Secretary of Defense:
“The inauguration of President Trump and the confirmation of General James ‘Mad Dog’ Mattis will return ‘winning’ to the lexicon of our forces.
“General James ‘Mad Dog’ Mattis will be approved tomorrow by the U.S. Senate to become the next Secretary of Defense, following in the footsteps of renowned American patriots like James Schleisenger, Dick Cheney, and Donald Rumsfeld.”
“General Mattis is a patriot who understands that the mission of our military is to win wars. He places the security of our country first and will not allow political considerations and social agendas to distract him in executing his new duties.”

“His focus will be restoring readiness within the branches of service.”
“Americans should be greatly encouraged.”
“Under Mattis’ leadership, our sons and daughters will not be put in harm’s way unless a clear case can be made for how both U.S. and allied interests are served by the commitment of U.S. forces to combat.”
“Furthermore, he will obtain clear objectives from the president for those operations.”
“For the first time in 8 years, Americans can expect an exit strategy upon the commencement of military action and a clear assessment of the enemy under General Mattis.”
“Combat strategy and associated timelines will not be revealed to the enemy as has been the norm under President Obama.”
“Realistic rules of engagement for troops in combat will be a distinctive element of a Mattis Department of Defense.”
“America’s military will return to the necessary state of readiness and will be credible among our allies and our enemies alike.”
“Friends will trust us again and enemies will fear us again because we will have a man at the helm who understands the consequences and sacrifices of war,” concluded Boykin.”
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