Ripple Network Technologies, has launched a Kickstarter campaign for a revolutionary, deliver this first-of-its-kind wearable personal safety device and service.
Ripple: you click, we help.
Through Ripple, users have on-the-go, nationwide access to Tunstall’s professional monitoring team 24/7.
Ripple users can discreetly signal their monitoring team for help with the click of a penny-sized Bluetooth wearable, designed by the creators of 360fly and Misfit Shine.
We are proud to partner with Tunstall, the world leader in connected health solutions, which has been providing user monitoring and emergency support for more than 50 years, and continues to do so for over 3.5 million people in 51 countries.
Whether walking alone at night, meeting somebody new for the first time, facing immediate danger, or even traveling the country, Ripple’s device and service, utilizing Tunstall’s state-of-the-art response center, keep you one-click away from the help you need.”
Click the wearable or app, and the user will immediately receive a call from the professional Tunstall monitoring team to his or her smartphone.
They know who and where the user is, and have resources to immediately dispatch emergency services if the user needs it.
If a user requires emergency help but can’t talk on the phone, he or she can click three times and the monitoring team will send first responders directly to their location.
(Click. Ring. Solved. Courtesy of Ripple Support and YouTube)
Ripple is the ultimate peace-of-mind for you and your loved ones. A professional team of safety experts is at your service 24-hours a day, from anywhere you are in the United States.
Tunstall, the world leader in connected health solutions, has been providing user monitoring and emergency support for more than 50 years, and continues to do so for over 3.5 million people in 51 countries.
“We are excited to partner with Ripple to offer its customers a true solution to personal safety,” said Casey Pittock, President and CEO of Tunstall Americas.
“Whether walking alone at night, meeting somebody new for the first time, facing immediate danger, or even traveling the country, Ripple’s device and service, utilizing Tunstall’s state-of-the-art response center, keep you one click away from the help you need.”
How Ripple Works

Begin by downloading the Ripple app from the App Store or Google Play.
Build your personal profile with all the information you choose to share with your Team. This may include your:
- Picture
- Date of birth
- Physical description (height, weight, hair color, eye color)
- Allergies
- Medical conditions
- Current medications
- Or anything else you feel may be important for your Team to know in the event you need emergency help.
Now, you no longer have to tell 9-1-1 all of your critical information when you need help, your Team does all the work for you!
When you click to connect with your Team, your alert generates your personal profile so your Team knows all your vital information ahead of time, saving you invaluable time during an emergency situation.
Comfort When You Want It
Have you or someone you care about ever wished somebody just had your back during an uncomfortable situation?
Your Team is always there for you.
Click once and you immediately receive a call from your Team.
This is used for anytime you just want someone there for you:
- Walking back to your dorm after pulling an all-nighter at the library?
- Walking to your car at the end of the poorly-lit parking lot?
- Walking home at night and don’t feel safe?
- Heard a suspicious noise in your house and have to check it out?
- Lost in an unknown city, or part of town you’ve never been to before?
- Need a “convenient interruption” to disrupt an awkward encounter?
If you or someone you know dreads these disturbing scenarios, Ripple is your solution.
Click your wearable or app one time, and you will alert your Team that you need us.
We immediately call your phone to stay by your side until you’ve safely made it where you’re going. In the event something were to go wrong, we have all the information we need to immediately dispatch Police right to your location.
Friends and family are great to have, but they can’t always be there 24/7, and they certainly can’t get you emergency help as quickly and accurately as your Team does.
Emergency Response When You Need It
Here’s where Ripple get’s really special:
click 3+ times to alert your Team you are in a serious emergency.
They will immediately dispatch the emergency responders you need, and relay all of your critical information to them on your behalf!
How do they know what you need?
When building your profile, select from three different commands you want your team to execute in the event you click 3+ times for emergency help:
- Send Police to your location
- Send an ambulance to your location
- Call your phone
Ripple Wearable
- Bluetooth device connects to Ripple app on your smartphone
- Water resistant
- Brooch-clip design makes it easy to attach to clothing, keys, jewelry and more
- Size of a penny and weighs just 2 grams
- Battery lasts up to six months
- Never needs charging
- View battery-life directly in your app
- When battery expires, we send your replacement for free
Founder and COO Rees ‘Bo’ Gillespie was inspired to develop the breakthrough device and service for his three younger sisters and mother, a real-estate agent who would often ask him to check on her when she attended showings with unknown clients.
“Even in today’s connected world, there are moments when we feel alone and unsafe. Help can seem a little too far away, or we may be too embarrassed to ask for it,” said Gillespie.
“I developed Ripple for the comfort and peace-of-mind it provides; knowing someone always has your back, anytime, anywhere, is an incredibly empowering feeling.”
Get Ripple
For a limited time, exclusively on Kickstarter, Ripple is offering its Bluetooth wearable along with an entire year of service for $129.
In addition, Ripple has partnered with world-renowned, fourth generation jewelry designer Louis Tamis & Sons to make available a one-of-a-kind sterling silver Bluetooth locket, monogrammed, for $199, with one year of service.
Ripple is scheduled to ship April 2017. You can view the Kickstarter here: