SQL Injection & the BillQuick Attack: Best Practices to Protect your Org

BillQuick Attack

BillQuick Attack
Gilad David Maayan, CEO and Founder of Agile SEO provides information and best practices to aid you in improving your security posture to prevent SQL injection attacks.


Guest OpEd by Gilad David Maayan, CEO and Founder of Agile SEO

The BillQuick attack was an important reminder of the dangers of SQL injection. Attackers discovered a SQL injection flaw in BillQuick software used by over 400,00 organizations and used it to deploy ransomware across customer networks.

I’ll cover the attack, lessons learned, and measures you can take to protect your organization from SQL injection.

What Is SQL Injection?

SQL injection (SQLi) techniques are one of the primary focuses of database security initiatives. They enable attackers to gain unauthorized access to databases by injecting a string of malicious code into the database query.

It can manipulate the SQL code to provide access to protected digital resources, like sensitive data, or execute malicious SQL statements. 

SQL injection is a critical threat included in the OWASP top 10 list of web application security risks. These attacks gain access to intellectual property, administrative credentials, and customer data.

Threat actors using this technique can target any application using SQL databases, such as MySQL and SQL Server. SQL injection attacks powered by automated tools can cause significant damage. 

What Is the BillQuick Attack?

The BillQuick attack was reported by security researchers at Huntress. According to Huntress, threat actors exploited the CVE-2021-42258 vulnerability to gain unauthorized access to a US engineering company. It allowed these actors to deploy ransomware across the network.

BillQuick is a project management software by BQE Software. It includes project management, billing, time-tracking, and accounting features—deployed on-premise or in the cloud. BillQuick Web Suite 2020 constructs SQL database queries.

It is vulnerable because it allows spawning a command shell via the application’s login screen through an SQL injection. 

Threat actors can use the command shell to execute unauthorized commands through the underlying Windows operating system. When this occurs, ransomware can run with Windows system administration privileges.

This issue was addressed in version of BillQuick, released on October 7, 2021. However, eight other undisclosed security issues identified as part of the investigation have not been patched yet. 

BillQuick Vulnerability Analysis

Here is a summary of how the Huntress ThreatOps team discovered the BillQuick vulnerability:

  1. The canary trap

The team was managing an engineering company’s environment. Their ransomware canary files were tripped, and the team began investigating the incident.

  1. The Defender alert

The team discovered Microsoft Defender antivirus alerts that indicated malicious activity as the MSSQLSERVER$ service account. It led them to suspect a web application was being exploited for initial access. 

  1. The suspicious activity

Investigation into the suspected server revealed it hosted BillQuick Web Suite 2020. Additionally, the connection logs revealed that a foreign IP was repeatedly sending POST requests to the webserver logon endpoint leading to the initial compromise.

  1. The investigation

The team suspected that a threat actor was attempting to exploit BillQuick, and began reverse-engineering the web application to trace the actor’s steps. They downloaded a free copy of BillQuick from the official site, installed it locally, and started investigating. 

They ran a static analysis of the server-side code and identified concatenated SQL queries. This function allows users to control a query sent to the MSSQL database. In this case, it allowed blind SQL injection through the application’s main login form. 

The team recreated the victim’s environment and validated that simple security tools, such as sqlmap, could easily obtain sensitive data from the BillQuick server without any authentication.

These versions of BillQuick use the system administrator (sa) MSSQL user for database authentication. As a result, SQL injection also enables actors to use xp_cmdshell to execute code on the underlying operating system remotely. 

SQL Injection Prevention

The BillQuick attack is just one example showing how SQL injection can lead to disastrous consequences. Here are techniques you can use to prevent SQL injection attacks in your organization.

Using Parameterized Queries

When writing database queries, developers should use prepared statements with variable binding—also known as parameterized queries. These are easier to write and understand than dynamic queries.

The developer must define the entire SQL code for a parameterized query before passing each parameter to the query. The database can then distinguish between the data and code in any user-supplied input.

Prepared statements prevent attackers from changing the query intent by inserting SQL commands. In rare situations, this coding approach may impact performance, so it might be preferable to use data validation or escaping for user-supplied input in these cases. 

Using Stored Procedures

Stored procedures are an alternative to parameterized queries, although they require safe implementation. While not always secure from SQL injection, they can use standard programming constructs with a similar effect to parameterized queries.

The developer must build automatically parameterized SQL statements, defining and storing the SQL code for stored procedures in the database. The application calls the stored procedures from the database. 

Applying the Principle of Least Privilege

Organizations should secure their applications by ensuring that every user, entity, or process can only access the resources it requires. The principle of least privilege involves applying the appropriate access levels to each employee and system component, restricting access to protected resources. This approach makes it harder for attackers to implement SQL injection. 

Applications rarely need to modify the database structure at runtime, so it makes sense to restrict permissions during runtime and provide increased permissions temporarily during release windows. In SQL databases, the production accounts should execute DML statements but not DDL statements.

For complex databases, designs, permissions should be more granular, with most processes restricted to read-only access. A least-privilege access management strategy ensures that attackers cannot implement adverse changes when infiltrating the network.

Implementing Input Validation Allow Lists

Some parts of an SQL query, including table or column names, are not legal locations for binding variables. For these situations, the best strategy is redesigning the query or validating inputs. For example, the values for table or column names should come from code, not user parameters.

However, user parameter values may be useful for targeting various table and column names. In such situations, it is important to map the parameter values to the legal column or table names to prevent the introduction of unvalidated into the query.

This allow-listing approach is a quick fix, but a full redesign or rewrite is preferable where possible.


In this article, I described the BillQuick attack, in which attackers exploited a SQL injection vulnerability in project management software, using it to deploy ransomware with root privileges.

I also showed several best practices that can help you prevent breaches like the BillQuick attack in your organization:

  • Using parameterized queries – most modern databases provide a parameterized queries mechanism which completely prevents SQL injection vulnerabilities.

  • Using stored procedures – stored procedures are another way to separate queries from execution logic, and if implemented correctly, can also prevent SQL injection.

  • Applying the principle of least privilege – ensuring an application and database have only the minimal required privileges on the host machine, to minimize the impact of a breach.

  • Implementing input validation allow lists – this is a last line of defense, ensuring that software code sanitizes user inputs to ensure they match allowed patterns.

I hope this will be useful as you improve your security posture to prevent SQL injection attacks.

About the Author

Gilad David Maayan, CEO and Founder of Agile SEO
Gilad David Maayan

Gilad David Maayan is a technology writer who has worked with over 150 technology companies including SAP, Imperva, Samsung NEXT, NetApp and Ixia, producing technical and thought leadership content that elucidates technical solutions for developers and IT leadership.

Today he heads Agile SEO, a leading marketing agency in the technology industry.

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Attivo Networks (First of Three)

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  • As modern cybercriminals attempt to exploit vulnerable credentials and entitlements to move through networks undetected, IDR solutions play a meaningful role in stopping them, whereas other tools simply cannot.

  • Attivo Networks IDR Suite of Products can seamlessly extend to the cloud and deliver detailed entitlement visibility for identities – including users, applications, containers, serverless functions, and other assets.

Attivo Networks (Second of Three)

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Identity Detection Bundle: Includes ADSecure as part of the EDN® suite, which provides a full Identity Detection and Response (IDR) solution to detect AD attack, protect against credential theft and misuse, visualize attack paths, as well as detection for lateral movement.
  • Attivo Networks has leveraged its deep experience in privilege escalation and lateral movement detection to become a significant player in the Identity Detection and Response space.

  • In the last year, the company has secured its leadership position based on its broad portfolio of capabilities that focus on unprecedented visibility to exposures and misconfigurations of identities and entitlements and early detection of credential theft, misuse, and privileged escalation activities.

(The Attivo ThreatDefend® Platform delivers unparalleled attack prevention, detection, and adversary intelligence collection based on cyber deception and data concealment technologies for an informed defense. The platform efficiently derails attacker discovery, lateral movement, privilege escalation, and collection activities early in the attack cycle across endpoints, Active Directory, and network devices on-premises, in clouds, and on specialized attack surfaces. Courtesy of Attivo Networks and YouTube.)

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2021 'ASTORS' Premier Sponsors

*Attivo Networks is also a Returning Premier Sponsor of the Annual ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Awards Program for the Fourth Year, and a Multi-Platinum Award Winner in the 2020, 2019, 2018, and 2017 ‘ASTORS’ Awards Programs.

Through cyber visibility programs, deception, and conditional access tactics, the Attivo ThreatDefend® Platform offers a customer-proven, scalable solution for denying, detecting, and derailing attackers and reducing attack surfaces without relying on signatures.

The portfolio provides patented innovative defenses at critical points of attack, including at endpoints, in Active Directory, in the cloud, and across the entire network by preventing and misdirecting attack activity.

Forensics, automated attack analysis, and third-party integrations streamline incident response.

Deception as a defense strategy continues to grow and is an integral part of NIST Special Publications and MITRE® Shield, and its capabilities tightly align to the MITRE Engage™ Framework.

Attivo has won over 180 awards for its technology innovation and leadership.

In addition to the Platinum Award, Attivo Networks also won a much-coveted 2021 ‘ASTORS’ Extraordinary Leadership & Innovation Award, in recognition of their best-in-class cybersecurity and identity security platform in the global marketplace.

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TSA Administrator David Pekoske addressing attendees at the 2021 ‘ASTORS’ Awards Luncheon in New York City on November 17, 2021. (Be sure to see AST Exclusive Interview, facilitated by Dr. Kathleen Kiernan HERE.)

Our 2021 keynote speaker featured a moving and informative address from TSA Administrator and Vice-Admiral of the United States Coast Guard (Ret), David Pekoske; to our attendees who traveled from across the United States and abroad, on the strategic priorities of the 64,000 member TSA workforce in securing the transportation system, enabling safe, and in many cases, contactless travel.

Commissioner Bill Bratton signing copies of his latest work, ‘The Profession: A Memoir of Community, Race, and the Arc of Policing in America,’ at the 2021 ‘ASTORS’ Awards Presentation Luncheon. (Be sure to see AST Exclusive Interview with Comm Bratton, facilitated by Dr. Kathleen Kiernan HERE.)

Legendary Police Commissioner William Bratton of the New York Police Department, the Boston Police Department, and former Chief of the Los Angeles Police Department was also live at the event, meeting with attendees and signing copies of his latest work ‘The Profession: A Memoir of Community, Race, and the Arc of Policing in America,’ courtesy of the generosity of our 2021 ‘ASTORS’ Awards Premier Sponsors.

The 2022 ‘ASTORS’ Awards Program is Proudly Sponsored by New PLATINUM SPONSOR: NEC National Security Systems (NSS), New Premier Sponsors Rajant Corporation, and guardDog AI, and returning Sponsors to date, Automatic Systems, RX Global, and SIMS Software!

The continually evolving ‘ASTORS’ Awards Program will emphasize the trail of Accomplished Women in Leadership in 2022, as well as the Significance and Positive Impact of Advancing Diversity and Inclusion in our Next Generation of Government and Industry Leaders. #MentorshipMatters

So be on the lookout for exciting upcoming announcements of Speakers, Presenters, Book Signing Opportunities, and Attendees at the 2022 ‘ASTORS’ Awards Presentation Luncheon in November of 2022 in New York City!

Nominations are currently being accepted for the 2022 ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Awards at https://americansecuritytoday.com/ast-awards/.

Comprehensive List of Categories Include:

Access Control/ Identification Personal/Protective Equipment Law Enforcement Counter Terrorism
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Thermal/Infrared Camera Mass Notification System Fire & Safety
Metal/Weapon Detection Rescue Operations Critical Infrastructure
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Honoring the 20th anniversary of the Transportation Security Administration (Team TSA at the 2021 ‘ASTORS’ Awards Presentation Luncheon.)

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Representing NEC at the 2021 'ASTORS' Awards Luncheon -Stacey Brown, SVP Raffie Beroukhim, Dr. Kathleen Kiernan, 2021 'ASTORS' Industry Leader of the Year; Christopher Gillyard, Rachel Sisk, and Frank Sangiorg
Representing NEC Corporation at the 2021 ‘ASTORS’ Awards Luncheon at ISC in New York City – NEC Director of Marketing Stacey Brown, NEC Senior Vice President Raffie Beroukhim, NEC NSS President Dr. Kathleen Kiernan, the 2021 ‘ASTORS’ Extraordinary Industry Leadership & Innovation Person of the Year; NEC NSS Regional Sales Director Chris Gillyard, NEC NSS Executive Assistant Rachel Sisk, and NEC Regional Sales Director Frank Sangiorgi

Corporate firms, the majority of which return year to year to build upon their record of accomplishment include:

AlertMedia, Allied Universal, AMAROK, ATI Systems, Attivo Networks, Axis Communications, Automatic Systems of America, BriefCam, Canon U.S.A., Fortior Solutions, guardDog.ai, Hanwha Techwin of America, HID Global, Mark43, IPVideo Corporation, Konica Minolta Business Solutions, Lumina Analytics, NEC National Security Systems, NICE Public Safety, OnSolve, PureTech Systems, Quantum Corporation, Rave Mobile Safety, Regroup Mass Notification, Robotic Assistance Devices, Rajant Corporation, SafeLogicSenstar Corporation, ShotSpotter, Singlewire Software, SolarWinds Worldwide, Teledyne FLIR, Valor Systems, and Wiresecure, just to name a few!

Jeff Wiebell, Regional Sales Manager and David Enderle, President at Automatic Systems America accept the 2021 Platinum 'ASTORS' Award for Best Pedestrian Entrance Control Solution at ISC East.
Jeff Wiebell, Regional Sales Manager and David Enderle, President at Automatic Systems America accept the 2021 Platinum ‘ASTORS’ Award for Best Pedestrian Entrance Control Solution at ISC East.

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(See just a few highlights of American Security Today’s 2021 ‘ASTORS’ Awards Presentation Luncheon at ISC East. Courtesy of My Pristine Images and Vimeo.)

To learn more about ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Award Winners solutions, please see the 2021 ‘ASTORS’ CHAMPIONS Edition Fully Interactive Magazine – the Best Products of 2021 ‘A Year in Review’.

The Annual CHAMPIONS edition includes a review of Annual ‘ASTORS’ Award Winning products and programs, highlighting key details on many of the winning firm’s products and services, including video interviews and more.

It serves as your Go-To Source throughout the year for The Best of 2021 Products and Services endorsed by American Security Today, and can satisfy your agency’s and/or organization’s most pressing Homeland Security and Public Safety needs.

From Physical Security (Access Control, Critical Infrastructure, Perimeter Protection, and Video Surveillance Cameras and Video Management Systems), to IT Security (Cybersecurity, Encryption, Data Storage, Anti-Malware and Networking Security – Just to name a few), the 2021 ‘ASTORS’ CHAMPIONS EDITION has what you need to Detect, Delay, Respond to, and Mitigate today’s real-time threats in our constantly evolving security landscape.

It also includes featured guest editorial pieces from some of the security industry’s most respected leaders, and recognized firms in the 2021 ‘ASTORS’ Awards Program.

  • For a complete list of 2021 ‘ASTORS’ Award Winners, begin HERE.

For more information on All Things American Security Today, as well as the 2021 ‘ASTORS’ Awards Program, please contact Michael Madsen, AST Publisher at mmadsen@americansecuritytoday.com.

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