Guest Editorial by Shirley Salzman, CEO, Co-Founder at SeeMetrics
Recent research from prominent analyst firm Proofpoint highlighting CISO burnout came as a big surprise to… no one at all in the cybersecurity industry.
We see burnout in so many CISOs with whom we work.
These security leaders are under intense pressure to meet expectations – from management, the Board, regulators, and (frankly) from themselves and their ambitions to excel.
CISOs are expected to deliver a burgeoning list of objectives with constantly-shrinking resources – lower budgets, smaller teams, and fewer tools. This is why nearly two-thirds of CISOs (61%) think the demands placed on them are excessive – up from 49% in 2022.
What’s more, CISO’s responsibility no longer ends with the organization itself. Today, it can easily end with personal, financial, and even criminal liability, as Uber CISO Joseph Sullivan discovered.
(Uber’s former chief security officer Joseph Sullivan was sentenced to serve a three-year term of probation and ordered to pay a fine of $50,000 for trying to conceal from federal investigators a 2016 data breach that exposed the information of 57 million users to hackers. Courtesy of SideChannel Virtual CISO Services and YouTube.)
All this is making professional life for CISOs untenable. It’s leading to a staggeringly high burnout rate (a global average of 60%) and a serious attrition rate.
Yet, if we set these clearly worrying human costs aside, CISO burnout needs to be seen for what it is: a serious blow to cybersecurity. Because without effective leadership, there can’t be effective security.
Why is this Happening?
From what I see in the field, a major contributing factor to CISO burnout is the inherent complexity of both evaluating an organization’s cyber performance and communicating it.
CISOs are constantly asked to answer hard questions and share the state of security operations.
Yet even the most basic questions are tough to answer accurately: Are we doing better? Worse? Are our efforts paying off? And zooming in to understand the ‘whys’ of cybersecurity is cumbersome, too.
Communicating what is happening is difficult when they themselves, are unable to grasp the details.
Furthermore, insights that are clear to cyber experts are far less clear to executives.
Indeed, according to Proofpoint, 62% of CISOs think that their Board needs more cybersecurity expertise – indicating that explaining technically complex issues remains a challenge for them.
Multiple other challenges compound these frustrations.
Firstly, CISOs and their security leadership are expected to reconcile an overwhelming amount of data in various formats and structures.
This data originates from overlapping layers of siloed tools in different formats, structures, and narratives.
And these tools – surprise, surprise – don’t communicate with each other.
Solutions managed by IT can’t talk with tools managed by Security or DevSecOps or the SOC or anyone – and vice versa. And even if siloed solutions could technically interoperate – inter-departmental politics often prevent them from doing so.
All this boils down to one core issue: there is no shortage of data, but there is a dearth of understanding.
Basically, today’s organizational security ecosystem is a Tower of Babel in which – just like in the Biblical parable – everyone is talking, but no one can understand each other.
Tearing Down the Security Tower of Babel
CISOs seeking to minimize burnout need to find a way to tear down the security Tower of Babel. They need to enable all parts of their organization’s cybersecurity apparatus to see the same indicators, the same trends, the same KPIs – and to speak the same language.
This is not a naïve vision. It remains a given that every security program comes with its own unique nature and measurements, and the road to consolidation and insights is not smooth.

Most importantly, it will empower CISOs to explain technically complex cyber issues at eye level, backed by easily understandable trends and data.
Yet CISO burnout is a powerful motivator for change, and the technology exists to solve these challenges.
As a veteran CISO we spoke with recently told us, “For years, I’ve been procuring and fighting for budgets for my ops team, but now it’s my time to equip myself with the management tools I need.”
This is a real-life CISO seeking a way to relieve his own burnout, seeking a solution for the daily challenge of measuring his own performance and that of his organization.
The Bottom Line
Effective security leadership and minimizing burnout is key for the integrity of the CISO community.
Helping CISOs make better data-driven decisions will enable a clearer path to prioritization, consolidation, resource allocation, and ultimately, governance.
Most importantly, it will empower CISOs to explain technically complex cyber issues at eye level, backed by easily understandable trends and data.
CISO burnout may not be surprising, but it is also not inevitable.
By adopting the tools and best practices that help both evaluate and communicate cybersecurity performance uniformly and clearly – CISOs can take the first steps to tear down the security Tower of Babel.
About the Author

Shirley Salzman, CEO, Co-Founder at SeeMetrics, a cybersecurity performance management platform for security leaders to see, track, and improve operations using data metrics and insights easily displayed from the cyber stack.
Shirley Salzman has acquired a decade of experience in commercial leadership (Percepto, Contguard, and Logic Industries).
Before her high-tech career, Salzman worked for global policy and strategy firms such as the German Marshall Fund of the U.S. and the Institute for Policy and Strategy at the Interdisciplinary Center, Herzliya, Israel.
Salzman holds an MA with honors in International Security and Non-Proliferation from King’s College, London.
SeeMetrics Secures a Win in 2023 ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Awards Program

American Security Today’s Annual ‘ASTORS’ Awards is the preeminent U.S. Homeland Security Awards Program, and now in its Eighth Year, continues to recognize industry leaders of Physical and Border Security, Cybersecurity, Emergency Preparedness – Management and Response, Law Enforcement, First Responders, as well as federal, state and municipal government agencies in the acknowledgment of their outstanding efforts to Keep our Nation Secure.

Best Security Workforce Management Platform
Cyber Performance Management Platform
Cybersecurity workforces have too much data and too few insights. While the average global organization has at least 29 security monitoring solutions in place, over half of cybersecurity stakeholders don’t use them.
This “tool sprawl” has created a tangled web of data, analysis and overlapping cybersecurity products. Deriving insights on stack performance currently relies on expensive consultants or static questionnaires that show a time-limited snapshot – not a real-time picture of the complex trends shaping security posture.

SeeMetrics offers a new way to steer the cybersecurity workforce: an accurate, accessible, actionable Bloomberg-like cybersecurity dashboard, that provides security team leaders a birds-eye view of overall capabilities (for example, where are the gaps in our ransomware readiness?) while enabling them to zoom-in on the all-important details (for example, is our mean time to respond lower or higher than the KPI?).
SeeMetrics’ Gartner-recognized Cybersecurity Performance Management (CPM) solution continuously harvests, correlates, and analyzes metrics from the many tools that make up today’s security stack.
Unlike other solutions, SeeMetrics derives insights directly from the stack, providing a continuous feed on how controls are actually performing, which lets security leaders establish a data-driven security posture baseline across all security platforms and organizational entities.
Its metrics have significant implications on where security leaders allocate manpower, how they adjust their budget, and to which critical cybersecurity areas they channel resources, making SeeMetrics a cybersecurity workforce management game-changer.
- *SeeMetrics was a new competitor in the 2022 ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Awards Program.

AST is pleased to announce that the 45th Police Commissioner for the City of New York, Keechant L. Sewell has agreed to participate in the 2023 ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Awards Ceremony and Banquet Luncheon as a guest speaker.
Please join AST in Welcoming Former Commissioner Sewell to the 2023 ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Awards Ceremony Luncheon on Thursday, November 16, 2023 in New York City.
Go to https://americansecuritytoday.com/product/awards-luncheon/ to secure your Seat or reserve a Table and Receive a Special Early Bird Discount.
***Limited space available. There will be No On-Site registrations.
The continually evolving ‘ASTORS’ Awards Program will highlight the trail of Accomplished Women in Leadership in 2023 and the Significance and Positive Impact of Advancing Diversity and Inclusion in our Next Generation of Government and Industry Leaders. Because #MentorshipMatters.
So be on the lookout for exciting upcoming announcements of Speakers, Presenters, Book Signing Opportunities, and Attendees at the 2023 ‘ASTORS’ Awards Presentation Luncheon on Thursday, November 16, 2023 in New York City at ISC East!
(See some highlights of the 2022 ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Awards Ceremony and Banquet Luncheon in New York City during ISC East at the Javits Center. Courtesy of AST and YouTube.)
Nominations are currently being accepted for the 2023 ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Awards at https://americansecuritytoday.com/ast-awards/.
Comprehensive List of Categories Include:
Access Control/ Identification | Personal/Protective Equipment | Law Enforcement Counter Terrorism |
Perimeter Barrier/ Deterrent System | Interagency Interdiction Operation | Cloud Computing/Storage Solution |
Facial/IRIS Recognition | Body Worn Video Product | Cyber Security |
Video Surveillance/VMS | Mobile Technology | Anti-Malware |
Audio Analytics | Disaster Preparedness | ID Management |
Thermal/Infrared Camera | Mass Notification System | Fire & Safety |
Metal/Weapon Detection | Rescue Operations | Critical Infrastructure |
License Plate Recognition | Detection Products | COVID Innovations |
Workforce Management | Government Security Programs | And Many Others to Choose From! |
Don’t see a Direct Hit for your Product, Agency or Organization?
Submit your category recommendation for consideration to Michael Madsen, AST Publisher, at: mmadsen@americansecuritytoday.com.
Homeland Security remains at the forefront of our national conversation as we experience an immigration crisis along our southern border and crime rates that are dramatically higher than before the Pandemic across the United States.

These challenges have become a national priority with an influx of investments in innovative new technologies and systems.
Enter American Security Today, the #1 publication and media platform in the Government Security and Homeland Security fields, with a circulation of over 75,000 readers and many tens of thousands more who visit our AST website at www.americansecuritytoday.com each month.
The pinnacle of the Annual ‘ASTORS’ Awards Program is the Annual ‘ASTORS’ Awards Ceremony Luncheon Banquet, an exclusive, full-course plated meal event in the heart of New York City.

The 2022 exclusive sold-out ‘ASTORS’ luncheon featured representatives of law enforcement, public safety, and industry leaders who came together to honor the selfless service of those who stand on the front lines and those who stand beside them – providing the capabilities and technologies to create a safer world for generations to come.
Last year marked the 20th anniversary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), which came out in force to discuss comprehensive collaborations between private and public sectors that have led to the development of intelligence and technologies which serve to protect our nation.

The keynote address was provided by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Office of Field Operations (OFO) Deputy Executive Assistant Commissioner (DEAC) Diane Sabatino, who described the changes to CBP through the tragedy of 9/11 and the relentless commitment to its mission and ongoing investment in the latest technologies and innovations to protect our borders and Homeland.
The resounding theme of the DEAC’s remarks was her pride in the women and men of the CBP and their families who support them.

AST was also joined by Legendary Police Commissioner William Bratton, who spoke about his love for the City of New York, the Profession of law enforcement to which he has dedicated his life, and for which he continues to drive thought leadership and innovation.
New York City Police Department (NYPD) Chief of Department Kenneth Corey, came out to address Luncheon attendees and shared some of his experiences and the changes in policing he’s witnessed over his more than three decades of service.

FDNY Chief Joseph Jardin honored the men and women of the FDNY, not only those who currently serve but all of those who have selflessly served, with special recognition of those lost on 9/11.
Chief Jardin spoke about the continuing health battle of many following 9/11 with cancer and respiratory disease, yet now knowing the full consequences, would not have made a different decision to respond.
As Chief Jardin noted, mission-driven service is the lifeblood of every firefighter, volunteer, and sworn member, and has been so throughout the history of the Fire Service.
Former head of the FBI’s active shooter program, Katherine Schweit joined AST to sign complimentary copies of her book, ‘STOP THE KILLING: How to End the Mass Shooting Crisis, thanks to the generosity of our 2022 ‘ASTORS’ Awards Sponsors.
The 2023 ‘ASTORS’ Awards Program is Proudly Sponsored by Platinum Event Sponsor: NEC National Security Systems (NSS)
(Hear directly from Keith Terreri, Executive Vice President of Enterprise Services and Business Operations at NEC Corporation of America, on why NEC supports the Annual ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Awards Program and the value NEC receives for participating in the preeminent U.S. Homeland Security Awards Program. Courtesy of NEC, American Security Today, and YouTube.)
And Our RETURNING Premier Sponsors:
ATI Systems, Automatic Systems of America,
IPVideo Corporation, Rajant Corporation, RX Global, SIMS Software, and American Security Today!
In 2022, AST was pleased to welcome the esteemed New York City Fire Department (FDNY); the New York City Police Department (NYPD); and the NYC Hospital Police, as well as Executive Management from the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), and many other DHS agencies, Federal law enforcement agencies, and private/public partnerships such as the National Association of Women Law Enforcement Executives (NAWLEE), the 30×30 Initiative, a coalition of professionals advancing the representation of women in policing; and Operation Lifesaver, Inc. (OLI) (rail safety advocates).

The prestigious Annual ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Awards Program highlights the most cutting-edge and forward-thinking security solutions coming onto the market today, to ensure our readers have the information they need to stay ahead of the competition and keep our Nation safe – one facility, street, and city at a time.

In 2022 over 240 distinguished guests representing Federal, State, and Local Governments and Industry Leading Corporate Firms gathered from across North America, Europe, and the Middle East to be honored among their peers in their respective fields.
Each year, to keep our communities safe and secure, security dealers, installers, integrators, and consultants, along with corporate, government, and law enforcement/first responder practitioners, convene in New York City to network, learn and evaluate the latest technologies and solutions from premier exhibiting brands at ISC East, the Natural Disaster & Emergency Management Expo (NDEM EXPO), and the ASIS NYC Expo.
ISC East is the Northeast’s leading security & public safety event, hosted in collaboration with sponsor Security Industry Association (SIA) and in partnership with ASIS NYC.

Corporate firms, the majority of which return year to year to build upon their Legacy of Wins, include:
Advanced Detection Technologies, AMAROK, ATI Systems, Axis Communications, Automatic Systems, BriefCam, Canon U.S.A., Cellbusters, CornellCookson, CyberArk Fortior Solutions, guardDog.ai, Hanwha Techwin of America, High Rise Escape Systems, IPVideo Corporation, Konica Minolta Business Solutions, NEC National Security Systems, NICE Public Safety, OnSolve, PureTech Systems, Quantum Corporation, Rave Mobile Safety, Regroup Mass Notification, Robotic Assistance Devices, Rajant Corporation, SafeLogic, Select Engineering Services LLC, Singlewire Software, SolarWinds Worldwide, Teledyne FLIR, Valor Systems, and West Virginia American Access Control Systems, just to name a few!
Why American Security Today?
The traditional security marketplace has long been covered by a host of publications putting forward the old-school basics to what is Today – a fast-changing security landscape.
American Security Today is uniquely focused on the broader Homeland Security & Public Safety marketplace with over 75,000 readers at the Federal, State, and local levels of government and firms allied to the government.
American Security Today brings forward a fresh, compelling look and read with our customized digital publications that hold readers’ eyes throughout the story with cutting-edge editorial that provides solutions to their challenges.
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AST Digital Publications are distributed to over 75,000 qualified government and homeland security professionals in federal, state, local, and private security sectors.
AST Reaches both Private & Public Experts, which is essential to meeting these new challenges.
Today’s new generation of public safety and security experts need real-time knowledge to deal with domestic and international terrorism, lone wolf attacks, unprecedented urban violence, shifts in society, culture, and media bias – making it increasingly difficult for Homeland Security, Law Enforcement, First Responders, Military and Private Security Professionals to implement coordinated security measures to ensure national security and improve public safety.
These experts are from Government at the federal, state, and local levels as well as from private firms allied to the government.
AST provides a full plate of topics in our AST Monthly Magazine Editions, AST Website, and AST Daily News Alerts, covering 23 Vital Sectors such as Access Control, Perimeter Protection, Video Surveillance/Analytics, Airport Security, Border Security, CBRNE Detection, Border Security, Ports, Cybersecurity, Networking Security, Encryption, Law Enforcement, First Responders, Campus Security, Security Services, Corporate Facilities, and Emergency Response among others.
AST has Expanded readership into integral Critical Infrastructure audiences such as Protection of Nuclear Facilities, Water Plants & Dams, Bridges & Tunnels, and other potential targets of terrorism.
Other areas of concern include Transportation Hubs, Public Assemblies, Government Facilities, Sporting & Concert Stadiums, our Nation’s Schools & Universities, and Commercial Business Destinations – all enticing targets due to the large number of persons and resources clustered together.
To learn more, please see the 2022 ‘ASTORS’ CHAMPIONS Edition Fully Interactive Magazine – the Best Products of 2022 ‘A Year in Review.’
The Annual CHAMPIONS edition reviews ‘ASTORS’ Award Winning products and programs, highlighting key details on many of the winning firm’s products and services, including video interviews and more.
The 2022 CHAMPIONS serves as your Go-To Source through the year for ‘The Best of 2022 Products and Services‘ endorsed by American Security Today – and can satisfy your agency’s and/or organization’s most pressing Homeland Security and Public Safety needs.
From Physical Security (Access Control, Critical Infrastructure, Perimeter Protection, and Video Surveillance Cameras and Video Management Systems), to IT Security (Cybersecurity, Encryption, Data Storage, Anti-Malware, and Networking Security – to name a few), the 2022 ‘ASTORS’ CHAMPIONS EDITION has what you need to Detect, Delay, Respond to, and Mitigate today’s real-time threats in our constantly evolving security landscape.
It also features guest editorial pieces from some of the security industry’s most respected leaders and recognized firms in the 2022 ‘ASTORS’ Awards Program.
For more information on All Things American Security Today, as well as the 2023 ‘ASTORS’ Awards Program, please contact Michael Madsen, AST Publisher at mmadsen@americansecuritytoday.com.
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