The FAA published a detailed and long-awaited proposal to create a Remote ID system to track and manage every flight by millions of drones, and stakeholders responded swiftly, logging over 1,000 concerns re privacy and cost within three days of its publication.

FAA Issues Proposed Rule on Remote ID for Drones, Comment Period Open

The U.S. Department of Transportation’s (DOT) Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has announced a proposed rule that would continue the safe integration of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), (also commonly called drones), into...
The U.S. military and U.S. President Donald Trump has said no Americans were killed or wounded in a barrage of ballistic missile strikes targeting U.S. troops in Iraq.

Iran Targets US Troops with Ballistic Missiles (Learn More, Multi-Video)

January 8, 2020 – In Breaking News – BCC News More than a dozen missiles launched from Iran struck two air bases in Irbil and Al Asad, west of Baghdad. It is unclear...
The FAA has released plans for general aviation (GA) flight restrictions, including a reservation program and temporary flight restriction (TFR), in South Florida in the days surrounding the Super Bowl.

Super Bowl LIV FAA Flight REQs for GA Pilots and Order No Drone Zone

General Aviation pilots who want to fly around Miami or Fort Lauderdale between January 27th and February 4th, 2020, will need to check out the FAA’s Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) for air...

‘ASTORS’ Winning Liteye Counter UAS Opens New 55K Sq. Ft. Facility

Countering the threat caused by rogue drones is now a global issue and an increasing concern for the military, government and homeland security forces across every continent. To address these threats, Liteye Systems, a...
The FLIR MUVE C360 is a time-saving, game-changer for emergency responders, industrial safety officers, and environmental monitoring experts.

FLIR MUVE™ Best CBRNE Detection Solution in 2019 ‘ASTORS’ Awards

FLIR Systems, a Winner of the Annual 'ASTORS' Homeland Security Awards Program for Four Consecutive Years, is pleased to announce the FLIR MUVE™ C360 has been selected as the Platinum Award...
DroneTracker software is the central nervous system for a complete solution. It integrates sensors, performs machine-learning analysis, and connects mitigation technology.

‘ASTORS’ Finalist Dedrone Releases DroneTracker 4.1 (Multi-Video)

Dedrone, a new competitor in the 2019 'ASTORS' Homeland Security Awards Program, is pleased to announce the company's DroneTracker, has been selected as a Finalist in the 2019 'ASTORS' Homeland Security...
The AeroVironment Puma 3 AE is a fully man-portable UAS is easy to transport, deploy and operate, and can be launched from anywhere, at any time, requiring no additional infrastructure, such as runways or launch devices. (Courtesy of AeroVironment)

AeroVironment Receives $5.25M Contract for US Border Patrol

AeroVironment has received a $5,254,912 firm fixed-price contract award for PumaTM 3 AE systems and support equipment on August 8, 2019 for the U.S. Border Patrol (USBP), which has been nominated in the...
The FLIR MUVE C360 is a time-saving, game-changer for emergency responders, industrial safety officers, and environmental monitoring experts.

FLIR MUVE™ C360 Selected as a Finalist in 2019 ‘ASTORS’ Awards

FLIR Systems, a Winner of the Annual 'ASTORS' Homeland Security Awards Program for Three Consecutive Years, is pleased to announce the FLIR MUVE™ C360 has been selected as a Finalist in...
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) on Tuesday called on governments and industry to work together to make the best use of modern technology to put the passenger at the centre of the journey and to achieve greater efficiency from infrastructure. (Courtesy of IATA and Twitter)

More Control, Less Waiting: Top Priorities for Travelers (Multi-Video)

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) has released its 2019 Global Passenger Survey results, which highlights that passengers are looking to technology to improve their travel experience. Acting as the voice of...

US Army Receives Real-Time Video Distribution Tech for WASP Aerostats

Drone Aviation Holding Corp., a developer of specialized, tethered aerial monitoring and communications platforms serving national defense and homeland security customers, recognized in the 2018 ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Awards Program, and a...