Be in It to Win It! 2017 ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Awards Program

Receive the Recognition your Organization Deserves

The ‘ASTORS’ Awards Program has had an overwhelming response with many top firms competing to secure a prestigious ‘ASTORS’ Award and receive the recognition they deserve.

AST’s publisher Michael Madsen, announced an AST ‘ASTORS’ Awards Preview Edition will be published in an upcoming AST Digital Magazine – a Full Feature Issue devoted to the competing firms and their achievements with an introduction to our 70,000+ readers.

Acknowledge the Most Distinguished Vendors of Physical, IT, Cyber, Port of Entry Security, Law Enforcement, First Responders, Perimeter Protection, Communications as well as Federal, State, County and Municipal Government Agencies in Acknowledgment of Their Outstanding Efforts to: ‘Keep our Nation Safe – One City at a Time’


Comprehensive List of Categories, which Include:

Access Control, Identification, Perimeter Barrier/Deterrent System, Audio Analytics

Video Surveillance/VMS, Thermal/Infrared Camera, Metal/Weapons Detection, LPR

Facial/IRIS Recognition, Personal/Protective Equipment, Body Worn Video Product

Mobile Technology, Disaster Preparedness, Mass Notification, Rescue Operation

Detection Products, Interagency Interdiction Operation, Fire & Safety

Critical Infrastructure, Emergency Response, Law Enforcement Counter Terrorism

Cloud Computing/Storage Solution, Anti-Malware, Cyber, ID Management

Government Excellence Awards & So Much More!

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Government Excellence Nominations are at No Cost in Gratitude for Your Service

Please View our Complete List of Categories & Opportunities for Your Organization to Compete and Distinguish Your Achievements in this Exclusive Opportunity to receive the Recognition Your Organization Deserves.


For Sponsorship Opportunities and More Information on the AST 2017 ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Awards Program, please contact Michael Madsen, AST Publisher at:

Or call 732.233.8119 (mobile) or 646-450-6027 (office)


The 2017 ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Awards Program Luncheon which will take place the afternoon of November 15, 2017.

Michael Madsen, the Show Manager, is available to discuss Sponsorship Opportunities, Exhibitor Registration, Speaker Scheduling, Group Attendee Discount Admissions and any further questions you may have at, 732-233-8119.

AST focuses on New and Evolving Security Threats at All Levels of Homeland Security and Public Safety for personnel who are on the front lines of protecting our communities, cities and nation. AST reaches both the private and public experts, essential to meeting these new challenges.