Information Security Forum Launches Threat Horizon 2019 (Learn More)

The Information Security Forum (ISF), the world’s leading, independent authority on cyber security and information risk management, has released Threat Horizon 2019, the latest in a series of the organization’s annual Threat Horizon reports.

Developed for business leaders who need to rapidly grasp emerging information security threats and assess the potential business impacts, Threat Horizon 2019 balances today’s realities with forecasts that push the limits of present thinking.

The latest report highlights nine major threats, broken down into three challenging themes, that organizations can expect to face over the next two years as a result of increasing developments in technology.

“How an organization responds to today’s increasing cyber security threats will vary based on a number of factors, including its unique blend of people and skills, products and services offered and approach to risk management,” said Steve Durbin, Managing Director, ISF.

“However, an organization that is well informed about emerging technologies and corresponding threats will be best placed to make winning decisions.”

“The key differentiating factor will be the degree to which organizations are prepared to meet the challenges of a fully-connected society.”

“Many of the recommendations in Threat Horizon 2019 can be quickly and easily implemented over the next two years to help organizations securely navigate today’s expanding threat landscape with greater confidence.”

By 2019, organizations will be faced with a hyper-connected world where the pace and scale of change – particularly in terms of technology – will have accelerated substantially.

Some organizations will thrive in this new world, while many will struggle. Navigating this world calls for a strong collaborative culture with the right people congregating at the right time to play their part in ensuring success.

(As organizations embrace the digital age and cyber-threats continue to grow, cyber security needs to be at the top of the corporate agenda. Speaking at the Munich Cyber Security Conference, Steve Durbin, Managing Director at the ISF, offers insights into how the C-suite can engage with the board to develop a cyber resilience strategy and mitigate risk. Courtesy of ISF and YouTube)

Threat Horizon 2019 report focuses on particularly difficult cyber security challenges in a way that is relevant to senior business managers, information security professionals and other key organizational stakeholders.

The three key themes in the latest report include:

1. Disruption

From an over reliance on fragile connectivity requiring a seismic shift in the way business continuity is planned, practiced and implemented.

2. Distortion

As trust in the integrity of information is lost, the monitoring of access and changes to sensitive information will become critical as will the development of complex incident management procedures.

3. Deterioration

When controls are eroded by regulations and technology bringing a heightened focus on risk assessment and management in the light of regulatory changes and the increased prevalence of artificial intelligence in everyday technology.

“Traditional business models will certainly be disrupted over the next two years, forcing business leaders to develop cutting-edge trading models while dealing with new regulation, advanced technology and distorted information,” continued Durbin.

With established controls rendered ineffective by the latest security threats, new and innovative ways must be found to protect an organization’s most critical information assets.”

“Moving forward, organizations must prepare themselves for unprecedented levels of collaboration. Legal, compliance, audit, HR, IT, information security and other stakeholders must congregate to assess risks and inform the decision-making process.”

“This collaboration should be extended to partners, manufacturers, vendors and regulators to ensure information security requirements are met.”

Threat Horizon 2019, aimed at senior business executives up to and including board level, provides a practical, forward-looking view of the increasing threats in today’s always-on, interconnected world.

This in turn enables a better prepared, strategic approach to managing and mitigating risk.

For more information on the report, and to download a copy of the executive summary, please visit

Information Security Forum logoThe Information Security Forum (ISF) is an independent, not-for-profit association of leading organizations from around the world.

The organization is dedicated to investigating, clarifying and resolving key issues in cyber, information security and risk management and developing best practice methodologies, processes and solutions that meet the business needs of its Members.