Increasing geopolitical tensions in maritime zones worldwide and in the Asia-Pacific regions have created a strategic impetus to consider new surveillance platforms for identifying real and perceived threats as they become imminent.
Now, more than ever, persistent situational awareness is critical.
However, unlike traditional landlocked conflict zones, maritime surveillance presents a unique challenge as ISR must be successful in multi-modal environments including air, land, and maritime environments.
Adding to that complexity is the presence of largely populated areas in multiple countries proximate to the conflict zone, making it difficult to select one tool or method to create an effective operational ‘big picture’ for decision makers.
It has been widely reported that regional states such as the Philippines, Singapore, Vietnam, Taiwan, Japan, and Korea, are actively increasing their proactive vigilance.
Wisely, they are also considering an all-of-the-above approach for their defenses to ensure full situational awareness with optimized intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) for land, air, and sea domains.
TCOM, the 2017 ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Awards Platinum Winner for Best Maritime/Seaport Security Solution, showcases the practical applications for ISR with its 28M aerostat, one of its leading Operational Class aerostats, which are ideal for monitoring areas in which ground-based surveillance would be rendered ineffective by domain obstructions, or where manned aerial surveillance is deemed too costly.
(Learn More about TCOM platforms, features, functionality and capabilities. Courtesy of TCOM, LP and YouTube)
Versatile Operational Class aerostat systems may carry payloads that include radar, SIGINT and COMMS Relay to altitudes as high as 5,000 ft above ground and stay 30 days on station.
This makes the systems ideal for maritime surveillance applications, protecting ports and costal borders, as well as inland border surveillance applications.
TCOM’s 28M is one of the most widely-used aerostat systems available today.
The 28M offers battle-proven reliability and can be customized with multiple payload configurations to meet the most demanding mission requirements.
TCOM Operational Class aerostat systems offer unrivaled versatility and performance.
These medium-sized aerostat systems offer both the flexibility and portability for accelerated launch and retrieval, along with the capacity for sustained deployment for up to two weeks at a time.
(Learn More. TCOM’s complete platform solutions include numerous classes of aerostats that can each be equipped with a broad selection of proven payloads that are customizable for specific customer requirements. Courtesy of TCOM and YouTube)
Consider the scenario of a crowded port environment where many ships and small craft are transiting through highly congested waterways.
A naval vessel enters a port but is limited to using surveillance equipment that looks outward from the deck level. There may also be ground-based equipment on shore.
Together these systems are unable to see all the critical activity at the water level.
A low, fast moving boat quickly approaches a larger vessel undetected by traditional methods.
This scenario occurred in 2000 with the terrorist attack on the USS Cole in Yemen.
(Store Keep Chief Petty Officer Sean Taitt relates his experience on USS Cole (DDG 67) when it was attacked in Aden, Yemen on 12 October, 2000. Courtesy of the U.S. Navy and YouTube)
Aerostat system monitoring the entire port area from hundreds or thousands of feet above would provide early warning to the larger vessel, allowing for a timely reaction.
The system could have provided actionable intelligence that allowed for a greater window of time for forces to intercept or engage.
As government decision makers consider using a multi-mode surveillance approach, TCOM’s aerostats stand out in their potential to serve as eyes in the sky in international waters and other maritime regions that have been immersed in perceived threats and real conflict.
They are easy to deploy, operate in multiple environments, are efficient and technology-agnostic.
In short, aerostats enable true persistent, real-time tactical ISR at an affordable cost.
(The TCOM 22M and 28M Operational Class Aerostats are versatile, battle-proven, rapid deployment, persistent surveillance solutions. They are equipped to detect and track targets in the most challenging terrain, including those at sea. Courtesy of TCOM and YouTube)
Aerostat systems need little time to deploy and have lower maintenance requirements at a substantially lower hourly operational cost than conventional aircraft and drones.
Moreover, aerostats offer a combination of wide viewing angles and high resolution for more precise identification of small objects as well as surveillance of larger areas.
In short, aerostats enable true persistent, real-time tactical ISR at an affordable cost.
The 2017 ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Awards Program
American Security Today’s 2017 ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Awards Presentation Luncheon at ISC East was an overwhelming success, with distinguished guests from National, State and Local Governments, and Industry Leading Corporate Executives from companies allied to Government.
Over 100 professionals gathered from across North America and the Middle East to be honored from disciplines across the Security Industry in their respective fields which included:
- The Department of Homeland Security
- The Department of Justice
- The Security Exchange Commission
- State and Municipal Law Enforcement Agencies, and
- Leaders in Private Security

The 2017 ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Awards Presentation Luncheon
Recognized for their Innovative Training and Education Programs, Outstanding Product Development Achievements and Exciting New Technologies to address the growing Homeland Security Threats our Nation is facing.
American Security Today was formed after careful reflection of 9/11 and its aftermath when the Department of Homeland Security was established and there was an immediate explosion of new products and solutions for what was perceived as an imminent second attack on primary targets in the United States.
As time moved forward from 9/11 itself and in recent years, the threats to our nation have evolved from a large scale 9/11 type attack to:
- Domestic and International Terrorist Attacks carried out by ‘lone wolves’ and coordinated individuals
- Cybersecurity breach attacks against our government agencies, financial institutions and critical infrastructure facilities
- Unprecedented urban violence
- Cultural shifts and societal media bias, which make it increasingly difficult to secure our nation in this constantly evolving threat environment.

These current circumstances have put forward another rapid expansion of new ideas, products and solutions to combat these ever changing challenges.
These changes have called for a new generation of security experts in the Homeland Security and Public Safety fields who need real time knowledge of our ever growing threats.
These experts include the Government at the Federal, State and Local levels as well as from Private Firms specializing in Physical Security, Port Security, Law Enforcement, First Responders, Military and Private Security responsible for implementing coordinated security measures to ensure our Nation’s Security and improve Public Safety.
Together, each of these entities work together seamlessly on the front lines of protecting our communities, to ‘Keep our Nation Secure, One City at a Time.’
AST focuses on Homeland Security and Public Safety Breaking News, the Newest Initiatives and Hottest Technologies in Physical & IT Security, essential to meeting today’s growing security challenges.
To highlight the tremendous accomplishments of agencies and firms receiving this prestigious award, check out American Security Today’s 2017 December ‘ASTORS’ Champions Edition – ‘Year in Review.’
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