The new InteliSight platform, UTC Aerospace Systems’ Aircraft Data Management solution was relaunched with added functionality.
InteliSight integrates hardware and software applications to deliver critical data, and communication links including access to real-time weather and aircraft health and performance information, to flight crews and airline operators.
Access to this data allows operators to avoid turbulent weather, increasing safety and enhancing passenger experience, as well as aircraft component health monitoring which can improve operational efficiency.
UTC Aerospace Systems’ InteliSight™ solutions help flight crews, ground crews and airline operations teams increase safety, optimize cost and improve customer service.
Depending on a customer’s needs, all InteliSight™ solutions can be customized based on their unique, modular struture, and all solutions are 100% turn-key, making implementation easy.
Not only do customers receive the necessary hardware, installation kits and applications to do the job well, they also receive industry-leading 24/7 global support from our worldwide network.
With InteliSight™ solutions, pilots will be able to access intelligent analytics wherever they are, allowing them to adjust aircraft operations based on real-time data.
By providing immediate access to live data, InteliSight™ can lead to cost and time savings for airlines by increasing the opportunity for improved fuel consumption, on-time departures and arrivals, and the elimination of paper-based processes.
By decreasing time from takeoff to landing and enhancing communications between flight and ground crews, our advanced apps are contributing to more intelligent customer service and a better passenger experience.
The InteliSight™ platform enables a tablet device to function as an Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) by interfacing with avionics and displaying key aircraft data for commercial and military aircraft operators.
The innovative EFB system consists of two patented Tablet Interface Modules (TIMs), our best-in-class Aircraft Interface Device (AID), and an installation kit. The TIM® connects mobile devices to aircraft systems via the AID.
This enables the use of mobile tablet technology on the flight deck, providing data such as GPS position, ground speed and aircraft heading – something that has been previously unavailable to tablet EFB users.
All Line Replacement Units (LRUs) are certified by multiple airworthiness authorities.
Our Aircraft Interface Device (AID) uses the tremendous amount of data generated by modern aircraft to enhance crew awareness of flight operations, and allows that to be shared with ground-based teams at locations maintained by the operator.
Combining the aircraft health information with global positioning information allows operators to maintain a clear view of their entire fleet, in-flight or on the ground, at any given time.
The aircraft’s health and position reporting integrates with a variety of communications providers, including SATCOM or ACARS.
The frequency and volume of data sent to ground teams can be tailored, including customizable triggers, allowing additional time to mitigate any safety or maintenance concerns.

Bringing together hardware, applications,
security and services on one future-proof platform.
The InteliSight platform is aircraft and mobile technology agnostic, and can be tailored to specific operator requirements, and has been certified on a wide range of aircraft platforms and validated with major global airworthiness authorities.
Intelligent flight for airlines requires collecting, analyzing and delivering the right data to the right people, at the right time, in order to make decisions that will improve safety, situational awareness, and/or operating efficiency, all while reducing crew and operator workloads.
The InteliSight platform integrates and delivers actionable data via the Aircraft Interface Device (AID) in conjunction with mobile and/or hosted applications to enable flight crews and ground operations to make decisions ranging from optimal flight profiles to predictive maintenance.
The open platform design of the AID allows operators to host various applications from a range of providers, including those developed by UTC Aerospace Systems and third- parties.
The ability to host these applications will help expand the functionality of the AID throughout the life of the aircraft.
With a focused shift to proactive strategies through advanced data and predictive analytics, the InteliSight platform gives operators the ability to solve current and future challenges cost-effectively.